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I have a table that contains posts and each post has a datetime field.


Im trying to work out how I can show entries from today, this week and this month so I can have a link that shows all posts from today or this month etc.


Any one know how I can do this ? My current piece of code that pulls the data from the db looks like this :


$texts= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM submittedtexts Order by id DESC LIMIT " . (($page - 1) * 6) . ", 6");


I want to add a bit that acts like : WHERE date = today



Hope that makes sense, Im a bit of a newbie :(


Thanks in advance,





Basically it just pulls the data from the database and displays it :


$texts= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM submittedtexts Order by id DESC LIMIT " . (($page - 1) * 6) . ", 6");

while ($got_texts = mysql_fetch_array($texts)){the code that simply displays the data}

You really don't want to use the PHP date function for this if you can avoid it. MySQL has time/date functions built-in HERE that are faster and more efficient. In what format are you storing the date? Is it in a DATE or DATETIME type data field? If it is, for today's date:


// if the field is DATETIME . . .
SELECT field1, field2 FROM table WHERE some_field = 'some_value' AND DATE(date_field) = CURDATE()

// if the field is DATE . . .
SELECT field1, field2 FROM table WHERE some_field = 'some_value' AND date_field = CURDATE()


Then you can add a BETWEEN clause in conjunction with MySQL's DATE_SUB() to get the last 7 days, or last month, etc.


SELECT field1, field2 FROM table WHERE some_field = 'some_value' AND date_field BETWEEN DATE_SUB( CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY ) AND CURDATE()

  • 4 weeks later...

thanks very much for the replies and sorry for the slow reply.


That looks great but instead of grabbing the last 7 days I need it to grab data from this week so it would be all posts since Monday. If that makes sense.


Would that be easy to do ?


Thanks again.



Seems to work great. Sorry for being stupid but will this return posts from today or posts from this week ?


$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `submittedtexts` WHERE approved = 1 AND `date` > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL WEEKDAY(CURDATE()) DAY) Order by id DESC LIMIT '. (($page - 1) * 6) .', 6';

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