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S.O.S need help with code links -->hard for me simple for you?


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I am installing a code from a jquery pop up light box containg an iframe, only the first link opens a pop up and works good, all the other links simply open the linked page,and not the pop up, why???


This is the troublesome part of the code:

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {




'transitionIn' : 'none',

'transitionOut' : 'none'




'width' : '75%',

'height' : '75%',

'autoScale' : false,

'transitionIn' : 'none',

'transitionOut' : 'none',

'type' : 'iframe'











<a id="various1" href="play.html">Iframe</a>

<a id="various1" href="play.html">Iframe</a>

<a id="various1" href="play.html">Iframe</a>





Why does the pop up only occur on first link, can anyone see know why?


If not, i figured i could create a lesser solution by adding a regular expression something like[0-9]to include all links, but not sure how

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {




'transitionIn' : 'none',

'transitionOut' : 'none'




'width' : '75%',

'height' : '75%',

'autoScale' : false,

'transitionIn' : 'none',

'transitionOut' : 'none',

'type' : 'iframe'











<a id="various1" href="play.html">Iframe</a>

<a id="various2" href="play.html">Iframe</a>

<a id="various3" href="play.html">Iframe</a>




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To my knowledge you can't use regular expressions within a selector. Use the 'attribute starts with' selector to match all IDs starting with various:




Of course there may be problems if you have other IDs starting with various, but I shouldn't imagine that's hard to avoid. If so as RusselReal suggested, you'd be better off assigning a class, and using $(this).attr('id') to get the element's ID (if needed) - which to be honest may be the better option anyway.

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To my knowledge you can't use regular expressions within a selector.


That is correct, there currently is no official regex based selector (though why not is kind of beyond me...). 


However, there are some neat hacks out there that do it.  For instance this regex selector code.  Just drop it in your jquery file or wherever you keep your plugins (or on page if you want, I guess) and follow the syntax instructions in the link. 


Also, you can do this with native jquery by making use of .filter() :


$('a').filter(function() {
        return this.id.match(/various[0-9]/);
      // fancybox stuff



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