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Hello fellow PHPFreaks, thanks for looking.


I've just created a Personal Portfolio for my PHP Freelancing work and I'm needing some critique.

The current content is just the beginning, I'm currently going back to old clients to get some feedback and comments for the work I've done for them aswell as getting some screenshots of the work or website I worked on.


I'll also be posting free-to-use script I've created over time such as a shoutbox, chat system, search script and others.


Anything you have to say, I'll be grateful for :)


Website - http://www.paulryanmc.co.uk/home


Thanks, PaulRyan.

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Thanks for the replies, I've heeded the warning of the smaller text and made it bigger. I've also changed a few things such as adding some more little detail in the header, aswell as changing the footer to look the same as the navigation.


About the colour scheme, I just can't make myself make it lighter, although in time I may decide to brighten it up, for the time being I'm gunna keep the colours I have.


I curious as to which font you'd find suitable, I feel the current font (Verdana) is probably the best looking out of the various ones I've tried.


Regards, PaulRyan.

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I'm sure you are proud to do what you did only being 19.

I feel you should place that elsewhere if anywhere at all, just not right up top.


I know from experience of my lifetime and in business most people think that the older person is the smarter/wiser person. You showing that you are 19 may not get you as much work.

Although I know better than that, some people are just set in their ways.


I always see people making sites to promote themselves, unfortunately I rarely see them show off their talents on their own sites.


If you can incorporate some cool scripts and tricks into your site to give them  a "wow" factor...it may just help.


Since some don't like the dark themes, why not do yourself an option to change the sites colors and show some of your skill.

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Some more very valid points QuickOldCar, thanks.


I understand the age thing, that was just something to put there for now, planning to make an About Me page where I display that sort of thing at some point.



I always see people making sites to promote themselves, unfortunately I rarely see them show off their talents on their own sites.

You know what, I've never noticed that until now, I will take that into consideration, I've some cool little things I'll probably add in the next week or 2, as I'm still collecting Feedback from old clients.


About the colour changing feature, I never actually thought of that to be honest, I'll get round to designing say, another 2 colour schemes and allow them to change between them :)


Thanks for your input, it's made me think that little bit more.


Regards, PaulRyan.

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I'd ditch your 'Job Statistics' block entirely.  It provides too much information about your experience, and you really don't want potential clients questioning the two jobs that weren't finished on time and the one job that wasn't finished at all.


Your focus should be on advertising yourself, which means highlighting the positive.  Focus on your portfolio, and highlight anything you feel was particularly challenging, within reason (it should be a real technical issue which gave you problems, not a generic "I learned how to do X with this project").


I'd also remove your age, even from an 'About Me' page.  The only people who would care about your age would be those people biased against people in your age group.  Again, the focus should be on your skills and qualifications.  Let that do the talking for you.  Age has no bearing on your work ethic, ability, or desire.


You should have an example of your work on your home page.  Ideally, you'd have a random example, which would change on page load, or rotating examples.  This will entice potential clients immediately, as well as add a desperately needed splash of color without forcing you to redo your layout.

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Hey Nightslyr, thanks for your post.


You have made yet more valid points, which I myself over looked.


Regarding the displaying of a project on the homepage was a thought of mine, but as of yet I need to go and collect some screenshots of the work I've done previously.


I've taken into account what you have said and intend to make the changes needed :)


Regards, PaulRyan.

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