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i have created a table named 'masteruseraccounts' in mysql.it has fields : key(auto increment,int);name(varchar(50));idNo(varchar(12));password(varchar(50));mobileNo(varchar(10));email(varchar(50)).

i entered one row as follows:

key |    name            |      idNo            |  password    | mobileNo      |  email

1    |  nikhil upadhyay | 2009AAPS092H  | nikhil            |9505042041  |  [email protected]


and the idNo is the login name and is stored in a session variable($_SESSION['MM_Username']).i confirmed that the idNo is properly getting stored in session variable by using echo statement.i am also using the session_start().depending on this idNo i was trying to display the rest of information.so i tried to use the WHERE clause but in vain

here is my syntax

$userId = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['MM_Username']);

$query = "SELECT * " .
"FROM masteruseraccounts".
"WHERE idNo = '$userId' ";

$results = mysql_query($query)
or die(mysql_error());

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo $idNo;
echo " - ";
echo $email;
echo " - ";
echo $mobileNo;
echo "<br>";




it says "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= '2009AAPS092H'' at line 1"


instead if i do not use the where clause then it displays all info correctly.i even tried removing the single quotes around $userId.also tried the WHERE clause as( "WHERE idNo = " .$userId. ""; ) still it gives error.


i even tried hardcoding it with the WHERE statement as WHERE idNo = 2009AAPS092H but it doesnt work.putting quotes around 2009AAPS092H also doesnt help.


please i am pulling my hair out.someone help me.i thought there might be some different syntax for varchar types but i tried hardcoding the WHERE clause as (WHERE key = 1) this also gives error "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'key = 1' at line 1" now this key field being int type i know it doesnt require quotes around it.


any help is very much appreciated.

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@anupamsaha: Why do think you wouldn't need to escape a string just because it's in a $_SESSION var? What if the string contains quotes or apostrrophes?


@OP: The way the query is currently constructed, this is what it will echo:

"SELECT * FROM masteruseraccountsWHERE idNo = '$userId' "

Note there is no space before WHERE.

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