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Science Social Media Button? Is There One?


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I know that Digg and the like have a science lable or tag or category if you want so, but I'm wondering if there's a science dedicated social media button?


Digg and the like just have "science" as a category but they don't have any of the sub-categories like mathematics, physics, biology, astrology, psychology, etc.


I'm wondering if something like that already exists, and if you could name me the name, and if it doesn't exist, I'm wondering if one would be about to create one if it would have the chance of succeeding? As in getting adopted by the people? Or do you think the social media button nieche is over-flooded already and people only use the top-players?



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You can try dmoz



They have all the sub-categories but they don't aggregate feeds or have posts links, although there are science niche sites that exist on the net.


or you can try my http://dynaindex.com/

here is science with astrology as an example



science with physics



The way you use the search are the results you will get.


Needs a login but registration is free



When having to manually tag something you have to know what to tag it, the way digg works is people just click a button and the link goes to digg, digg does the best they can to get it in the right category going by what the link contains. For them to think up of every single possible tag for everything is insane to do, so that's why nobody does it, they try to keep it to the main or popular ones.


Me on the other hand decided to do away with tagging completely and let a very advanced search organize and do the work for me automatic so you can find what you need and how you want it.


In the future I'll enable my feed aggregator again, that would mean if you typed in +science +math and was set to show latest links, you will then see exactly as you described. The latest links from sites for science with math. My site has the ability to harvest links from pages, create feeds from pages and also a live feedreader.


I am a search engine with my own custom scraper/crawler, but I concentrate more on sites that contain the content more than individual links.

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