geekisthenewsexy Posted March 9, 2011 Share Posted March 9, 2011 hi all. I've found some neat javascript based table here I am using this with PHP to display records from the database. Now my problem is, I want to be able to resize table columns by dragging the bar between the columns in the header. But I don't know how to achieve this and what script to use and where to put it. I'm afraid I'd mess up the output..Can someone help? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adam Posted March 9, 2011 Share Posted March 9, 2011 Was surprised to see jQuery DataTables didn't support column re-sizing, but you may still be able to get a plug-in for it by the looks of things. I've heard of Flexigrid before, which does support column re-sizing, but unable to vouch for it as I've never used it. If you don't have much JavaScript knowledge though the last thing I'd suggest would be to try and modify the script yourself, and I doubt you'd find someone willing to do it for free here I'm afraid. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RussellReal Posted March 9, 2011 Share Posted March 9, 2011 Yeah, MrAdam is right, I mean people here help out, but we don't code things for people Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
geekisthenewsexy Posted March 16, 2011 Author Share Posted March 16, 2011 hey there. sorry for the delay.. well uhm, you may have misinterpreted me i know people here don't do that. but i was kinda hoping you have maybe just one line of that script..anyway, i googled for plugins about that matter but i came up short. i have checked out flexigrid but the example given was using it with json (i don't know that) and i am having trouble adapting it with i figured maybe experts here can help... :-\ btw here's the script.js: var TINY={}; function T$(i){return document.getElementById(i)} function T$$(e,p){return p.getElementsByTagName(e)} TINY.table=function(){ function sorter(n,t,p){this.n=n;; this.p=p; if(this.p.init){this.init()}} sorter.prototype.init=function(){ this.set(); var t=this.t, i=d=0; t.h=T$$('tr',t)[0]; t.l=t.r.length; t.w=t.r[0].cells.length; t.a=[]; t.c=[];; if(this.p.colddid){ d=T$(this.p.colddid); var o=document.createElement('option'); o.value=-1; o.innerHTML='All Columns'; d.appendChild(o) } for(i;i<t.w;i++){ var c=t.h.cells[i]; t.c[i]={}; if(c.className!='nosort'){ c.className=this.p.headclass; c.onclick=new Function(this.n+'.sort('+i+')'); c.onmousedown=function(){return false}; } if(this.p.columns){ var l=this.p.columns.length, x=0; for(x;x<l;x++){ if(this.p.columns[x].index==i){ var g=this.p.columns[x]; t.c[i].format=g.format==null?1:g.format; t.c[i].decimals=g.decimals==null?2:g.decimals } } } if(d){ var o=document.createElement('option'); o.value=i; o.innerHTML=T$$('h3',c)[0].innerHTML; d.appendChild(o) } } this.reset() }; sorter.prototype.reset=function(){ var t=this.t; t.t=t.l; for(var i=0;i<t.l;i++){t.a[i]={}; t.a[i].s=1} if(this.p.sortcolumn!=undefined){ this.sort(this.p.sortcolumn,1, }else{ if(this.p.paginate){this.size()} this.alt(); this.sethover() } this.calc() }; sorter.prototype.sort=function(x,f,z){ var t=this.t; t.y=x; var x=t.h.cells[t.y], i=0, n=document.createElement('tbody'); for(i;i<t.l;i++){ t.a[i].o=i; var v=t.r[i].cells[t.y]; t.r[i].style.display=''; while(v.hasChildNodes()){v=v.firstChild} t.a[i].v=v.nodeValue?v.nodeValue:'' } for(i=0;i<t.w;i++){var c=t.h.cells[i]; if(c.className!='nosort'){c.className=this.p.headclass}} if(t.p==t.y&&!f){t.a.reverse(); x.className=t.d?this.p.ascclass:this.p.descclass; t.d=t.d?0:1} else{t.p=t.y; f&&this.p.sortdir==-1?t.a.sort(cp).reverse():t.a.sort(cp); t.d=0; x.className=this.p.ascclass} for(i=0;i<t.l;i++){var r=t.r[t.a[i].o].cloneNode(true); n.appendChild(r)} t.replaceChild(n,t.b); this.set(); this.alt(); if(this.p.paginate){this.size(z)} this.sethover() }; //part to insert highlight script. prblem: where to?// sorter.prototype.sethover=function(){ if(this.p.hoverid){ for(var i=0;i<this.t.l;i++){ var r=this.t.r[i]; r.setAttribute('onmouseover',this.n+'.hover('+i+',1)'); r.setAttribute('onmouseout',this.n+'.hover('+i+',0)') } } }; sorter.prototype.calc=function(){ if(this.p.sum||this.p.avg){ var t=this.t, i=x=0, f,r; if(!T$$('tfoot',t)[0]){ f=document.createElement('tfoot'); t.appendChild(f) }else{ f=T$$('tfoot',t)[0]; while(f.hasChildNodes()){f.removeChild(f.firstChild)} } if(this.p.sum){ r=this.newrow(f); for(i;i<t.w;i++){ var j=r.cells[i]; if(this.p.sum.exists(i)){ var s=0, m=t.c[i].format||''; for(x=0;x<this.t.l;x++){ if(t.a[x].s){s+=parseFloat(t.r[x].cells[i].innerHTML.replace(/(\$|\,)/g,''))} } s=decimals(s,t.c[i].decimals?t.c[i].decimals:2); s=isNaN(s)?'n/a':m=='$'?s=s.currency(t.c[i].decimals):s+m; r.cells[i].innerHTML=s }else{r.cells[i].innerHTML=' '} } } if(this.p.avg){ r=this.newrow(f); for(i=0;i<t.w;i++){ var j=r.cells[i]; if(this.p.avg.exists(i)){ var s=c=0, m=t.c[i].format||''; for(x=0;x<this.t.l;x++){ if(t.a[x].s){s+=parseFloat(t.r[x].cells[i].innerHTML.replace(/(\$|\,)/g,'')); c++} } s=decimals(s/c,t.c[i].decimals?t.c[i].decimals:2); s=isNaN(s)?'n/a':m=='$'?s=s.currency(t.c[i].decimals):s+m; j.innerHTML=s }else{j.innerHTML=' '} } } } }; sorter.prototype.newrow=function(p){ var r=document.createElement('tr'), i=0; p.appendChild(r); for(i;i<this.t.w;i++){r.appendChild(document.createElement('td'))} return r }; sorter.prototype.alt=function(){ var t=this.t, i=x=0; for(i;i<t.l;i++){ var r=t.r[i]; if(t.a[i].s){ r.className=x%2==0?this.p.evenclass:this.p.oddclass; var cells=T$$('td',r); for(var z=0;z<t.w;z++){cells[z].className=t.y==z?x%2==0?this.p.evenselclass:this.p.oddselclass:''} x++ } if(!t.a[i].s){'none'} } };{ var t=this.t, i=x=0, l=s+parseInt(this.p.size); if(this.p.totalrecid){T$(this.p.totalrecid).innerHTML=t.t} if(this.p.currentid){T$(this.p.currentid).innerHTML=this.g} if(this.p.startingrecid){ var b=((this.g-1)*this.p.size)+1, m=b+(this.p.size-1); m=m<t.l?m:t.t; m=m<t.t?m:t.t; T$(this.p.startingrecid).innerHTML=t.t==0?0:b;; T$(this.p.endingrecid).innerHTML=m } for(i;i<t.l;i++){var r=t.r[i]; if(t.a[i].s){>=s&&x<l?'':'none'; x++}else{'none'}} }; sorter.prototype.move=function(d,m){ this.goto(d==1?(m?this.d:this.g+1):(m?1:this.g-1)) }; sorter.prototype.goto=function(s){ if(s<=this.d&&s>0){this.g=s;*this.p.size)} }; sorter.prototype.size=function(s){ var t=this.t; if(s){this.p.size=s} this.g=1; this.d=Math.ceil(this.t.t/this.p.size); if(this.p.navid){T$(this.p.navid).style.display=this.d<2?'none':'block'}; if(this.p.totalid){T$(this.p.totalid).innerHTML=t.t==0?1:this.d} if(this.p.pageddid){ var d=T$(this.p.pageddid), l=this.d+1; d.setAttribute('onchange',this.n+'.goto(this.value)'); while(d.hasChildNodes()){d.removeChild(d.firstChild)} for(var i=1;i<=this.d;i++){ var o=document.createElement('option'); o.value=i; o.innerHTML=i; d.appendChild(o) } } }; sorter.prototype.showall=function(){ this.size(this.t.t) };{ var i=x=n=0, k=-1, q=T$(f).value.toLowerCase(); if(this.p.colddid){k=T$(this.p.colddid).value} var s=(k==-1)?0:k, e=(k==-1)?this.t.w:parseInt(s)+1; for(i;i<this.t.l;i++){ var r=this.t.r[i], v; if(q==''){ v=1 }else{ for(x=s;x<e;x++){ var b=r.cells[x].innerHTML.toLowerCase(); if(b.indexOf(q)==-1){v=0}else{v=1; break} } } if(v){n++} this.t.a[i].s=v } this.t.t=n; if(this.p.paginate){this.size()} this.calc(); this.alt() }; sorter.prototype.hover=function(i,d){ this.t.r[i].id=d?this.p.hoverid:'' }; sorter.prototype.set=function(){ var t=T$(; t.b=T$$('tbody',t)[0]; t.r=t.b.rows; this.t=t }; Array.prototype.exists=function(v){ for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++){if(this[i]==v){return 1}} return 0 }; Number.prototype.currency=function(c){ var n=this, d=n.toFixed(c).split('.'); d[0]=d[0].split('').reverse().join('').replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g,'$1,').split('').reverse().join(''); return '$'+d.join('.') }; function decimals(n,d){return Math.round(n*Math.pow(10,d))/Math.pow(10,d)}; function cp(f,c){ var g,h; f=g=f.v.toLowerCase(); c=h=c.v.toLowerCase(); var i=parseFloat(f.replace(/(\$|\,)/g,'')), n=parseFloat(c.replace(/(\$|\,)/g,'')); if(!isNaN(i)&&!isNaN(n)){g=i,h=n} i=Date.parse(f); n=Date.parse(c); if(!isNaN(i)&&!isNaN(n)){g=i; h=n} return g>h?1:(g<h?-1:0) }; return{sorter:sorter} }(); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RussellReal Posted March 16, 2011 Share Posted March 16, 2011 ok well, I can maybe help you out a lil bit, albeit reading things hurt my eyes atm D: When you build the table headers, you can possibly the easiest way, create a 1px * 1px black dot image, and stretch it 100% of the height of the header, and place one on the right side, and 1 on the left side.. give the image an onclick handler which looks something like this: onclick="stretchy($(this),$(nextOrPrevHeader)" so for example: <thead> <tr> <td id="[color=yellow]id[/color]"><img src="stretchy.gif" onmousedown="stretchy(null),null)">id<img src="stretchy.gif" onmousedown="stretchy($(this),$([color=purple]'#place'[/color]))"></td> <td id="[color=purple]place[/color]"><img src="stretchy.gif" onmousedown="stretchy($(this),$([color=yellow]'#id'[/color]))">place<img src="stretchy.gif" onmousedown="stretchy(null,null)"> </thead> now that you have your headers linked up together left and right you could create the onclick handler to set the two divs (the ones that are next to eachother where your cursor is between) var click1,click2; function stretchy(obj1,obj2) { click1 = objq; click2 = obj2; } function moveHandle() { // do your resizing code here } function unstretchy() { click2 = click1 = null; } $(document).mousemove(moveHandle); // start resizing $('thead img').mouseup(unstretchy); // unset stretchy handler Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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