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Hi, first of all thanks in advance for the help. I'm a newbie college student and am having a little problem with a project for a class that I can't figure out.


I'm trying to construct a loop that creates an array for a javascript image gallery. First I call for the categories and I want to then pull all the images from that category into the array and then loop through all the categories in the database. The code below just cycles through the first category and then quits after pulling the images from that category.



        // SQL Query for Categories
            $sql="SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM pro2category";
            $result = mysql_query($sql);
                $num_results = 0;
                $num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
        for($i=0; $i<$num_results; $i++)
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
            $CategoryID = $row["CategoryID"];
            $CategoryName = $row["CategoryName"];

            var <?php echo $CategoryID ?> = new Array();
      <!-- Images inside Array -->
      <!-- Images inside Array -->
      <!-- Images inside Array -->
      <!-- Images inside Array -->
                $sql="SELECT ImageID, ImageName, ImageNumber, URL, CategoryID FROM pro2image WHERE CategoryID='$CategoryID'";
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
                    $num_results = 0;
                    $num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
                for($i=0; $i<$num_results; $i++)
                    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                    $ImageID = $row["ImageID"];
                <?php echo $CategoryID ?>Array[<?php echo $i ?>] = "http://cgtweb2.tech.purdue.edu/356/zrodimel/Project2/admin/upload/<?php echo $ImageID ?>.jpg";



thanks for the help



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Bad boy. If you're going to use nested loops, don't use the same variable names. The value that you set for $num_results in the second loop affects the number of iterations of the outer loop (which would be better off as a while loop, actually). Also, you assign the mysql result of the inner loop to the same variable as the outer loop. Same thing with $row, but that doesn't affect anything since you don't use it after starting another loop.


Use different variables for each inner loop.

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