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I have a good working knowledge of html, xhtml, and css but New to php!  Need to learn as quickly as possible.  Using word press to develop sites and have started a web development company, oh yes lots of pressure!  I am ready to take php head on so I can have full control.  I've completed up to Sessions in the tutorials from w3 schools.  Love MMA and am actually a Amateur MMA fighter... if you want to see me knock someone out or watch me get knocked out search "bob ruby dauntless mma" and "robert ruby vs johndelbrugge at absolute annihilation in va".  Also some please tell me what are some good beginning programs to develop for practice in PHP.  Thanks n i'll be on alot asking questions and when I come across something I feel I could answer with some research then I will but don't wish to give an uneducated answer.  8)


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Hello and welcome to our community.


I'm not sure w3schools is the best resource for learning php, allot of there stuff is pretty dated from memory. there's a good link to a free book in my signature (Hudzilla), reading that from end to end will get you a pretty good foundation.

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Thank you very much... I've also ordered ... Sams PHP in 24 hours last night.... as well as a book on html and css but it was from a woman pretty well known... lol I can't even remember her name or the books at the moment.... i know i read quite a few reviews on it....because I want to make sure I have a good reference... I've learned my css knowledge and html knowledge from W3 schools and when I was in high school developed tic tac toe with c++ and actually have a copy of visual basic some where around here...but that was almost 6-7 years ago and i got into working and didn't realize for some reason the money I could have been making now if I'd just stayed in programming.... after reading some post in these forums i thought i'd better get a book with some good reviews for references and to make sure I have the tools to be successful.  thank you very much again.. I will start reading today. :).  later

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Hello and welcome to our community.


I'm not sure w3schools is the best resource for learning php, allot of there stuff is pretty dated from memory. there's a good link to a free book in my signature (Hudzilla), reading that from end to end will get you a pretty good foundation.

I see a lot of recommendations for w3schools in the forum. But then I also see this, confirming what thorpe said. If I remember right there were some recommendations for it in the 15 page or so discussion of xhtml vs. html




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