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for ($i = 1; $i<$rows+1; $i++)
	$Choicequery ="SELECT PersonA, PersonB FROM modules WHERE GroupID = '$UpdateNumber'";
	$Choiceresult = mysql_query($Choicequery);
	$ChoiceRows = mysql_fetch_array($Choiceresult);

	$PersonQuery = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Persons p, modules m, users e, group t WHERE m.modID = $ChoiceRows[0] AND e.UserID = m.PersonA AND p.PersonID = e.PersonID";
	$PersonResult = mysql_query($PersonQuery);
	$PersonRows = mysql_fetch_array($PersonResult);

	$Person2Query = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Persons p, modules m, users e, group t WHERE m.modID = $ChoiceRows[0] AND e.UserID = m.PersonB AND p.PersonID = e.PersonID";
	$Person2Result = mysql_query($Person2Query);
	$Person2Rows = mysql_fetch_array($Person2Result);

	echo "<Option value = \"$i\">$PersonRows[0] $PersonRows[1] and $Person2Rows[0] $Person2Rows[1] </Option>";


How do I get it to show the next result when $i increases? All the options are the first people A and B $i number of times. Not sure how to use a loop here to go though the results. Whats the best way?


ie $PersonRows[0] $PersonRows[1] are the same for every option

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I dont think the above is explained very well, also If I could add ORDER BY to topic...


echo "<Option value = \"$i\">$PersonRows[0] $PersonRows[1] and $Person2Rows[0] $Person2Rows[1] </Option>";


I need to iterate though the results of $PersonRows[0] $PersonRows[1] and $Person2Rows[0] $Person2Rows[1]  for each $i


At the moment I get

Andy Smith
Andy Smith
Andy Smith



But I need


Andy Smith
Tim Carbrook
Tom Steptoe




Also I have


$Choicequery ="SELECT PersonA, PersonB FROM modules WHERE GroupID = '$UpdateNumber'"; or
$Choicequery ="SELECT PersonA, PersonB,StartDate FROM modules WHERE GroupID = '$UpdateNumber'";


But if I add ORDER BY StartDate, it returns nothing? I really need them ordered....




Any ideas?, thanks

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