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Hi my social networking site has users profiles like




and i want




or if easier




but i have read many threads in here and tried out alot of the mod rewerites and none of them work, can someone help me please?

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You can map domian.com/user/user to domain.com/members.php?username=user using

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule user/([a-z0-9_-]+)/? members.php?user=$1 [NC,L]


In members.php you will need to modify your existing links so they adopt your new url format. Mod_rewrite will not do this for you. For example you may output your links like this

<a href="members.php?user=<?php echo $username; ?>"><?php echo $username; ?></a>

You'll need to change the above to

<a href="/user/<?php echo $username; ?>"><?php echo $username; ?></a>

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Ah i missed that lol.


Anyway for this to only work with uses not images ect?


My icon on my heaer is called icon.png and when i go to a members profile the image no longer shows (just shows broken image) and when i view the image it takes me to /user/icon.png acting as if thats a profile




Using ../ in front of the links on the page such as <a href="login.php">Login to ../login.php seems to work,. is that ok to use?

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Because your url is now site.com/users/username for viewing a users profile. Your browser is thinking user/ is a directory. It is trying to load your links/images within this non existent directory. To prevent this start your url paths with a /

For example

<a href="/link.php">Link</a>


<img src="/image.png" />

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