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Webserver spec for the following


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I am wanting to host my site that has the following attributes:


Php site and mysql backend.


Hits per day: 5000 ish


Page views per day: 15000 ish



Site is used to share photos so php GD library will need to process picture compression etc.



What kind of server will host this. do you think a shared server would host this ok or should i go VPS or dedicated?


What spec server should i be looking at (Memory / processor)




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Well here's my opinion. Always better to have a dedicated for yourself, yes it cost more, but then again you have total control and don't have to follow anyone's limits and rules.

You can even recoup some money back by hosting a few sites yourself.


You start using cpu and memory the host would quickly send you a letter or even suspend you, seen it way too many times.


I will make a suggestion.



I used to rent a dedicated i7 quad 9700, 8 gig mem, 750 sata, 2TB month bandwidth and had unlimited uploads. It never went down once in an entire years time and was lightning fast with cpu only ever hitting 30% a few times and kept the memory hovering at 4 gig as a balance point.


I had 20,000+ hits a day, had a feed aggregator/auto post website that did a thousand or so websites feeds.


Keep checking their specials out. These guys are instant for responses as well, they take pride in their work.


I'd still have my server from them, is 2 reasons why I no longer do, I had a movie-tv website, plus I had bigger plans and that host does not allow any type of nude images or porn. Just wouldn't work for me with my new project.



BTW if gonna do gd, make a cache folder for the created images to take some cpu load off.


One last item, if ever wanted to do your own virtual dedicated and vps hosting can install centos and hypervm/kloxo

Kloxo used to be called lxadmin


Is all free and a comlete hosting solution, easy to do.


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