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Hope someone can help me please.


I have constructed an audio dictionary and have discovered an error now that I have added a few entries to the database.


A user can search the database and can click on a result to be taken to the content associated with the entry he chooses.


This is the search function;



//get the mysql and store them in $result

$result = mysql_query("SELECT word FROM pro_words WHERE word LIKE '%$search%'");
//get the db content that is specified above

if (mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) {

echo "<br><br><h2> We didn't find anything. Sorry - we did look though.</h2>";

}else {
echo '<table align="center" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="8" width="85%"><tr><td align="left"><b>Word</b></td></tr>';

echo "<br><br><h2>Success! Here's what we found:</h2><br>";

while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC))

echo '<h2><tr><td align="left"><a href="word.php?w=' . $r['word'] . '">' . $r['word'] . '</a></td></tr></h2>';



You will see that content is displayed in a new file called word.php.


This is relevant code from word.php


$query = "SELECT word,word_type1,sentence1,word_type2,sentence2,word_type3,sentence3 FROM pro_words"; 

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

echo '<div class="colmask rightmenu">';
echo '<div class="colleft">';
echo '<div class="col1">';
echo '<p>Here are some example sentences that show how we use the word; </p>';
echo '<div id="small"><i> ' . $row['word_type1'] . '</i></div>';	
echo '<p><div id="small">' . $row['sentence1'] . '</p></div>';
echo '<div id="small"><i> ' . $row['word_type2'] . '</i></div>';
echo '<p><div id="small">' . $row['sentence2'] . '</p></div>';
echo '<div id="small"><i> ' . $row['word_type3'] . '</i></div>';
echo '<p><div id="small">' . $row['sentence3'] . '</p></div>';



The problem is that every entry on the database is echoed in word.php whereas I would like only the entries for the word selected to appear.


Thanks in advance for any help; do say if you need more info.



You can save your search criteria in session. 

$_SESSION['where_caluse'] = " WHERE word LIKE '%".$search."%'";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT word FROM pro_words ".$_SESSION['where_clause']);



Get session value in word.php file your query looks like

$query = "SELECT word,word_type1,sentence1,word_type2,sentence2,word_type3,sentence3 FROM pro_words".$_SESSION['where_clause']; 


Thanks for that.


I should have said that the facility can only be used by registered users - there's already a session variable in existence for the user; where does that leave the session variable you create?


I popped that code you kindly provide into the relevant files but doesn't seem to have an effect..I wonder if I'm missing something - is there any significance behind your calling 'where_clause'?



Thanks again - it does work but only if there is one search result. If there are two results, it displays two results  on word.php.


How do I get it so that, if there are multiple results displayed, then only the chosen entry is displayed on word.php?




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