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Ok, I have this bit if javascript for form validation which works great

[quote]function validate_form ( )
    valid = true;

    if ( document.form.artistnametxt.value == "If not, write it here" || document.form.artistnametxt.value == "")
        alert ( "You must select an artist name!!\n\nEither do so from the drop down list or input it manually" );
        valid = false;

AS you can see, its setting a variable called valid, that works great aswell

However, further down in the HTML I have this in a submit button


In other words, if after form validation valid = true then it will change the class name

However, I get a javascript error saying valid is undefined

I'm, just wondering why
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It has to do with variable scope. You defined the valid variable inside the function so it is only available inside that same function. To make it work you need to make the valid variable global. Just do this in the beginning of your script:
var valid= false;

Check this article http://www.webdevelopersnotes.com/tutorials/javascript/global_local_variables_scope_javascript.php3
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It should be okay.

Here's a snippet - just check your code against this or if the error persists post your code here
//javascript in head section
var valid;

function validate_form ( )
    if ( document.form.artistnametxt.value == "If not, write it here" || document.form.artistnametxt.value == "")
        alert ( "You must select an artist name!!\n\nEither do so from the drop down list or input it manually" );
        valid = false;
    } else {
alert ( "Good boy");//just for testing
valid = true;

//html in body section, notice i have 2 css styles named blue and red
<form id="form" name="form" method="post" action="">
Artist &nbsp;<input type="text" name="artistnametxt" id="artistnametxt" value="If not, write it here"/><br/><br/>

    <input type="button" name="Submit" class="red" value="Validate" onClick="validate_form();"/><br/>
<input type="button" name="Submit" class="red" value="Check" onClick="if(valid==true){this.className='green'} else {this.className='red' };"/>
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Nope! Still doesnt work

[code]<script language="JavaScript">

var valid;
function validate_form ( )

    if ( document.form.artistnametxt.value == "If not, write it here" || document.form.artistnametxt.value == "")
        alert ( "You must select an artist name!!\n\nEither do so from the drop down list or input it manually" );
        valid = false;

else {
valid = true;

    return valid;



I cant see how the hell I could be going wrong !
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