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Hi there,


I will get straight to the point on this one


I have a array in a variable and when i print_r the variable it shows me:


Array ( [93] => Array ( [0] => 96 ) ) 


How do i print the 93 in the array and the 96? Both these numbers are variable so i would love to see an echo of a variable in this case.


(This is all based on code not written by me and the variable structure is a mess, thats why i am asking :-))


Thanks in advance!

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think of it this way: A pregnant woman has a baby, and she is in a house.

$house = Array(
          [Mother] =>
                Array (
                         [0] => Baby

93 (mother) is a key in an array (house), and the data for 93 IS an array, which contains key 0 (baby), which has a value of 96.

This is a multi-dimensional array. Hopefully that link can help.

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First of all, thanks for the quick reply!


Yea i banged my head over this issue yesterday and i came across the website that you pointed at. I did some reading on the multidimensional arrays but i cant seem to figure out how i echo the high numbers that i showed.


Array ( [93] => Array ( [0] => 96 ) ) 


I your example, how would you echo [mother] (not $row[mother], because in my case i have to work with a variable)

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I'd just like to point out that when your keys are strings, surround them with quotes to ensure PHP doesn't assume them to be constants.


echo $array[mother]; // this is bad, php first looks to see if a constant called mother is defined.
echo $array['mother']; // this is good, always surround key with quotes. but only if it's an associative array, that is, the keys are named.


Now. What is the end result of these variables? If you are going to do something with them inside a loop, then something like this may suffice.

foreach($filters as $key => $value){
   echo $key; // will echo 93
   echo $value[0]; // will echo 96


Of course, if you have an array that is deeper you'll need to use a recursive function.


Hope this helps a bit.

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