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Sum not working correctly

Mike Solstice

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Ok...been at this for quite a while now & I've decided it's time to bow to the masters lol Please help!! Totally stumped.  Not sure if this is the right forum or not, as it's kind of both a mysql & php problem...sorry if not ;)


I need to calculate the sum of numeric values in a column.


If I use:


$sql = "SELECT sum(column) AS total FROM top_train WHERE days = 365 ORDER By lvl DESC LIMIT $from,$to";
$query = $dbcon->run($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
    $result = $row['total'];
return $result; }


I get 550


If I use:


$sql = "SELECT example AS total FROM top_train WHERE days = 365 ORDER By lvl DESC LIMIT 0,200";
$query = $dbcon->run($sql);
$total1 = "0";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
    $total1 += $row['total'];


I get 550.


If I:

$sql = "SELECT deaths AS total FROM top_train WHERE days = 365 ORDER By lvl DESC LIMIT 0,200";
$query = $dbcon->run($sql);
$total1 = "0";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
    echo $row['total'] . "<br />";


I get:



Which are the correct values. I've read more pages than I care to count on how to fix this...but nothing has worked. It's currently set to VARCHAR...which I assume isn't correct but would really rather avoid changing it as this new script is an update going on about 700 identical accounts.


I have tried changing it to INT, TINYINT, and all the rest...the only difference was 371 instead of 550. Still not accurate?


Any & all help would be GREATLY appreciated...but please keep it as simple as possible, still really new to php & mysql. Not a total novice but definitely padawan learner LOL Thanks!!

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Edit: There seems to be an echo in here, here, here, here...


The 1000's comma separator in numbers is a human only thing to make numbers more readable, to humans. To a computer, those commas are non-numeric characters and cause the computer language to stop parsing the number at the comma.


To a computer you are asking it to do: 2 + 4 + 120 + 118 + 306


You need to remove any commas from your numbers and you also need to store your numbers using a numeric data type.


If you want commas in the number, do that when you display it.

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Ok, so if I just simply alter the column to be INT instead of VARCHAR, it drops the numbers after the comma...which isn't going to work.


I have a script that cycles through a mysql dump line by line & then writes it to the database, and could use str_replace there to remove the commas in question...but how do I keep it from removing the commas in the dump that are supposed to be there?

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Ok, that works if I run it CLI or though phpMyAdmin, but won't if I try it in php


$remcomma = "UPDATE top_train SET deaths = replace( replace(field_name, ',', ''), '"', '' )";


I assume because of the quotes used in the regex. I tried escaping the "


$remcomma = "UPDATE top_train SET deaths = replace( replace(field_name, ',', ''), '\"', '' )";


Which broke it altogether. Anyone have any ideas?



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Do you actually have double-quotes " stored in the field?


This should be all that you need -

$remcomma = "UPDATE top_train SET deaths = replace(deaths, ',', '')";



Edit: I'm assuming that the column where the numbers are at with the commas is named deaths and that is where you want to put the numbers back without the commas?

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