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Hi All


Im trying to get my Paganation to work, well it is working, just not how i want it to work...


atm it will list 2 records per page, then it will list the page numbers...


First Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 etc Next Last


My page numbers show every page, so when i have 100+pages it will show them all.


I would like to change my current code to something like the following:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Next 10

Previous 10 - 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - Next 10


below is my current code... i have only just started to learn PHP (2-3days ago) ive looked at aload of tutorials but still cant get my head around how to do it.


My Current Code:

if (isset($_GET["page"])) { $page  = $_GET["page"]; } else { $page=1; }; 
$start_from = ($page-1) * 2; 
$rs_result = @mysql_query("SELECT Count(idinfo) from info WHERE fldName LIKE '". $_GET['run'] . "%'");
$row1 = mysql_fetch_row($rs_result); 
$total_records = $row1[0]; 
$total_pages = ceil($total_records / 2); 

if ($total_pages == 1) {}
else {If ($page == 1) {}
echo " <a href='index.html?run=". $_GET['run'] . "&page=1'> <<-First</a> ";
echo " ";
If ($page == 1) {}
$previous = $page-1;
echo " <a href='index.html?run=". $_GET['run'] . "&$previous'> <-Previous</a> ";
for ($i=1; $i<=$total_pages; $i++) { 

            echo "<a href='index.html?run=". $_GET['run'] . "&page=".$i."'>Page ".$i."</a> ";

if ($page == $total_pages) {

else {
$previous = $page+1;
echo " <a href='index.html?run=". $_GET['run'] . "&page=$previous'> Next-></a> ";
If ($page == $total_pages) {}
echo " <a href='index.html?run=". $_GET['run'] . "&page=$total_pages'> Last->></a> ";
		echo ("<br> Page $page of $total_pages<br><br>");


There is probably better ways to code this in, but it works like this so i am happy :)


Any help will be great.







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2-3 days ago, and already working with pagination? Do you have previous programming experience or are you a fast learner? lol


Anyway, I've started learning PHP 2 month ago, with no previous programming experience.


And I've build a great working pagination with the help of this forum.


Check out this tutorial on PHPFreaks, if you haven't done already: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/basic-pagination


It is kept simple which is great for learning. It also showcases in that tutorial, how to do what you're trying to accomplish, just look at the part where it's saying how to showcase the 3 previous and next pages.

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