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having trouble updating a variable to database + PayPal Integration

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Hello Everyone,


I am pretty new to the forums and was curious if i could get some help here. Basically, in a nutshell, i have PayPal integrated into my website. I will use this to collect money from clients. when a client logs into his/her account they see their balance (which is pulled from the database to correspond with the user that's logged-in). Now, everytime a payment is submitted a notify_url is contacted after payment has been verified, that notify_url is the code written below. What I am trying to execute here is when this notify_url is called the current balance is reduced from the amount paid through paypal.


In the second If condition, you will see that the word success is being entered into the paypal.txt file, which is working perfectly fine. Now, you will also see the variable




which is suppose to update the original balance with the balance paid through PayPal




Thank You in advance!




include_once ('/home/rdewebde/public_html/includes/paypal.php');

$myPaypal = new Paypal();

$myPaypal->ipnLog = TRUE;
include_once "/home/rdewebde/public_html/includes/_config.php";

$username = "".$_SESSION['username']."";

$users_data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `username`='".$username."'");

$user_info = mysql_fetch_array($users_data);

$current_amount = $user_info['balance'];
$deduct_amount = $myPaypal->ipnData['payment_gross'];

$new_amount = $current_amount - $deduct_amount;

$update_balance = mysql_query("UPDATE `members` SET `balance` = '$new_amount' WHERE `username` = '".$username."'");

if ($myPaypal->validateIpn()) {

    if ($myPaypal->ipnData['payment_status'] == 'Completed') {


         file_put_contents('/home/rdewebde/public_html/lounge/paypal.txt', 'SUCCESS');



else { file_put_contents('/home/rdewebde/public_html/lounge/paypal.txt', "FAILURE\n\n" . $myPaypal->ipnData); }



yeah its weird, i tested it by changing the variable $deduct_amount to an integer of 0.01 and echoed variable $new_amount and this worked, everytime i refreshed the page the amount was reduced by one penny and i can stick the ipn data of payment_gross into paypal.txt too, but it doesnt want to work the way i want it to

What paypal class are you using? Either post a link to the Author's site or post the script.


Your program logic is out of order. You have a bunch of logic before the if ($myPaypal->validateIpn()) { statement. All the logic that attempts to access any of the ipn data should be inside the conditional that has tested if the payment_status is 'Completed'.


I'm going to guess that none of the $myPaypal->ipnData values exist until after you call $myPaypal->validateIpn().

well its weird cause this script, you can enabler test mode which goes through paypal sandbox, when i have this enabled, it works, but in real mode, it doesnt


heres my revised code



include_once ('/home/rdewebde/public_html/includes/paypal.php');

include_once "/home/rdewebde/public_html/includes/header.php";

$myPaypal = new Paypal();

$myPaypal->ipnLog = TRUE;
include_once "/home/rdewebde/public_html/includes/_config.php";

$username = "".$_SESSION['username']."";

$users_data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `username`='".$username."'");

$user_info = mysql_fetch_array($users_data); 

if ($myPaypal->validateIpn()) {


    if ($myPaypal->ipnData['payment_status'] == 'Completed') { 

         file_put_contents('/home/rdewebde/public_html/lounge/paypal.txt', 'SUCCESS');
         $new_amount = $user_info['balance'] - $myPaypal->ipnData['mc_gross'];
         mysql_query("UPDATE members SET balance = $new_amount WHERE username = '".$username."'") or die(mysql_error());


else { file_put_contents('/home/rdewebde/public_html/lounge/paypal.txt', "FAILURE\n\n" . $myPaypal->ipnData); }




and the link to the script is: http://phpfour.com/blog/2009/02/php-payment-gateway-library-for-paypal-authorizenet-and-2checkout/


thx again!

Did you previously echo the query $update_balance (to see if the values are inputted) ??


Tho, i have seen from your latest code:

mysql_query("UPDATE members SET balance = $new_amount WHERE username = '".$username."'") or die(mysql_error());


Try and make the $new_amount the same as $username (like '".$new_amount."') e.g:

mysql_query("UPDATE members SET balance = '".$new_amount."' WHERE username = '".$username."'") or die(mysql_error());



$username = "".$_SESSION['username']."";

doesn't look right.


Shouldn't it be:

$username = $_SESSION['username'];

I also noticed that you are using ob_start() for output buffering. You do know that you are also required to close it with ob_end_flush().


However, from what i have seen and tested, they are only required if you are using the following in your code:



May i ask how you are using session_start() ? are u using this on every page of those 6 paypal pages or just this paypal_ipn.php?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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