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Planning to build web application


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could anyone with the experience discuss  how to  approach/plan  developing web applications  from start to finish. i know there are methodolgies to follow in developing applications but i want everybody opinion well who could answer.

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I think planing is important, however when starting out it's probably the last thing on your mind, even I rarely 'plan' I just go straight to the coding. However as you start trying out bigger/more complicated projects you probably will find that having a plan in the beginning  can make everything so much smoother.


Other than that, there are some really really good books out there on patterns/methods.

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I always work back to front. Plan out and normalize your database(s) as much as possible. That's the most important thing IMO. You could change the front end or business logic a hundred times so long as you have a well structured database.

Then start your models and base them loosely off individual entities in your db. You'll notice some will have more than what's just in the table it's describing due to associations with other entities and that's fine. Write out your use cases and decide which model makes most sense to house each one.

Next I plan my URL paths which then leads me to how to structure my controllers.

I always split off my views into what I call "modules" which are subviews that I can reuse over many views. I think I do my view handling a little different than most people do but that should get you started. Hopefully it's useful.


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Read the following. It applies to any kind of software/web development cycle. There is no difference in the methodology of a developing a web site to writing the next version of Microsoft Windows. However, the main factor to take into consideration when deciding on the development cycle is the size of the project. You may shorten or cut out some of the activities from the development cycle the smaller the project is. When working on medium to large projects I will usually stick to the waterfall model. The actual 'writing code' section is usually the shortest activity of the development cycle.



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