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So basically, My Bulletfactory page is playing up. Every 30 minutes the bulletfactory should produce bullets, it is producing the bullets fine, but only when someone views the page (after 30 minutes is up). If there any kind of PHP refresh for this? Or do i just use normal refresh?



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Didnt' work  :-[


This is the PHP code part of the page:

<?php session_start();
include_once "click_limit.php";

$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'");

$query_bf=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bf WHERE location='$fetch->location'");

if (strtolower($fetch_bf->owner) == (strtolower($fetch->username))){

$up=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM site_stats WHERE id='1'"));
$a=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bf WHERE location='$fetch->location'");
$user=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$b->owner'"));
//$minus=$user->money - 1000;

if ($user->money < 1000){
mysql_query("UPDATE bf SET owner='None', producing='No' WHERE id='$b->id'");

if ($fetch_bf->time < time() && $fetch_bf->producing == "Yes" && $crap != "1"){
mysql_query("UPDATE bf SET stock=stock+750 WHERE `location`='$fetch_bf->location'");
mysql_query("UPDATE bf SET `time`='$new_time' WHERE `location`='$fetch_bf->location'");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET `money`=`money`-75000 WHERE username='$b->owner'");

if ($fetch->last_bullet > time()){

$left = " ".maketime($fetch->last_bullet)."";

echo "You have dona a bullet deal recently, you have to wait for $left seconds before you can do another!";



if (strip_tags($_POST['check']) && (strip_tags($_POST['amount']))){
if ($amount == 0 || !$amount || ereg('[^0-9]',$amount)){
print "You cant buy that amount.";

}elseif ($amount != 0 || $amount || !ereg('[^0-9]',$amount)){

$costs = $fetch_bf->price * $amount;
if ($costs > $fetch->money){
echo "You do not have enough money";
} elseif ($costs <= $fetch->money){
$nmoney=$fetch->money - $costs;
if ($fetch_bf->stock < $amount){
	echo "Not that many bullets in the store.";
} elseif ($amount <= $fetch_bf->stock){
	$nbullets=$fetch->bullets + $amount;
	$nstock = $fetch_bf->stock - $amount;

if ($fetch_bf->owner == "0"){
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET bullets='$nbullets', money='$nmoney' WHERE username='$username'");

	mysql_query("UPDATE bf SET stock='$nstock', profit='$costs' WHERE location='$fetch->location'");
	echo "Bullets successfully bought.";

}elseif ($fetch_bf->owner != "0"){
$fetch_owner=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$fetch_bf->owner'"));
	$new_owner=$fetch_owner->money + $costs;

	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET bullets='$nbullets', money='$nmoney' WHERE username='$username'");

	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money='$new_owner' WHERE username='$fetch_bf->owner'");

	mysql_query("UPDATE bf SET stock='$nstock', profit='$costs' WHERE location='$fetch->location'");
	echo "Bullets Successfully Bought.";
    $time= time() + 1800;
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET last_bullet='$time' WHERE username='$username'");




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Line 6 of BF.php is the code you posted. Functions is just the basic functions of the website, Doesn't have header anywhere inside it though?


Start of functions file:

include_once "db_connect.php";
echo "<link rel=stylesheet href=includes/in.css type=text/css>";
<link rel=stylesheet href=includes/in.css type=text/css>
<link rel=stylesheet href=in.css type=text/css>
$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' LIMIT 1");
$info = mysql_fetch_object($query);
$don=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM donaters WHERE username='$username'"));
$langs=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE username='$username'"));

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Ajax may be the way to go?

I've got a nice script lying around in here  :P

Let me know if intrested.


It's a lot of code, in basic you update the div with the time you'll give it.

I use it all the time @ work with our own message system


Don't really understand that? Sorry.


I'm just lost as to why it only updates when someone views the page.

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Oh, I think I know what you mean. You want php to produce these bullets every 30 minutes, but not depend on a user to view a page? If so, you need to look into cron jobs.

oOo I get what he's goin' for now.  You've just clarified his whole problem in my mind. :P
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Oh, I think I know what you mean. You want php to produce these bullets every 30 minutes, but not depend on a user to view a page? If so, you need to look into cron jobs.

oOo I get what he's goin' for now.  You've just clarified his whole problem in my mind. :P


Yess! haha! That's what i want!!


Unfortunately i am as new as this post to cronjobs. Best get revising!!

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Oh, I think I know what you mean. You want php to produce these bullets every 30 minutes, but not depend on a user to view a page? If so, you need to look into cron jobs.

oOo I get what he's goin' for now.  You've just clarified his whole problem in my mind. :P


Yess! haha! That's what i want!!


Unfortunately i am as new as this post to cronjobs. Best get revising!!

I thought you were sayin' it wasn't loading when you refreshed, but it did when you revisited the page .. and I got lost.  Well, enjoy learning then and best of luck to ya.
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1) Upload both .js form the attachment to you're server

2) Ad these lines in you're header


<script src="jquery.js"></script>

<script src="updatediv.js"></script>


Add this to the header:


$(document).ready(function() {

          $("#example ajax").load("file witch you want to reload without revisiting.php");

  var refreshId = setInterval(function() {

      $("#example ajax").load("file witch you want to reload without revisiting.php?randval=\'+ Math.random());

  }, 1000);




That should do the trick, the page get the data without reloading the page.


[attachment deleted by admin]

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Let's say we have an index.php and a data.php.

In data.php you'll retreive all the data.


In index.php put the code in the header along with the javascripts.

make in the index.php a div ajax, define the size as you see fit, then the javascripts will keep that div updated with the interval time you specify.



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