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Still working on my project, and i have been learning a lot here! Thank you so much.

But as you may have guessed, i still have problems.

User registration is working, and new users are put in the database with a rank of 0. This means they can't do anything. (can there be trouble with this. I mean, a rank of "0"?)

An admin needs to give access to these accounts, but that is where it becomes difficult.

The following code is showing the new accounts to the admin.

if ($admin<2) //normal guy or not
die ("Du har ikke rettigheder til at se denne side!");

//code to make the user able to use stuff


$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
mysql_select_db("eksamen - phoenix");
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE rank='0'");

	<form action='admin.php' method='POST'>
			while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
			 echo "
					<input type=\"checkbox\" name=".$row['username']." value=\"Godkend\"> 
			";} ?>	
					<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Register'>

As you may see, there is a lot of turning php on and off. I made it work this way, but i guess there is nothing wrong with it.

The problem is that the username is not stored, so i can connect to the database and change the "rank" value. Changing that value should be easy, but storing the username is as easy as i thought.

Any ideas?

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Admin gives access to the user by changing the "rank" to 1 or whatever greater than 0? You have two options:


1. Place a link in each user row with a url variable (file.php?uid=x). You can catch that uid with GET and update his rank.

2. Place a checkbox (as you currently have) that acts as an array and holds user ids.


<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"uid[]\" value=\"" . $row['id'] . "\">


With that code you'll have a "uid" POST variable, which is actually an array holding user ids (note the square braces of uid[] in the "name" attribute). The following code will update the rank of the checked users:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
     $uid = $_POST['uid']; //this will return an array with user ids
     foreach ($uid as $id) {
          $results = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET rank=1 WHERE id=$id");


Just remember to place mysql_connect() and mysql_select_db() in the beginning of the script, or otherwise you will run the query on submit before being connected to the database.


Hope I got your question right and my suggestions help.

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