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PDF analyzing software


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Hi forum visitors,


I am wondering if anyone knows of some software that lets a user or computer analyze PDF files with the purpose of trying to find files that are laid out or LOOK (as in, when we as humans look at something and can tell it looks like something else) similar? I don't know the technical specification of PDFs, how they work exactly, or if this is even possible but is there anything like this? If there's not, is this even possible?


I know there are new technologies like Google Goggles and TinEye.com that do this sort of thing with photos, so surely this would be possible with PDFs or other formats?

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Most PDfs are protected and only options is to "convert" pdf to image and use tinyeye service or similar but pdfs are too big for this service and I don't know any free service which could compare very big images.


There is option to use ABBY Finereader or other alternatives (which all are much worse than Finereader) to convert pdf to other more understandable format...

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