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I got a script that receive info from paypal "ipn" when someone is making a payment from my shop. I wanted to edit the script a bit as i am adding a bonus system to it.

After i added


// Bonus system vars


    if ($item_name == '301') { $point == "1"; }

elseif  ($item_name == '302') { $point == "2"; }

elseif  ($item_name == '303') { $point == "3"; }

elseif  { $point == "0"; }




$bonus1 = "update Bonus set points=points+'$points' where username='$username'";



$bonus2 = "update Bonus set points_total=points_total+'$points' where username='$username'";



$bonus3 = "update Bonus set $item_name=$item_name+1 where username='$username'";



The script wont work. But it does when i remove those things. I think my problem is at the if,elseif i just dont know why.  Do i need to put it in some kind of while loop?



Here is the full php code


mysql_connect('xxxxx', 'xxxx', 'xxxxxx');
$notify_email =  "xxxx@xxxx";

// read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd'
$req = 'cmd=_notify-validate';

foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value));
        $req .= "&$key=$value";

// post back to PayPal system to validate
$header = "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n";
$fp = fsockopen ('www.paypal.com', 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);

// assign posted variables to local variables
$item_name = $_POST['item_name'];
$item_number = $_POST['item_number'];
$payment_status = $_POST['payment_status'];
$payment_amount = $_POST['mc_gross'];
$payment_currency = $_POST['mc_currency'];
$txn_id = $_POST['txn_id'];
$receiver_email = $_POST['receiver_email'];
$payer_email = $_POST['payer_email'];
$buyer_firstname = $_POST['first_name'];
$buyer_lastname = $_POST['last_name'];
$timestamp = $_POST['payment_date'];
$address_street = $_POST['address_street'];
$address_city = $_POST['address_city'];
$address_state = $_POST['address_state'];
$address_zip = $_POST['address_zip'];
$username = $_POST['custom'];

// Bonus system vars

				     if ($item_name == '301') { $point == "1"; } 
					 elseif  ($item_name == '302') { $point == "2"; }
					 elseif  ($item_name == '303') { $point == "3"; }
					 elseif  { $point == "0"; } 


if (!$fp) {
        // HTTP ERROR
} else {
        fputs ($fp, $header . $req);
        while (!feof($fp)) {
                $res = fgets ($fp, 1024);
                if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) {
                        if ($payment_status == 'Completed') {
                                $sql = "insert into tblMail values ('','$txn_id','$payer_email',' $item_name','$timestamp','','','','$payment_amount $payment_currency','$buyer_firstname $buyer_lastname','$address_street  $address_city , $address_state $address_zip','','','$username')";

							$bonus1 = "update Bonus set points=points+'$points' where username='$username'";

							$bonus2 = "update Bonus set points_total=points_total+'$points' where username='$username'";

							$bonus3 = "update Bonus set $item_name=$item_name+1 where username='$username'";

                                $ttlpay_sql = "update totalpay set total=total+'$payment_amount' where id='1'";
                                mail($notify_email, "CLVerified", "$res\n $req");
                        } else {
                                mail($notify_email, "CLVerified - But not completed". "$res\n $req");
                else if (strcmp ($res, "INVALID") == 0) {
                        mail($notify_email, "CLINVALID IPN", "$res\n $req");

        fclose ($fp);




// Bonus system vars

                    if ($item_name == '301') { $points == "1"; } 
                   elseif  ($item_name == '302') { $points == "2"; }
                   elseif  ($item_name == '303') { $points == "3"; }
                   else  { $points == "0"; } 


You're establishing $point in your if else statments but your calling $points in your query.


So change the above $point to $points and give it a go. I also corrected your if/else .. it's if/elseif/elseif/else in your case.


I did have if,elseif,elseif,else in my first try. forgot the edit it back  was playing with it sorry.



Now the script works agin after i fixed the $points

But it still doesnt insert


Those lines at all.




                                                                $bonus1 = "update Bonus set points=points+'$points' where username='$username'";




                                                                $bonus2 = "update Bonus set points_total=points_total+'$points' where username='$username'";




                                                                $bonus3 = "update Bonus set $item_name=$item_name+1 where username='$username'";



But it do insert

$ttlpay_sql = "update totalpay set total=total+'$payment_amount' where id='1'";





So my question is, is there a way to echo my varibels to a file? some how


lets say "print  $bonus1 "

And it would print something like "update Bonus set points=points+'1' where username='testuser"

For debbuging. Cuse i cant se any errors at all the Table is named Bonus and when i try to run update Bonus set points=points+'1' where username='testuser in my MYSQL it works.


I know this is basic stuff, am reading some tutorials atm, but i like the "learn by doing"

Thanks /Orre


n/m i figured it out with the print command.



update Bonus set points=points+'' where username='lotan'


update Bonus set points_total=points_total+'' where username='lotan'


update Bonus set 301=301+1 where username='lotan' ( found the error on this one took the $item_number out)


This is what it output. So the if,elseif things dont seem to work proper for some reson. Or do i need to have them in the same while function?

After playing with it for a while i made it look ugly but it works. Is there way to get it look better? Do i need to use some kind of loop?



Heres the code that works.




                                                if ($item_number == '301') {
                                                               $bonus1 = "update Bonus set points=points+'1' where username='$username'";

                                                                $bonus2 = "update Bonus set points_total=points_total+'1' where username='$username'";

                                                                $bonus3 = "update Bonus set smal_turns='smal_turns'+1 where username='$username'";
                                                                mysql_query("$bonus3");  }

                                                 elseif  ($item_number == '302') {

                                                                $bonus1 = "update Bonus set points=points+'2' where username='$username'";

                                                                $bonus2 = "update Bonus set points_total=points_total+'2' where username='$username'";

                                                                $bonus3 = "update Bonus set medium_turns='medium_turns'+1 where username='$username'";
                                                                mysql_query("$bonus3"); }

                                                                elseif  ($item_number == '303') {

                                                                $bonus1 = "update Bonus set points=points+'3' where username='$username'";

                                                                $bonus2 = "update Bonus set points_total=points_total+'3' where username='$username'";

                                                                $bonus3 = "update Bonus set big_turns='big_turns'+1 where username='$username'";
                                                                mysql_query("$bonus3");  }

                                                                else  {

                                                                $bonus1 = "update Bonus set points=points+'0' where username='$username'";

                                                                $bonus2 = "update Bonus set points_total=points_total+'0' where username='$username'";

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