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I am trying to make a set of radio buttons that when you make a selection, it displays a sorted database from MYSQL.  I have the MYSQL part figured out but I cannot figure out how to properly display it.


I have the following code and I made a select screen just to test:






<form action="select.php" method="post">


<input type="radio" name="table" value="table1"> Table 1




<input type="radio" name="table" value="table2">Table 2




<input type="radio" name="table" value="table3">Table 3




<input type="radio" name="table" value="table4">Table 4




<input type="radio" name="table" value="table5">Table 5




<input type="Submit" Name = "submit" value="Submit">

<input type="Reset" value="Reset">









$selected_radio = $_POST["table"];


if ($selected_radio = = 'table1) {

echo "Table 1 Here.";


else if ($selected_radio = = 'table2') {

echo "Table 2 Here.";


else if ($selected_radio = = 'table3') {

echo "Table 3 Here.";


else if ($selected_radio = = 'table4') {

echo "Table 4 Here.";


else if ($selected_radio = = 'table5') {

echo "Table 5 Here.";




These are two separate files.  When I go to run the code, no matter what I pick, the next page is always blank.  Again, the select.php is just suppose to be a check, the real code will display the table instead of echoing a message.

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The problem is the php script. Instead of the if then's I re wrote this as a switch. I think it's better :D


$selected_radio = $_POST["table"];
switch ($selected_radio) {
    case 'table1':
        echo "Table 1 Here.";
    case 'table2':
        echo "Table 2 Here.";
    case 'table3':
        echo "Table 3 Here.";
    case 'table4':
        echo "Table 4 Here.";
    case 'table5':
        echo "Table 5 Here.";

Thank you for the help sunfighter.


But I know I am still missing something because  I am still getting a blank page.


I am editing both files in Notepad and running them both from my desktop, could that be a problem since I know PHP commands are server side?

You are missing a semicolon around table1 in the php. 


<form action="select.php" method="post">

<input type="radio" name="table" value="table1"> Table 1

<input type="radio" name="table" value="table2">Table 2

<input type="radio" name="table" value="table3">Table 3

<input type="radio" name="table" value="table4">Table 4

<input type="radio" name="table" value="table5">Table 5

<input type="Submit" Name = "submit" value="Submit">
<input type="Reset" value="Reset">



$selected_radio = "$_POST[table]";

if ($selected_radio == "table1") {
echo "Table 1 Here.";
else if ($selected_radio == "table2") {
echo "Table 2 Here.";
else if ($selected_radio == "table3") {
echo "Table 3 Here.";
else if ($selected_radio == "table4") {
echo "Table 4 Here.";
else if ($selected_radio == "table5") {
echo "Table 5 Here.";


Here's an example that may be easier to implement. It uses only the part of the value that will change as the value= attribute in the radio array (in this case the number). Then you can simply concatenate the value to the part of the string that remains constant. This isn't designed to be a drop-in fix, rather an example.


if( isset($_POST['table']) ) {
$table = "table{$_POST['table']}";
echo $table;

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="radio" name="table" value=1>
<input type="radio" name="table" value=2>
<input type="radio" name="table" value=3>
<input type="radio" name="table" value=4>
<input type="radio" name="table" value=5>
<input type="submit">

Using the form structure I posted above, all the code you posted for select.php could be replaced with this and the result would be the same.


if( isset($_POST['table']) ) {
      echo "Table {$_POST['table']} here.";

Logically, it makes sense to me.  I understand how it works...


But I am still getting a blank screen after I click submit.  There must be something else I am doing wrong that isn't related to the code. :confused: :confused: :confused:


This is becoming frustrating.  Everyone, thank you all for the help you've given me so far, I greatly appreciate it.


Update: When I run my html in Firefox (4.0) I get the blank page, when I run it in IE (8 ), it asks to download my select.php file  :confused:

If the code you originally posted is still in the select.php script, you're getting a blank screen because that code has several fatal parse errors. There's an unclosed single quote at 'table1 and all of the comparisons have spaces. They should be == not = = .


If that code isn't there any longer, then there's another error somewhere. You should develop with error_reporting=-1 and display_errors=On in your php.ini file.

When I checked you html file it worked. Your php didn't, that's why I re coded it. Your html and my php works great on my computer.


BUT you say you coded in notepad so I'm wondering what you're using to interpret the php. I run wamp. What's yours?


Also these two file must be in the same folder.


A fast way to check is to make a file called test.php that only has

<?php echo 'I am working'; ?> 


in it. redirect your form to test.php and see if this works when the submit button is pressed.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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