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no style sheet


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It's the first time i've come across it with javascript as i've never noticed this effect with any of my other scripts...are you sure this is normal to have a style automatically added to a tag?...and i'm currently using firefox web browser

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hmm i don't know much about javascript, all i know it can dd inline style and do some clientside stuff. And as far as i know no it's not normal to add inline style, but maybe the viewer adds it (really not sure on this one).Just to be sure, you have a page, and you just do view source, not firebug, but just view source right? Maybe try to disable javascript for a second refresh and view source again, that should eliminate any javascript effect.

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@Destramic: Can you show us actual code?


@cssfreakie: JavaScript can manipulate the DOM in its entirety - CRUD for both styles and elements.


Yeah that's what i meant, just didn't want to give the impression i Know more than that ::)

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i hope this helps you to understand my problem:


but you'll need

jquery plugin : http://jquery.com/

and cookies : http://plugins.jquery.com/project/Cookie


<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/library/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/library/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
function add_input(selector, fields, field_type, break_point)
	var count        = 1;
	var loop_count   = 1;
	var fields_count = $.param(fields).split('&').length;

	var breakage_point;
	var field_name;

	$('div#add_' + selector).click(function() 
		$.each(fields, function(field_name, field_label) 
			breakage_point = fields_count * count;
			field_name     = field_name + count;

			input_field = '<label for="' + field_name + '">' + field_label + ' ' + count + ' : </label><input id="'+ field_name +'" name="' + field_name + '" type="' + field_type + '" value="" />';

			if (loop_count == breakage_point)
				input_field += '<br />';

			$(input_field).appendTo('div#' + selector).hide().fadeIn(1200);


		$.cookie(selector + '_count', count);

		if (count > 1)
			$('div#remove_' + selector).hide().fadeIn(1200);

	$('div#remove_' + selector).click(function() 
		var remove_field = '';

		$.each(fields, function(field_name, field_label) 
			field_name      = field_name + (count - 1);
			field_label     = field_label + ' ' + (count - 1);
			var field_value = $('#' + field_name).val();

			remove_field += $('<label for="' + field_name + '">' + field_label + ' : </label><input id="' + field_name + '" name="' + field_name + '" value="' + field_value + '" type="text">');
			alert($('div#' + selector).html());

		if (loop_count == breakage_point)
			remove_field += '<br>';

		var replace = $('div#' + selector).html().replace(remove_field, '');
		$('div#' + selector).html(replace);
		$.cookie(selector + '_count', count);

		if (count < 3)
			$('div#remove_' + selector).fadeOut(1200);

	if ($.cookie(selector + '_count'))
		var cookie_count = $.cookie(selector + '_count');

		for (i=1; i < cookie_count; i++)
			$('div#add_' + selector).click();

	if (count < 3)
		$('div#remove_' + selector).hide();

var fields = {'game_types' : 'Game Type - Name',
		      'game_types_abbreviated' : 'Game Type - Abbreviated'};

add_input('game_types', fields, 'text', 2);
<form method="post">
<label for="game_name">Game Name:</label>
<input id="game_name" name="game_name" value="" type="text" /><br /><a></a>
<label for="game_name_abbreviated">Game Name Abbreviated:</label>
<input id="game_name_abbreviated" name="game_name_abbreviated" value="" type="text" /><br />
<div id="game_types"></div><br />
<div id="add_game_types">Add Game Type</div>
<div id="remove_game_types">Remove Game Type</div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

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I don't see anything in that code to adds inline style really. Can't it just be that the .hide()  function from Jquery needs display inline, after you .show() it? That is my guess

Anyways this seems more a javascript library question than a css one

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What are you doing when you view the HTML?  Simply selecting 'View Source'?  Or doing something else?  Browser tools may show implied/inherited styles, depending on which you may be using.


You shouldn't be having inline styles added to your actual code.  I've used jQuery many times without that sort of thing happening, but have never used the cookie plugin you have, so I can't vouch for it.  Can you do a simple jQuery-only test to see if it's the plugin causing the problem, if there is indeed a problem?  And, have you tested your full code with other browsers?

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I don't see anything in that code to adds inline style really. Can't it just be that the .hide()  function from Jquery needs display inline, after you .show() it? That is my guess

Anyways this seems more a javascript library question than a css one

good to hear you found it out.

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