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php college help....


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So heres my issue... I am a student studying php and as a project am making an online php phonebook. 

It is database driven, and currently I am having issues with the delete page. the code for this is attached and the website is online and said page can be viewed at:




from the above page you will notice that I cannot delete the record... please help!!


As I said, I am a student and do not claim to be an expert. I do however want to learn where I have gone wrong.


My issue is that it wont delete the record chosen in the dropdown because I am not sure what code to use. I have the code Attached, I hope people can help.




[attachment deleted by admin]

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try adding an " or die(mysql_error()) after these queries

    $del_master = "delete from master_name where id = $_POST[sel_id]";

    $del_address = "delete from address where id = $_POST[sel_id]";

    $del_tel = "delete from telephone where id = $_POST[sel_id]";

    $del_fax = "delete from fax where id = $_POST[sel_id]";

    $del_email = "delete from email where id = $_POST[sel_id]";

    $del_note = "delete from personal_notes where id = $_POST[sel_id]";


On a side not, any reason you made so many tables? You could have made one table with these fields in the one table.

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the amount of tables was part of the project. we were told to use that amount... I did the orDie() and it is showing a mySql error.... i have tried different variables trying to get the master id.... [sel_id] is what I thaught it should have been....

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you did the die like so:


    $del_master = "delete from master_name where id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    mysql_query($del_master) or die(mysql_error());

    $del_address = "delete from address where id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    mysql_query($del_address) or die(mysql_error());

    $del_tel = "delete from telephone where id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    mysql_query($del_tel) or die(mysql_error());

    $del_fax = "delete from fax where id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    mysql_query($del_fax) or die(mysql_error());

    $del_email = "delete from email where id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    mysql_query($del_email) or die(mysql_error());

    $del_note = "delete from personal_notes where id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    mysql_query($del_master) or die(mysql_error());


If it is giving an error, what is it?

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ya the die function is here:

if ($_POST[op] == "delete"){
    $del_master = 'DELETE from master_name where id = $_POST[sel_id]';
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_address = 'DELETE FROM address where id = $_POST[sel_id]';
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_tel = 'DELETE FROM telephone where id = $_POST[sel_id]';
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_fax = 'DELETE FROM fax where id = $_POST[sel_id]';
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_email = 'DELETE FROM email where id = $_POST[sel_id]';
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_note = 'DELETE FROM personal_notes where id = $_POST[sel_id]';
    or die(mysql_error());


the error is this:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[sel_id]' at line 1

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here is the code in its entirity.

// make methods to include for getting details for dropdown so it can be used with edir entry and selentry. 

if ($_POST[op] != "view") {
   //haven't seen the form, so show it
   $display_block = "<h1>Select an Entry To Delete</h1>";

   //get parts of records
    $get_list = "select id, concat_ws(', ', l_name, f_name) as display_name
        from master_name order by l_name, f_name ";
   $get_list_res = mysql_query($get_list) or die(mysql_error());

   if (mysql_num_rows($get_list_res) < 1) {
       //if no records
       $display_block .= "
       <img src='/images/redExclamation.png/' width='50' height='80' alt='Sorry, no records to Edit!'>  
       <em>     Sorry, There are no records In The Database to Modify!</em>
       //has records, so get results and print in a form
       $display_block .= "
       <form method='post' action='$_SERVER[php_SELF]'>
       <P><strong>Select a Record Below:</strong><br>
       <select name='sel_id'>
       <option value=' '>Select One</option>
       while ($recs = mysql_fetch_array($get_list_res)) {
           $id = $recs['id'];
           $display_name = stripslashes($recs['display_name']);

           $display_block .= "
           <option value='$id'>$display_name</option> 
       $display_block .="
       <input type='hidden' name='op' value='view'>
       <p><input type='submit' name='submit'
           value='Modify Details'></p>

else if ($_POST[op]=='view'){
    //check for required fields
    if ($_POST[sel_id]==""){
        header('Location: delentry.php');

    //get master_info
    $get_master = "select concat_ws(' ', f_name, l_name) as display_name
         from master_name where id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    $get_master_res = mysql_query($get_master);
    $display_name = stripslashes(mysql_result($get_master_res, 0,'display_name'));
    $display_block ="<h1>Do you want to delete $display_name ?</h1><table>";
   //get all addresses
    $get_addresses = "select address, city, county, type
         from address where master_id = $_POST[sel_id]"; //gets address details from masterid stored as sel_id from item selected in list.
    $get_addresses_res = mysql_query($get_addresses);

     if (mysql_num_rows($get_addresses_res) > 0) {

        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Address:</strong></td>";

        while($add_info = mysql_fetch_array($get_addresses_res))
            $address = $add_info[address];
            $city = $add_info[city];
            $county = $add_info[county];
            $address_type = $add_info[type];
            $display_block .= "<td>$address $city $county</td>

        $display_block .="<tr></tr>";
        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Address:</strong></td><td>Sorry!, No Address to Display for $display_name.</td></tr>";

    //get all tel
    $get_tel = "select tel_number, type from telephone where master_id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    $get_tel_res = mysql_query($get_tel);

    if (mysql_num_rows($get_tel_res) > 0) {
        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Telephone:</strong></td>";

        while ($tel_info = mysql_fetch_array($get_tel_res)) {
            $tel_number = $tel_info[tel_number];
            $tel_type = $tel_info[type];

            $display_block .= "<td>$tel_number</td> <td>($tel_type)</td></tr>";
        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Telephone:</strong></td><td>Sorry, No Telephone number On File For $display_name</td>"; 
        //if no telephone number in database for this entry

        //get all fax
    $get_fax = "select fax_number, type from fax where master_id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    $get_fax_res = mysql_query($get_fax);

    if (mysql_num_rows($get_fax_res) > 0) {

        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Fax:</strong></td>";

        while ($fax_info = mysql_fetch_array($get_fax_res)) {
           $fax_number = $fax_info[fax_number];
            $fax_type = $fax_info[type];

            $display_block .= "<td>$fax_number</td><td> ($fax_type)</td></tr>";

        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Fax:</strong></td><td>Sorry, No Fax number On File For $display_name</td>"; 
            // if no fax number on file displays this

            //get all email
        $get_email = "select email, type from email where master_id = $_POST[sel_id]";
        $get_email_res = mysql_query($get_email);

    if (mysql_num_rows($get_email_res) > 0) {

        $display_block .="<tr><td><strong>Email:</strong></td>

        while ($email_info = mysql_fetch_array($get_email_res)) {
            $email = $email_info[email];
            $email_type = $email_info[type];

         $display_block .="
            <td>$email </td><td>($email_type)</td></tr>
     $display_block .="
       <tr><td><strong>E-Mail:</strong></td><td>Sorry, No E-mail Address On File For $display_name</td>
        "; //if no email on file for this entry

    //get personal note
    $get_notes = "select note from personal_notes where
         master_id = $_POST[sel_id]
    $get_notes_res = mysql_query($get_notes);

    if (mysql_num_rows($get_notes_res) == 1) {
        $note = nl2br(stripslashes(mysql_result($get_notes_res,0,'note')));

        $display_block .="
        <tr><td><strong>Personal Notes:</strong></td><td>$note</td></tr></table>
        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Personal Notes:</strong></td><td>Sorry, No Personal Notes On File For $display_name</td></table>
        //end display all details.

   $display_block .="
   <P align='center'>
   <form method='post' action='$_SERVER[php_SELF]'>
   <td>Are You Sure You Want to Delete <b>$display_name 's</b> record?</td></tr>
        <input type='hidden' name='op' value='delete'>
        <input type='image' value='delete' src='images\confirm.gif' alt='YES, Delete record For $display_name' border='0' \>

        <input type='image' value='dontDelete' src='\images\decline.gif' alt='No!, Do not Delete record For $display_name' border='0' \>
if ($_POST[op] == "delete"){
    $del_master = "DELETE from master_name where id = {$_POST[sel_id]}";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_address = "DELETE FROM address where id = {$_POST[sel_id]}";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_tel = "DELETE FROM telephone where id = {$_POST[sel_id]}";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_fax = "DELETE FROM fax where id = {$_POST[sel_id]}";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_email = "DELETE FROM email where id = {$_POST[sel_id]}";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_note = "DELETE FROM personal_notes where id = {$_POST[sel_id]}";
    or die(mysql_error());
else if ($_POST[op] == "dontDelete") {
    header("Location: editentry.php");
<TITLE>Editing record For: <? print $display_name?></TITLE>
<link href="/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="\images\confirm.gif" >
<div align="center"
<? menuInclude.php; ?>
<? print $display_block; ?>


as it has changed a small bit since the upload of the file earlier.

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I have hit a wall.... I think there may be some error with the <form> or <input>elements.... in that there is an input named 'op' im not sure if this is a reserved word but I am using this in the confirm button, which is an image. there is something not right with that.... I think that my button is not excecuting the delete statements and instead just returning to delentry.php main page with the dropdown selector.


any help greatly appreciated!

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What should I put in to make it know what to delete? I have been trying different things and I think u are right, it doesent know what to delete.... ? current code below


// make methods to include for getting details for dropdown so it can be used with edir entry and selentry. 

if ($_POST[op] != "view") {
   //haven't seen the form, so show it
   $display_block = "<h1>Select an Entry To Delete</h1>";

   //get parts of records
    $get_list = "select id, concat_ws(', ', l_name, f_name) as display_name
        from master_name order by l_name, f_name ";
   $get_list_res = mysql_query($get_list) or die(mysql_error());

   if (mysql_num_rows($get_list_res) < 1) {
       //if no records
   $display_block .= "
   <img src='/images/redExclamation.png/' width='50' height='80' alt='Sorry, no records to Edit!'>  
   <em>     Sorry, There are no records In The Database to Modify!</em>
       //has records, so get results and print in a form
       $display_block .= "
       <form method='post' action='$_SERVER[php_SELF]'>
   <P><strong>Select a Record Below:</strong><br>
       <select name='sel_id'>
       <option value=' '>Select One</option>
       while ($recs = mysql_fetch_array($get_list_res)) {
           $id = $recs['id'];
           $display_name = stripslashes($recs['display_name']);

           $display_block .= "
	   <option value='$id'>$display_name</option> 
       $display_block .="
       <input type='hidden' name='op' value='view'>
       <p><input type='submit' name='submit'
           value='Modify Details'></p>

else if ($_POST[op]=='view'){
    //check for required fields
    if ($_POST[sel_id]==""){
        header('Location: delentry.php');

    //get master_info
    $get_master = "select concat_ws(' ', f_name, l_name) as display_name
         from master_name where id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    $get_master_res = mysql_query($get_master);
    $display_name = stripslashes(mysql_result($get_master_res, 0,'display_name'));
$display_block ="<h1>Do you want to delete $display_name ?</h1><table>";
   //get all addresses
    $get_addresses = "select address, city, county, type
         from address where master_id = $_POST[sel_id]"; //gets address details from masterid stored as sel_id from item selected in list.
    $get_addresses_res = mysql_query($get_addresses);

     if (mysql_num_rows($get_addresses_res) > 0) {

        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Address:</strong></td>";

        while($add_info = mysql_fetch_array($get_addresses_res))
            $address = $add_info[address];
            $city = $add_info[city];
            $county = $add_info[county];
            $address_type = $add_info[type];
            $display_block .= "<td>$address $city $county</td>

	$display_block .="<tr></tr>";


	$display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Address:</strong></td><td>Sorry!, No Address to Display for $display_name.</td></tr>";

    //get all tel
    $get_tel = "select tel_number, type from telephone where master_id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    $get_tel_res = mysql_query($get_tel);

    if (mysql_num_rows($get_tel_res) > 0) {
        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Telephone:</strong></td>";

        while ($tel_info = mysql_fetch_array($get_tel_res)) {
            $tel_number = $tel_info[tel_number];
            $tel_type = $tel_info[type];

            $display_block .= "<td>$tel_number</td> <td>($tel_type)</td></tr>";
	$display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Telephone:</strong></td><td>Sorry, No Telephone number On File For $display_name</td>"; 
	//if no telephone number in database for this entry

    	//get all fax
    $get_fax = "select fax_number, type from fax where master_id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    $get_fax_res = mysql_query($get_fax);

    if (mysql_num_rows($get_fax_res) > 0) {

        $display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Fax:</strong></td>";

        while ($fax_info = mysql_fetch_array($get_fax_res)) {
           $fax_number = $fax_info[fax_number];
            $fax_type = $fax_info[type];

            $display_block .= "<td>$fax_number</td><td> ($fax_type)</td></tr>";

	$display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Fax:</strong></td><td>Sorry, No Fax number On File For $display_name</td>"; 
		// if no fax number on file displays this

    		//get all email
    	$get_email = "select email, type from email where master_id = $_POST[sel_id]";
    	$get_email_res = mysql_query($get_email);

    if (mysql_num_rows($get_email_res) > 0) {

        $display_block .="<tr><td><strong>Email:</strong></td>

        while ($email_info = mysql_fetch_array($get_email_res)) {
            $email = $email_info[email];
            $email_type = $email_info[type];

         $display_block .="
            <td>$email </td><td>($email_type)</td></tr>
 $display_block .="
       <tr><td><strong>E-Mail:</strong></td><td>Sorry, No E-mail Address On File For $display_name</td>
        "; //if no email on file for this entry

    //get personal note
    $get_notes = "select note from personal_notes where
         master_id = $_POST[sel_id]
    $get_notes_res = mysql_query($get_notes);

    if (mysql_num_rows($get_notes_res) == 1) {
        $note = nl2br(stripslashes(mysql_result($get_notes_res,0,'note')));

        $display_block .="
        <tr><td><strong>Personal Notes:</strong></td><td>$note</td></tr></table>
	$display_block .= "<tr><td><strong>Personal Notes:</strong></td><td>Sorry, No Personal Notes On File For $display_name</td></table>
	//end display all details.
   $display_block .="
   <P align='center'>
   <form method='POST' action='$_SERVER[php_SELF]'>
   <td>Are You Sure You Want to Delete <b>$display_name 's</b> record?</td></tr>
        <input type='hidden' name='op' value='delete'>
        <input type='image' value='delete' src='images\confirm.gif' alt='YES, Delete record For $display_name' border='0' \>

        <input type='image' value='dontDelete' src='\images\decline.gif' alt='No!, Do not Delete record For $display_name' border='0' \>
   echo $_POST['sel_id'];

if ($_POST[op] == "delete"){
    $del_master = "DELETE FROM master_name WHERE id = '" . $_POST['sel_id'] . "'";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_address = "DELETE FROM address WHERE id = '" . $_POST['sel_id'] . "'";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_tel = "DELETE FROM telephone WHERE id = '" . $_POST['sel_id'] . "'";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_fax = "DELETE FROM fax WHERE id = '" . $_POST['sel_id'] . "'";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_email = "DELETE FROM email WHERE id = '" . $_POST['sel_id'] . "'";
    or die(mysql_error());

    $del_note = "DELETE FROM personal_notes WHERE id = '" . $_POST['sel_id'] . "'";
    or die(mysql_error());

else if ($_POST[op] == "dontDelete") {
    header("Location: editentry.php");

<TITLE>Editing record For: <? print $display_name?></TITLE>
<link href="/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="\images\confirm.gif" >
<div align="center"
<? menuInclude.php; ?>
<? print $display_block; ?>

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try changing

if ($_POST[op] == "delete"){




if (isset($_POST["delete"])){


NOPE not gonna work, he has no input named "delete".


Should be:

if(isset($_POST['op']) && $_POST['op'] == 'delete')


You should also have an input field that holds the unique ID of the row you want to delete out of the DB. 




Just populate the input with $_POST['sel_id'].

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