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No one is going to throw something at you like that. You'd need to take advantage of the GD library. A quick Google search comes up with a few things:


http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/image-resizing-made-easy-with-php/ < this one uses OOP from a quick glance



It's something you're just going to have to attempt to do yourself. Those aren't the only two tutorials either, there are a heap out there. Just look around, if you have any more problems let us know.

Here is something to try, it is what I use, you submit the image from a form in this example, the form field passed in this example is named "logo" and can add a database insert or update at the end depending on your needs


include database connection here

// Process new image
if ($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name']&&$_FILES['logo']['tmp_name']!="") {  
// set memory limit for image
// Check file extension
$ext=substr($checkfile, -3);
// Redirect if not correct image type
if (!in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'JPG', 'gif', 'GIF', 'png', 'PNG'))) {
	header("Location: redirect to some page if wrong file type");
// Close database connection
	exit ();
// Create new image (300px wide can modify to suit height if that is preferred or set both but not advised)
list($width, $height)=getimagesize($file);
// Scale to width

if ($ext=="jpg"||$ext=="JPG") {
	$newname="image".time().".jpg"; // using time as part of the name guarantees a unique name for each new image to prevent duplicate naming
if ($ext=="gif"||$ext=="GIF") {
if ($ext=="png"||$ext=="PNG") {
// Create main image file
$main_image=imagecreatetruecolor($main_width, $main_height);
imagecopyresampled($main_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $main_width, $main_height, $width, $height);
if ($ext=="jpg"||$ext=="JPG") {
	imagejpeg($main_image, $cp_file, 100); // 100 here is the max quality setting for jpeg
	imagejpeg($main_image, $site_file, 100);
if ($ext=="gif"||$ext=="GIF") {
	imagegif($main_image, $cp_file, 100); // 100 here is the max quality setting for gif
	imagegif($main_image, $site_file, 100);
if ($ext=="png"||$ext=="PNG") {
// Turn off alpha blending and set alpha flag
	imagepng($main_image, $cp_file, 9); // 9 here is the max setting for png quality
	imagepng($main_image, $site_file, 9);

save file name to database here with mysql insert or update query using variable $newname as the name or you can optionally save path aswell using the variable $cp_file and $site_file

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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