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Dropdown Menu from SQL Query Results (Auto makes models)


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Hello im pretty new at this and am losing my mind. i have found and tried a lot of the "codes"  etc out there with no luck.


This will be for an "auto/car search" All the makes/models/prices etc loaded into this form along with zipcodes. Here is the form


<form id="SearchForm3" action="">
                                          <label><strong>Make</strong><br />
                                             <select name="makers">
                                                <option>All Makers</option>
                                         <label><strong>Model</strong><br />
                                          <label><strong>Maximum P
                                            <select name="model">
                                              <option>All Models</option>
                                           rice</strong><br />
                                             <select name="price">
                                          <div class="container">
                                          <label class="left"><strong>Search Within</strong><br />
                                             <select name="search" class="miles">
                                                <option>50 miles</option>
                                                <option>10 miles</option>
                                          <label class="zip"><strong>ZIP</strong><br /><input type="text" value="" class="input"  /></label>
                                       <div class="alignright">
                                          <a href="#" class="link" onclick="document.getElementById('SearchForm').submit()"><strong><strong>search new</strong></strong></a>


So i need to put these query results in

   include ("inc/config.php") ;

$sql="  SELECT DISTINCT modelYear, divID, divName, modelName, modelDivID
   FROM chrome_divisions, chrome_models
   WHERE modelDivID = divID
   AND modelYear = 2011
   AND divID = '$Make'
   AND modelName = '$Model'
   GROUP BY modelYear, divName, modelName;

$sql="SELECT LogMonth, LogYear FROM Student_MLog WHERE Student_ID='$username'"; 


while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 


echo "<option>$divName<option/>";
echo "<select/>";



So once someone clicks "Nissan" Then only nissan models will pull up. Or Chevrolet and only chevy results pull up. From what i understand is that i might need to use AJAX or Java which i cant figure out yet. Anyhelp please!!!!!!!!!

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Downloading ALL the makes, models, prices and zip codes is likely to be a lot of data (making the page slow).


I would suggest just getting the makes, and when that changes you use javascript for an AJAX call to get the matching list of models for that make (and once the model is selected you go and get a list of those for sale and their prices).


All the best



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