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I am adding new entries into a MySQL table via a php script.  The script works fine,  but I want to prevent duplicate entries.


How can I check if an entry already exists on the table before initiating the query to write to the table.


It is for a user registration type of system.  The php script rights "AccountName" and "PassWord" to the table called "Accounts".  This was my attempt to check if it exists:


$query = "INSERT INTO Accounts(AccountName, Password)VALUES ('".$Accn."','".$Pwwd."')";
$Check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Accounts");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Check))
   $Account = $row['AccountName'];
if($accn != Account)


Where $accn = the new accountname entered.  I am trying to compare the new AccountName(accn) that was entered with the array of all AccountNames already in the database,  and if does not already exists,  then add it.

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All you have to do is to see if the new accountname already exists, if it doesn't insert it:

$q = "select AccountName from Accounts where AccountName = '$Accn'";
$rs = mysql_query($q);
if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0) { // no account exists by this name, insert it
   $q = "INSERT INTO Accounts(AccountName, Password)VALUES ('$Accn','$Pwwd')";
   $rs = mysql_query($q);


BTW, I've left out any error checking, which is left as an exercise for the OP. :-)



All you have to do is to see if the new accountname already exists, if it doesn't insert it:

$q = "select AccountName from Accounts where AccountName = '$Accn'";
$rs = mysql_query($q);
if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0) { // no account exists by this name, insert it
   $q = "INSERT INTO Accounts(AccountName, Password)VALUES ('$Accn','$Pwwd')";
   $rs = mysql_query($q);


BTW, I've left out any error checking, which is left as an exercise for the OP. :-)




Hey,  thanks a lot for that.  Very informative for me.  Will help a lot for later functions as well.


No rep system on this forum it seems so +rep anyways :)


I have never done php until yesterday so forgive me if I am little slow,  I am starting up reading as much information the subject as I can.

  • 1 month later...

Hi mnewberry,


To check multiple fields in an SQL SELECT statement, use the AND and/or OR operators.


For example:


SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE `firstName` = "Sam" AND `lastName` = "Jones"

SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE `location` = "USA" OR `age` > 18

Thanks for the reply but now I am thrown off more. I need to check $name, $name2, and $name3 and below is what I have but is obviously only checking one.


$rs_duplicate = mysql_query("select count(*) as total from users where user_name='$name' ") or die(mysql_error());

list($total) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_duplicate);


if ($total > 0)


echo "Taken";

} else {

echo "Available";



Just as I said, use the OR operator.


SELECT count(*) AS total FROM `users` WHERE `user_name` = '$name' OR `user_name` = '$name2' OR `user_name` = '$name3'


That way it will match any record where `user_name` is equal to any of the three $name variables.

  • 2 weeks later...

Everything whether or not it is or is not available shows to be unavailable.



include 'database.php';

foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
$get[$key] = filter($value);

$user = mysql_real_escape_string($get['user']);

if(isset($get['cmd']) && $get['cmd'] == 'check') {

if(!isUserID($user)) {
echo "Invalid User ID";

if(empty($user) && strlen($user) <=3) {
echo "Enter 5 chars or more";

$rs_duplicate = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS total FROM `users` WHERE `cusurl` = '$cusurl' OR `cusurl2` = '$cusurl2' OR `cusurl3` = '$cusurl3' ") or die(mysql_error());
list($total) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_duplicate);

if ($total > 0)
echo "Not Available";
} else {
echo "Available";



It is still doing it. Could it be something from the other end?


<a href="#" STYLE="text-decoration:none" class="addspeech" rel="#speechbubble8">User</a>:<span class="required"> <font color="#CC0000">*</font></span><br />
            <input name="cusurl" type="text" id="cusurl" class="required username" minlength="5" > 
            <span style="color:red; font: bold 12px verdana; " id="user" >
		<input name="btnAvailable" type="button" id="btnAvailable" 
		onclick='$("#checkuser").html("Please wait..."); $.get("checkuser.php",{ cmd: "check", user: $("#user").val() } ,function(data){  $("#checkcusurl").html(data); });'
		value="Check Availability"> 


$check = @current(@mysql_fetch_assoc(@mysql_query("SELECT AccountName FROM page WHERE AccountName = '$Accn'")));
if ($check){
    echo "Sorry $Accn already exist!";
    $query = "INSERT INTO Accounts(AccountName, Password)VALUES ('".$Accn."','".$Pwwd."')";
    $insert = mysql_query($query);
    echo "Account created!";



the @current(@mysql_fetch_assoc(@mysql_query( part is bad code but i use i use it when i wana test only 1 column name. if $check is equal to nothing there will be warnings so the @ will delete them



> Where are you setting the $cusurl variables?  I don't see them being defined anywhere.

Earlier in the file.


The first portion is the checkuser.php file and the second is on the actual registration form.


When I change #user

{ cmd: "check", user: $("#user").val() }

I get different results back. I am thinking I have this labeled wrong?



When set to #user it will return 'Invalid User Id'

When set to #cusurl it will return 'Not Available' even though it is.


Just not sure what it should be based off the current:


include 'database.php';

foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
$get[$key] = filter($value);

$user = mysql_real_escape_string($get['user']);

if(isset($get['cmd']) && $get['cmd'] == 'check') {

if(!isUserID($user)) {
echo "Invalid User ID";

if(empty($user) && strlen($user) <=3) {
echo "Enter 5 chars or more";

$rs_duplicate = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS total FROM `users` WHERE `cusurl` = '$cusurl' OR `cusurl2` = '$cusurl2' OR `cusurl3` = '$cusurl3' ") or die(mysql_error());
list($total) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_duplicate);

if ($total > 0)
echo "Not Available";
} else {
echo "Available";



I haven't really read into this thread but if this is jQuery, then you're trying to get the value of the span with id='user', not the input box where I'm guessing the username goes

{ cmd: "check", user: $("#user").val() }


So maybe you should try this:

{ cmd: "check", user: $("#cusurl").val() }

I haven't really read into this thread but if this is jQuery, then you're trying to get the value of the span with id='user', not the input box where I'm guessing the username goes

{ cmd: "check", user: $("#user").val() }


So maybe you should try this:

{ cmd: "check", user: $("#cusurl").val() }


Yes, I have tried that.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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