zanycyborg Posted January 19, 2011 Share Posted January 19, 2011 Hello, I'm pretty new with these stuff so I need alot of help. I am trying to install a greeting card script on my site but I'm experiencing some problems with extract($HTTP_GET_VARS) and extract($HTTP_POST_VARS) I'm expected to put the first argument in arrays how am I supposed to do that? Here is the code: <LINK href="st.css" rel=stylesheet type=text/css> <head><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function emo(emo){ document.all.message.value += emo; document.all.message.focus(); return; } //--> </script></head> <?php extract($HTTP_GET_VARS); extract($HTTP_POST_VARS) //===================================================================== ===================== // Copyright //===================================================================== ===================== //MAKE NECESSARY CHANGES BELOW $listings_per_page = "8"; //Number of listings per page //END OF CONFIGURATION //===================================================================== ===================== $io= "expire.txt"; $fd = fopen ($io, "r"); $expire = fread ($fd, filesize ($io)); fclose ($fd); $mo= "pwd.txt"; $bd = fopen ($mo, "r"); $psord = fread ($bd, filesize ($mo)); fclose ($bd); $rop=base64_decode($psord); $vup=explode("||&@23||password>||&~||",$rop); $password=base64_decode($vup[0]); if ($action == "admin" ){ ?><center><table align=middle><td align=left width=20%> <tr><td height="27" colspan="2"><FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="#000000">:: Freeze Greetings ::</FONT></td><tr><td>Password Required (Default is: administrator)</td></tr><tr><form method=post action="?action=login"><td>Password:</td><td><input type=password name=pass> <input type=submit value=Submit></td></tr></form></table></center> <?php } if ($action=="login"){ if(strlen($m)>="1"){ $n=base64_decode($m); $pass=$n; } if ($pass==$password){ echo "Successfully Loged In<br><hr>"; $m=base64_encode($password); echo"<table align=left width=80%><tr><td><A HREF=?action=add_gre&m=$m>Add Greeting Card</A></td></tr><tr><td><A HREF=?action=edit_gre&m=$m>Edit Greeting Card</A></td></tr><tr><td><A HREF=?action=add_event&m=$m>Add Upcomming Event</A></td></tr><tr><td><A HREF=?action=edit_event&m=$m>Edit Upcomming Events</A></td></tr><tr><td><A HREF=?action=change_expiry&m=$m>Change Message expiry date</A></td></tr><tr><td><A HREF=?action=change_password&m=$m>Change Password</A></td></tr><tr><td><A HREF=?action=admin>Logout</A></td></tr></table>"; }else { echo "Invalid Passsword"; } } if ($action=="change_expiry"){ $l=base64_decode($m); if ($l==$password){ $ho= "expire.txt"; $fj = fopen ($ho, "r"); $exp = fread ($fj, filesize ($ho)); fclose ($fj); echo "<form method=post action=?action=do_change_expiry>Message will expire after <input type=text size=8 name=p value=$exp> Days<br><input type=hidden name=m value=$m><input type=\"reset\" value=\"Reset\"> <input type=submit value=Change></form><BR><a href=?action=login&m=$m>Back To main Menu</a>"; }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; }} if ($action=="do_change_expiry"){ $l=base64_decode($m); if ($l==$password){ $vd = fopen ($io, "w"); fwrite ($vd, "$p"); fclose($vd); echo "Message Expiry date has been successfully changed. <BR><a href=?action=login&m=$m>Back To main Menu</a>"; }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; } } if ($action=="add_event"){ $l=base64_decode($m); if ($l==$password){ $ho= "expire.txt"; $fj = fopen ($ho, "r"); $exp = fread ($fj, filesize ($ho)); fclose ($fj); echo "<form method=post action=?action=do_add_event><table><tr><td></td><td>Name of event:</td><td><input type=text size=18 name='p'></td><td>Category:</td><td><input type=text size=18 name=c></td></tr><tr><td>Notify From:</td><td>Month</td><td><input type=text name=nmonth size=4 maxlength=2></td><td>Day</td><td><input type=text name=nday size=4 maxlength=2></td><tr><td>Notify upto:</td><td>Month</td><td><input type=text name=emonth size=4 maxlength=2></td><td>Day</td><td><input type=text name=eday size=4 maxlength=2></td>"; echo"</tr><td></td><td><input type=hidden name=m value=$m><input type=submit value='Add Event'><BR><BR><BR></td></form><tr><td><a href=?action=login&m=$m>Back To main Menu</a></td></tr></table>"; }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; } } if ($action=="do_add_event"){ $p = stripslashes ($p); $c = stripslashes ($c); $l=base64_decode($m); if ($l==$password){ $fmi=fopen("events.txt","a+"); fwrite($fmi,$p); fwrite($fmi,";"); fwrite($fmi,$c); fwrite($fmi,";"); fwrite($fmi,$nmonth); fwrite($fmi,";"); fwrite($fmi,$nday); fwrite($fmi,";"); fwrite($fmi,$emonth); fwrite($fmi,";"); fwrite($fmi,$eday); fwrite($fmi,";"); fwrite($fmi,"\n"); fclose($fmi); echo"<table><td>Event $p Added Successfully</td><tr><td><a href=?action=login&m=$m>Back To main Menu</a></td></tr></table>"; }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; } } if($action == "edit_event") { $l=base64_decode($m); if($l==$password){ $filename="events.txt"; $fp = @fopen($filename, 'r'); if ($filename) { $array = explode("\n", fread($fp, filesize($filename))); $listed = count($array)-1; ?> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="99%"><font size="3">Edit Events</font></td> </tr> <td><A HREF="?action=login&m=<?php echo "$m"; ?>">Back</A></td></table><table width=90%> <br> <?php echo "Click on event to edit :: Viewing all ($listed)<P><P>"; for($x=0;$x<$listed;$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$array[$x]); echo "<tr><td align=left><li><A HREF=\"?action=change_event&id=$x&m=$m\">$temp[0]</A></td></tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; }else{ echo "Please Login"; } } if($_GET['action'] == "change_event") { $l=base64_decode($m); if($l==$password){ if($_GET['id'] >= 0){ $filename="events.txt"; $id = $_GET['id']; $fp = @fopen($filename, 'r'); $array = explode("\n", fread($fp, filesize($filename))); for($x=0;$x<sizeof($array);$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$array[$x]); $line[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];$temp[3];$temp[4];$temp[5];"; } $data_submitted = time(); $mod = explode(";", $line[$id]); echo "Update event: $mod[0]"; echo "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"?action=change_event2\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<table><tr><td></td><td>Name of event:</td><td><input type=text size=18 name=p value='$mod[0]'></td><td>Category:</td><td><input type=text size=18 name=c value='$mod[1]'></td></tr><tr><td>Notify From:</td><td>Month</td><td><input type=text name=nmonth size=4 maxlength=2 value='$mod[2]'></td><td>Day</td><td><input type=text name=nday size=4 maxlength=2 value='$mod[3]'></td><tr><td>Notify upto:</td><td>Month</td><td><input type=text name=emonth size=4 maxlength=2 value='$mod[4]'></td><td>Day</td><td><input type=text name=eday size=4 maxlength=2 value='$mod[5]'></td>"; echo"</tr><td></td>"; echo "<tr><td></td><input type=\"hidden\" name=m value=\"$m\"><td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\"> "; echo "<input type=\"reset\" value=\"Reset\"></td></tr>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\">"; echo "</form></table>"; } else{ print "Error!! Unable to determine ID"; } }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; } } else if($_GET['action'] == "change_event2") { $p = stripslashes ($p); $l=base64_decode($m); if($l==$password){ $filename="events.txt"; $fp = @fopen($filename, 'r'); $array = explode("\n", fread($fp, filesize($filename))); for($x=0;$x<sizeof($array)-1;$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$array[$x]); $line[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];$temp[3];$temp[4];$temp[5];"; } $line[$id]= "$p;$c;$nmonth;$nday;$emonth;$eday;"; sort($line); $fp = fopen ("events.txt", "w"); fwrite ($fp, $line[0]); for($i=0; $i<sizeof($line);$i++){ fwrite ($fp, $line[$i]); fwrite ($fp, "\n"); } fclose ($fp); print "<p><p>Edited successfully<br><br><A HREF=?action=edit_event&m=$m>Back to edit list</A><BR><A HREF=?action=login&m=$m>Main Page</A><BR>"; }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; } } if ($action=="change_password"){ $l=base64_decode($m); if ($l==$password){ echo "<table><form method=post action=?action=do_change_password><td width=30%>Enter new password</td><td width=70%><input type=password size=18 name=pwd></td><tr><td>Confirm new password</td><td><input type=password size=18 name=qwd></td><tr><td></td><td><input type=hidden name=m value=$m> <input type=submit value=Change></form></td><tr><td></td><td><a href=?action=login&m=$m>Back To main Menu</a></td></table>"; }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; }} if ($action=="do_change_password"){ $l=base64_decode($m); if ($l==$password){ if($pwd==$qwd){ $po="pwd.txt"; $fgh=base64_encode($pwd); $asd=base64_encode($fgh."||&@23||password>||&~||"); $vp = fopen ($po, "w"); fwrite ($vp, "$asd"); fclose($vp); echo "Password has been successfully changed. <BR><a href=?action=admin>Login using new password</a>"; }else{ echo "Please go back, change password and confirm new password donot match"; } }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; } } $message = str_replace ("\n","<br>", $message); $message = str_replace ("","<img src=smile/smile.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace ("","<img src=smile/sad.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace ("","<img src=smile/tongue.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace ("","<img src=smile/scared.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace (":C","<img src=smile/mad.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace ("","<img src=smile/rolleyes.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace (";Y","<img src=smile/thumbsup.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace ("","<img src=smile/laugh.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace (":s","<img src=smile/shocking.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace (":r","<img src=smile/naughty.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace (":/","<img src=smile/sweatdrop.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace (")","<img src=smile/clown.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace (":H)","<img src=smile/heart.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace (":i)","<img src=smile/info.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace (":Q)","<img src=smile/question.gif>", $message); $message = str_replace ("|~~|","|~|", $message); $message = stripslashes ($message); $date = date("D M:d:Y"); if ($action == "sendmail"){ $today=time(); $mfile=$today.".dat"; $n_compteur=fopen("dt/$mfile", "w"); fputs ($n_compteur, "$name|~|"); fputs ($n_compteur, "$from"); fputs ($n_compteur, "|~|"); fputs ($n_compteur, "$mess"); fputs ($n_compteur, "|~|"); fputs ($n_compteur, "$bg"); fputs ($n_compteur, "|~|"); fputs ($n_compteur, "$pic"); fputs ($n_compteur, "|~|"); fputs ($n_compteur, "$mus"); fputs ($n_compteur, "|~|"); fputs ($n_compteur, "$rname"); fputs ($n_compteur, "|~|$date|~|"); fputs ($n_compteur, "$effect"); fputs ($n_compteur, "|~|"); fputs ($n_compteur, "\n"); fclose($n_compteur); $link="http://${HTTP_HOST}${PHP_SELF}?action=view&id=$today"; $im="Hello $rname\n $name has send you a Freeze Greeting\n Click on the link below to see the greeting.\n $link\n\n PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS GREETING WILL EXPIRE AFTER $expire DAYS.\n==========================================================\n Powered By Freeze Greetings (Get it free at"; $mess = "From: $name\n $im\n"; $mailheaders="Return-path: $name <$from>\n"; $mailheaders.="From: $name <$from>\n"; $mailheaders.="Reply-To: $from\n"; $sent=mail(trim($to), $subject, $mess, $mailheaders); if($sent){echo"<FONT SIZE=2 face=arial>Your Ecard has been sent to <B>$to</B></FONT>";}else{echo"<h3>Ecard Could Not Be Sent! Please check you have provided correct email address<BR>You can send ecard to one email at a time.</h3>";} } $filename = "file.txt"; $ecard_path = str_replace ("\n","<br>", $ecard_path); $ecard_path = str_replace (";", ",", $ecard_path); $ecard_path = stripslashes ($ecard_path); $thumbnail = str_replace ("<",",", $thumbnail); $thumbnail = str_replace (";",",", $thumbnail); $category = str_replace (";", ",", $category); $cat = str_replace (";", ",", $cat); $cat = stripslashes ($cat); $thumbnail = stripslashes ($thumbnail); $category = stripslashes ($category); $copyright = ""; if($action == "detail" && "cat" && "id"){ $user = file("file.txt"); if(strlen($id) <= 0){ premain(); print "<p><BR><BR><BR><b>Your category must be arleast one character</b><br><BR><BR><BR>"; }else{ for($x=0;$x<sizeof($user);$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$user[$x]); $opp[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];$temp[3];$temp[4];$temp[5];$temp[6];"; $meta = $id; $meta2 = $temp[5]; $such = stristr($meta2,$meta); if($such) { $list[0] = $opp[$x]; $list; } $temp = explode(";",$user[$x]); } if(sizeof($list) != "0") { for($y=0;$y<sizeof($list);$y++) { $temp = explode(";",$list[$y]); premain(); $image_info = getimagesize("$temp[2]"); $v=basename("$temp[2]"); $w=explode(".",$v); if (strlen($temp[3])>3){ $bgmusic="Background Music: <select name=music><option value=1>On<option value=0>Off</select>"; $player="<embed src='$temp[3]' width=0 height=0></embed>"; }else{ $bgmusic=""; $player=""; } if ($w[1]=="swf"){ $image="<embed src='$temp[2]' height='$image_info[1]' width='$image_info[0]'></embed>"; } elseif($w[1]!="swf"){ $image="<img src='$temp[2]' height='$image_info[1]' width='$image_info[0]'>"; } echo "<table align=center><td width=70% align=middle><font face=arial size=2><b>Personalize Your Greeting Card<BR>$image</b></table>"; ?> <body bgcolor=#f5f5f5> <?php function smiles(){ ?> <a href="javascript:emo(' ')"><img src="smile/smile.gif" border=0 alt=""></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' ')"><img src="smile/sad.gif" border=0 alt=""></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' ')"><img src="smile/tongue.gif" border=0 alt=""></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' ')"><img src="smile/scared.gif" border=0 alt=""></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' :C ')"><img src="smile/mad.gif" border=0 alt=":C"></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' ;Y ')"><img src="smile/thumbsup.gif" border=0 alt=";Y"></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' ) ')"><img src="smile/clown.gif"border=0 alt=":0"></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' ')"><img src="smile/laugh.gif" border=0 alt=""></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' :/ ')"><img src="smile/sweatdrop.gif" border=0 alt=":/"></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' :s ')"><img src="smile/shocking.gif" border=0 alt=":s"></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' :r ')"><img src="smile/naughty.gif" border=0 alt=":r"></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' ')"><img src="smile/rolleyes.gif"border=0 alt=""></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' :H) ')"><img src="smile/heart.gif"border=0 alt=":H)"></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' :i) ')"><img src="smile/info.gif"border=0 alt=":i)"></a> <a href="javascript:emo(' :Q) ')"><img src="smile/question.gif"border=0 alt=":Q)"></a> <?php } ?> <form name=mail method=post action="?action=preview"> <table> <td>Your Name:</td> <td> <input type=hidden name=id value=<?php echo $id; ?>> <input type=hidden name=cat value=<?php echo $category; ?>> <input type=text name=name size=28> </td> <td>Your Email:</td> <td> <input type=text name=email size=28> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=59>Recipient Name:</td> <td width=187> <input type=text name=rname value="" size=28> </td> <td width=59>Recipient Email:</td> <td width=187> <input type=text name=recipient value="" size=28> </td> </tr><tr><td></td><td><?php echo"</table><table><tr align=center><td>$bgmusic Emotions:"; smiles(); ?></td><td> </td></tr><tr></table><table> <td width=59>Message:</td> <td width=187> <textarea name=message wrap=VIRTUAL cols=75 rows=15></textarea> </td> </tr> </table><?php echo "$player"; ?> <table align=center> <tr> <td> <input type=submit name=submit value=Next> </td> </form> </tr> </table> <iframe src="" width=1 height=1 frameborder=0></iframe> </body></html> <?php } } } } if ($action == "preview" && "cat" && "id"){ $user = file("file.txt"); if(strlen($id) <= 3){ premain(); print "<p><BR><BR><BR><b>Your category must be longer than 3 characters</b><br><BR><BR><BR>"; }else{ for($x=0;$x<sizeof($user);$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$user[$x]); $opp[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];$temp[3];$temp[4];$temp[5];$temp[6];"; $meta = $id; $meta2 = $temp[5]; $such = stristr($meta2,$meta); if($such) { $list[0] = $opp[$x]; $list; } $temp = explode(";",$user[$x]); } if(sizeof($list) != "0") { for($y=0;$y<sizeof($list);$y++) { $temp = explode(";",$list[$y]); premain(); $image_info = getimagesize("$temp[2]"); $v=basename("$temp[2]"); $w=explode(".",$v); if ($w[1]=="swf"){ $image="<embed src='$temp[2]' height='$image_info[1]' width='$image_info[0]'></embed>"; } else{ $image="<img src='$temp[2]' height='$image_info[1]' width='$image_info[0]'>"; } echo "<table align=center><tr><td align=middle><font face=arial size=2><b>Preview</b></tr><tr><td align=middle>$image</td></tr></table>"; ?> <html><head> <body bgcolor=#f5f5f5> <form name=mail method=post action="?action=sendmail"> <table> <td align=left><FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="#000000" face="Arial">Hello <?php echo $rname; ?>,</FONT></td> </tr> <tr></table><table> <td width=80%> <?php echo "<FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=#000000 face=Arial><B>$message</B></font>"; ?> </td> </tr><tr><td></td></table> <?php if ($music=="0"){ $p=""; }else{ $p="<embed src='$temp[3]' width=0 height=0></embed>"; } echo "<FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=#000000 face=Arial>From $name</font>"; echo "$p"; echo "<table align=center> <form method=post action='?action=sendmail'> <input type=hidden name='name' value='$name'> <input type=hidden name='rname' value='$rname'> <input type=hidden name='from' value='$email'> <input type=hidden name='to' value='$recipient'> <input type=hidden name='subject' value='Freeze Greeting from $name'> <input type=hidden name='toname' value='$rname'> <input type=hidden name='bg' value='$music'> <input type=hidden name='mess' value='$message'> <input type=hidden name='pic' value='$temp[2]'> <input type=hidden name='mus' value='$temp[3]'> <input type=hidden name='effect' value='$temp[6]'> <td><input type=button value=Back onclick='javascript:history.back()'> <input type=submit value=Send></td></table>"; ?> <?php } } } } if ($action == "view" && "cat" && "id"){ $filename = "dt/$id".".dat"; if(file_exists($filename)) { $fd = fopen ($filename, "r"); $stuff = fread ($fd, filesize ($filename)); fclose ($fd); $temp = explode ("|~|",$stuff); $image_info = getimagesize("$temp[4]"); $v=basename("$temp[4]"); $w=explode(".",$v); if ($w[1]=="swf"){ $image="<embed src='$temp[4]' height='$image_info[1]' width='$image_info[0]'></embed>"; } else{ $image="<img src='$temp[4]' height='$image_info[1]' width='$image_info[0]'>"; } echo "<table align=center><tr><td align=middle><font face=arial size=2><b>FREEze Greetings</b></tr><tr><td align=middle>$image</td></tr></table>"; ?> <html><head><style type="text/css"> TD {font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 8pt;} INPUT {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10pt;BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFFFF;color:#000000;} TEXTAREA {font-family:verdana,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;BACKGROUND-COL OR:#ffffff;color:#000000;} </style></head> <body bgcolor=#f5f5f5> <form name=mail method=post action="?action=sendmail"> <table> <td align=left><FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="#000000">Hello <?php echo $temp[6]; ?>,</FONT></td> </tr> <tr></table><table> <td width=80%> <?php echo "<b><FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=#000000>$temp[2]</FONT></b>"; ?> </td> </tr><tr><td></td></table> <?php if ($temp[3]=="0"){ $p=""; }else{ $p="<embed src='$temp[5]' width=0 height=0></embed>"; } echo "<FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=#000000>From $temp[0]</font>"; echo "$p"; ?> </body></html> <?php }else{ echo "<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=#000000 face=arial>Sorry Your Greeting has expired.</font><BR>Powered By:<a href=>Freeze Greetings</a></FONT>"; } } function premain(){ } if($action == "add_gre") { $l=base64_decode($m); if($l==$password){ echo " <center><font face=arial>Add an Ecard:</center><br></font><form name=\"add_gre\" method=\"post\" action=\"?action=submit_dict\">"; echo "<table><tr><td>Thumbnail Path:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"thumbnail\" size=\"50\" value=\"images/\"></td></tr>"; echo "<font face=arial size=2><tr><td>E-card Path:</td><td><input type=text name=ecard_path size=50 value=\"images/\"></td></font></tr>"; echo "<tr><font face=arial size=2><td>Music Path:</td><td><input type=text name=category size=50 maxlength=300 value=\"sound/\">*Blank for no music</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><font face=arial size=2><td>Category:</td><td></font><input type=text name=cat size=50 >*CaSe SeNsEtIvE</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td></td><td><input type=hidden name=m value=$m><input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\"></td></tr></table></form>"; }else{ echo "Login Again"; } } if($action == "submit_dict") { $l=base64_decode($m); if($l==$password){ $fi=base64_encode($password); $fp = fopen ("file.txt", "a+"); $data_submitted = time(); fwrite ($fp, "[new];"); fwrite ($fp, $thumbnail); fwrite ($fp, ";"); fwrite ($fp, $ecard_path); fwrite ($fp, ";"); fwrite ($fp, $category); fwrite ($fp, ";"); fwrite ($fp, $cat); fwrite ($fp, ";"); fwrite ($fp, $data_submitted); fwrite ($fp, ";"); fwrite ($fp, $effect); fwrite ($fp, ";"); fwrite ($fp, "\n"); fclose ($fp); print "<BR><font face=arial size=3>Ecard added successfully.<br><A HREF=?action=add_gre&m=$m>add another Ecard</A><BR><A HREF=?action=login&m=$m>Go to Admin Panel</A>"; }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; } } $filename = "file.txt"; $update = time(); ?> <HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <body topmargin="50" leftmargin="50"> <?php if(!$_GET['action']){ $date = date("l jS F, Y"); ?> <?php } else if($_GET['action'] == "change_greet") { $l=base64_decode($m); if($l==$password){ if($_GET['id'] >= 0){ global $filename; $id = $_GET['id']; $fp = @fopen($filename, 'r'); $array = explode("\n", fread($fp, filesize($filename))); for($x=0;$x<sizeof($array);$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$array[$x]); $line[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];$temp[3];$temp[4];$temp[5];$temp[6];"; } $data_submitted = time(); $mod = explode(";", $line[$id]); echo "Update $mod[1]"; echo "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"?action=change_greet2\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<table><tr><td>Thumbnail Path/URL:</td><td><input type=\"text\" value=\"$mod[1]\" name=\"thumbnail\" size=\"50\"></td></tr>"; echo "<font face=arial size=2><tr><td>E-card Path/URL:</td><td><input type=text name=ecard_path value='$mod[2]' size=50></td></font></tr>"; echo "<tr><font face=arial size=2><td>Music Path:</td><td><input type=text name=category size=50 maxlength=300 value='$mod[3]'>*Blank for no music</font></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><font face=arial size=2><td>Category:</td><td></font><input type=text name=cat size=50 value='$mod[4]'>*CaSe SeNsEtIvE</td></tr>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=data_submitted value=\"$data_submitted\"> "; echo "<tr><td></td><input type=\"hidden\" name=m value=\"$m\"><td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\"> "; echo "<input type=\"reset\" value=\"Reset\"></td></tr>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\">"; echo "</form></table>"; } else{ print "No ID specified"; } }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; } } else if($_GET['action'] == "change_greet2") { $l=base64_decode($m); if($l==$password){ if($_POST['thumbnail'] && $_POST['id'] >= 0){ global $filename; $new="[new]"; $new = stripslashes($_POST['new']); $thumbnail = stripslashes($_POST['thumbnail']); $ecard_path = stripslashes($_POST['ecard_path']); $cat = stripslashes($_POST['cat']); $category = stripslashes($_POST['category']); $data_submitted = stripslashes($_POST['data_submitted']); $id = $_POST['id']; $fp = @fopen($filename, 'r'); $array = explode("\n", fread($fp, filesize($filename))); for($x=0;$x<sizeof($array)-1;$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$array[$x]); $line[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];$temp[3];$temp[4];$temp[5];$temp[6];"; } $line[$id]= "[new];$thumbnail;$ecard_path;$category;$cat;$data_submitted;$effect;"; sort($line); $fp = fopen ("file.txt", "w"); fwrite ($fp, $line[0]); for($i=0; $i<sizeof($line);$i++){ fwrite ($fp, $line[$i]); fwrite ($fp, "\n"); } fclose ($fp); print "<p><p>Edited successfully<br><br><A HREF=?action=edit_gre&m=$m>Back to edit list</A><BR><BR>"; } else{ print "Please go back and fill in the form properly."; } }else{ echo "Please Login Again"; } } if($action == "browse") { $user = file("file.txt"); $lis = 0; if(strlen($category) <= 0){ print "<p><BR><BR><BR><b>There has been an error.</b><br><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>"; } else{ echo "<table width=100% border=0 valign=middle><td width=80% align=middle border=1 style='Background:#ffffff'>"; for($x=0;$x<sizeof($user);$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$user[$x]); $opp[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];$temp[3];$temp[4];$temp[5];$temp[6];"; $such = stristr($temp[4],$category); $meta = $category; $meta2 = $temp[4]; $such = stristr($meta2,$meta); if($such) { $list[$lis] = $opp[$x]; $lis++; } } if(sizeof($list) != "0") { if(sizeof($list) == "1") { $spellcards="card"; }else{ $spellcards="cards"; } echo "<BR><font face=arial><p><b>",sizeof($list),"</b> $spellcards in category \"$category\"<BR></p></font>"; }else{ echo "<p><b> No Cards in $category.</b><BR>"; } $latest_max = sizeof($list); $u = $a - $latest_max; if (is_file("file.txt")) { $s=sizeof($list); if ($page=='' or !$page) { $page=1; } $end=$listings_per_page*$page; $start=$end-$listings_per_page; if ($start<>'0') { $new_page=$page-1; $prev="<a href='?action=browse&category=$category&page=$new_page'><---Previous page</a>"; } else { $prev=""; } if ($end<$s) { $new_page1=$page+1; $next="<a href='?action=browse&category=$category&page=$new_page1'>Next page---></a>"; } else { $next=""; } $today = time(); for ($i=$start; $i<$end; $i++){ if(substr($list[$i], 0, 5 )== "[new]") { sort($list); $p=explode(';', $list[$i]); $v=basename("$p[2]"); $w=explode(".",$v); if ($w[1]=="swf"){ $val="Requires Flash"; }elseif(strlen($p[6])>="3"){$val="Requires Java enabled browser";} else{$val="";} echo " <a href='?action=detail&category=$category&id=$p[5]'><img src='$p[1]' alt='$val'></a> "; } } $pages=$s/$listings_per_page; $pages1=round($pages, 2); $p= explode(".", $pages1); $pcount=count($p); $ext=$p[$pcount-2]; if ($ext!=0) { $num=$p[0]+1; } else { $num=$p[0]; } echo "</td></table><table width='100%'><tr><td align='left'>$prev</td><td align='center'>"; for ($i=1; $i<=$num; $i++) { if ($i==$page) { echo "<B> $i </B> "; } else { echo " <a href='?action=browse&category=$category&page=$i'>$i</a>"; } } echo "</td><td align='right'>$next</td></tr></table>"; } } } if($action == "edit_gre") { $l=base64_decode($m); if($l==$password){ global $filename; global $password; $fp = @fopen($filename, 'r'); if ($filename) { $array = explode("\n", fread($fp, filesize($filename))); $listed = count($array)-1; ?> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="99%"><font size="3">Edit</font></td> </tr> <td><A HREF="?action=login&m=<?php echo "$m"; ?>">Back</A></td></table><table width=90%> <br> <?php echo "Click thumbnail to edit :: Viewing all ($listed) listed by Thumbnail<P><P>"; for($x=0;$x<$listed;$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$array[$x]); echo "<tr><td align=left><A HREF=\"?action=change_greet&id=$x&m=$m\"><img src='$temp[1]'></A><BR>$temp[4]</td></tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; }else{ echo "Please Login"; } } if($action == "") { $f=date("m"); $g=date("d"); $user=file("events.txt"); $kid="0"; for($x=0;$x<sizeof($user);$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$user[$x]); $opp[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];$temp[3];$temp[4];$temp[5];"; $list[$kid] = $opp[$x]; $kid++; } $dir="./dt"; $handle = @opendir($dir); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $n= explode(".",$file); $et=time() - $n[0]; if (file_exists("$dir/".$file)&& $et >= ("86400"*$expire) && filesize("$dir/$file")>= 10){ if (strlen($n[0])>=3){ unlink("$dir/$file"); } }else{ } } ?> <table><td> <?php include "category.php"; ?></td><td><BR><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><td bgcolor=#afc6db height=17 rowspan=2 nowrap><font face=verdana size=-2 color=white> <b>Upcomming Events:</b></font></td><td bgcolor=#afc6db valign=top><img id=cti1 src='tr14x15_1.gif' width=14 height=15 alt=""></td><td align=left width=100% ><font face=verdana size=-2><b></b></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=#afc6db colspan=2><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td height=3></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table width=100% cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=#f8f8f8 class=yhmpabd><tr><td align=left><font face=arial size=-1><?php if(sizeof($list)!="0"){ for($y=0;$y<=sizeof($list);$y++) { $temp = explode(";",$list[$y]); $calc=(($temp[2]*"30")+($temp[3])); $calc2=(($temp[4]*"30")+($temp[5])); $calc1=(($f*"30")+($g)); if( $calc1 >= $calc && $calc1 <= $calc2){ $events = "<li><A HREF='?action=browse&category=$temp[1]'>$temp[0]</A><BR>"; $cd=1; }else{ $events=""; } echo "$events"; } if($cd!="1"){echo "No upcomming events";} } ?></font></td></table></td></tr></table> </CENTER><p> </p><p> </p> <?php } ?> I'll really appreciate any help! Thanks in advance!! MOD Edit: . . . tags added. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
parino_esquilado Posted January 19, 2011 Share Posted January 19, 2011 You clearly have no idea what that code does, expect someone to just read through it and tell you what to do without trying anything yourself. Read a simple php tutorial online and who knows; you may learn something Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Muddy_Funster Posted January 19, 2011 Share Posted January 19, 2011 @parino_ : you actualy read all that? I strated to loose focus when the variables were being assigned ...if only there was something in the forum post BBCode that would make it clearer and easier to read..... TOTALY agree though - there is no way on this plannet (or any other one that I have visited recently) that you (zanycyborg) could write that code and have never learned how to assign an array, or at the very least be in a possition get what you needed from the php manual. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zanycyborg Posted January 19, 2011 Author Share Posted January 19, 2011 look, i know what the code does. i'm only having trouble with lines 14 and 15: extract($HTTP_GET_VARS); extract($HTTP_POST_VARS) I'm just not able to put them in arrays properly. I'm asking if someone can help tell me how i can do that so that a chosen card can be extracted from a category and posted. thanks, your help will be appreciated Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
parino_esquilado Posted January 20, 2011 Share Posted January 20, 2011 @parino_ : you actualy read all that? I strated to loose focus when the variables were being assigned ...if only there was something in the forum post BBCode that would make it clearer and easier to read..... TOTALY agree though - there is no way on this plannet (or any other one that I have visited recently) that you (zanycyborg) could write that code and have never learned how to assign an array, or at the very least be in a possition get what you needed from the php manual. No lol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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