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Hi, gday, how can I use the ucfirst variable on the posted variable after to form has been submitted to welcome my member?


"<p>Welcome:  ucfirst{$_SESSION['first_name']};"



This is not working.  Should I use it in the form instead?


not tested but it could probably look like:


                $_SESSION['first_name'] = 'john'; //bogus session var, remove this line ones tested

                if(isset($_SESSION['first_name'])){//make sure it's set
                echo $name = ucfirst($_SESSION['first_name']);

not tested but it could probably look like:


tested and on second thought it might be useful to first make all characters lower case and than the first upper case so here is a working example. just edited it a bit and made it into a function

               function supercaps($var){
                   $var = ucfirst(strtolower($var));
                   return $var;
            echo supercaps('GORILAaAaaaaAAaaAaaaaAA');
            // will output: Gorilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


now any time you need a word where the first letter is only in caps use superscaps  ;D

have fun!

Yes, I was using a session that was already set and users name is echoed no problem.

It's not imperative but I thought i'd be nice to let the user see hisher name uc.

I tried your code and it didn't work. 

I've wrapped the variable in {}brackets because it is inside html, that's how I learned it but if there is another way I will try.

I will keep trying variations on your code.


You can't directly use a php function from within a quoted string being echoed. You'll need to concatenate it in. The curly braces are fine to use to enclose an array element, but you need to also use the parentheses that are associated with the function.


echo "<p>Welcome: " . ucfirst({$_SESSION['first_name']});
// OR //
echo "<p>Welcome: " . ucfirst($_SESSION['first_name']);


The second is more concise and probably clearer.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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