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Has anyone encountered this bug which had me banging my head against the desk all morning?


In the beginning I registered a $GLOBALS['direction'] that equalled to a radio button value. Later in the script I declare a variable $direction that for some strange reason took the value of $GLOBALS['direction'] without me even writing so. So when i compared them they had the same value. As soon as I changed $direction to $directionx the script worked and the value wasn't "copied" to the $GLOBALS.


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This is not a bug. This is supposed to happen. By using $GLOBALS you reference any variables you create a key for in the global scope!

You should use caution with global variables as you are experiencing the issues now. I avoid like the plague or use very scarcely such as a database connection handle that is required in a function i.e


function foobar() {
global $db;


Read the PHP manual



Global variables are dangerous!

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