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help on designing a OOPs website, please look


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Hi I have to create a dynamic website for one of my assesment, but i am really stuck, I was just wondering if people could give me an insight, in what the simplemest website i could make, it dosen't need to be pretty just workable, and it cannot use any frameworks or IDE's or CMS.


this is the criteria below:


Basic functionalities

- Articles can be added and viewed 1 point

- Articles can be amended and deleted 1 point

- You can search for articles 1 point


OO Programming and Patterns

- You have used OO programming techniques (inheritance, static methods, abstract classes etc.) when appropriate. 1 point

- Your website is based on a suitable Architectural Pattern (1 point for the example featured on the Wiki) 3 points



- A suitable mobile version of the site is available 1 point

- Simple device detection + redirection is in place 1 point

- Geolocation is used to improve the experience 1 point



- The website is consuming (parsing and appropriately displaying) an existing feed. 1 point

- The website is dynamically producing its own compliant web feed. 1 point



- The website makes use of an API to offer useful functionality (e.g. search, spelling, social networking, ecommerce, etc.))


Note: Reusing the examples from the slides/Wiki will NOT grant you any points! 1 point for simple use (e.g. widget)

2 points for complex REST/SOAP request



- The user experience is improved by appropriate use of Ajax technology (live search, form filling assistance…)

1 point per Ajax feature, up to a max. of 2 points


any help will be appreicated

thanks for your time

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Hi I have to create a dynamic website for one of my assesment, but i am really stuck, I was just wondering if people could give me an insight, in what the simplemest website i could make, it dosen't need to be pretty just workable, and it cannot use any frameworks or IDE's or CMS.


this is the criteria below:


Basic functionalities

- Articles can be added and viewed 1 point

- Articles can be amended and deleted 1 point

- You can search for articles 1 point


This is database interaction 101.  INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE queries.


OO Programming and Patterns

- You have used OO programming techniques (inheritance, static methods, abstract classes etc.) when appropriate. 1 point

- Your website is based on a suitable Architectural Pattern (1 point for the example featured on the Wiki) 3 points


Why don't you look at your class wiki for inspiration?



- A suitable mobile version of the site is available 1 point

- Simple device detection + redirection is in place 1 point

- Geolocation is used to improve the experience 1 point


HTML and JavaScript here.  Hint: your project should have the same back end regardless of whether it's being viewed on a mobile device or not.  Applications are layered software.  The part one sees and interacts with should be able to be changed without affecting the underlying system logic.



- The website is consuming (parsing and appropriately displaying) an existing feed. 1 point

- The website is dynamically producing its own compliant web feed. 1 point


Google RSS specs and look up SimpleXML.



- The website makes use of an API to offer useful functionality (e.g. search, spelling, social networking, ecommerce, etc.))


I'm sure you can find a relevant example in your class notes.  Not to copy, as it says below, but to see how to do it in general.



- The user experience is improved by appropriate use of Ajax technology (live search, form filling assistance…)

1 point per Ajax feature, up to a max. of 2 points


Again, see your class notes.  If it's allowed, use jQuery to abstract away the nuts and bolts of Ajax so you can focus on the process not the minutia.


Also, just so you know, asking for help on homework is technically against the rules here, and generally frowned upon.  See: http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/rules-and-terms-of-service#toc_forum_do_nots

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