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SQL Select Query not returning the correct data!

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Hi All


Ok I would just like to say thank you to anyone that can help.


I am getting a weird thing that I have never come accross before, the chances are that this is probaly a silly mistake but I have tried everything to get this working.


What I have is a simple Login System and what I want to do is get a array of the users from the database so that I can 'echo' these out within the page.


I have a function that gets this information and returns the array:

function get_users()
    $query = "SELECT id,usr,dob FROM ".tbl_users; 
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error());
    return $row;   


The functions page is required at the top of the page that I want the data to appear, I am then putting the data into a var and running a foreach to echo out each field:


$matches = get_users();
     foreach ($matches as $user)
        echo $user['usr'];


seems all well and good to me however I have only one record in the database and this is a temporay record used for testing purposes:


id: 7

usr: Oxygen2010

dob: 1985-05-07


but what this script is giving me is the following:




now i'm assuming that one of the 7's is the id and the rest looks like the first letter/number from each field but duplicated?






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You're using mysql_fetch_array(), which returns an array containing two sets of the same data. One array is associative, the other is enumerated. Since you're using a foreach() loop and don't need the associative array, you can use mysql_fetch_row() instead. As for the truncated values, what is the data type of each of those fields in the DB table?

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Thanks for your reply Pikachu2000,


I have changed fetch_array to fetch_row and this seems to have solved the problem of the duplication however the issue of truncation is still present, my data types are as follows :


id - int(11)

usr - varchar(32)

dob - date


I can't see this being the problem though as I am successfully use the data on the main site, i.e the actual user login :( im confused!


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For the foreach() loop to work correctly, you need  the function to return a multidimensional array. Make the following change, and I believe you should be good to go.


$row[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) or die(mysql_error()); // Added square brackets, and changed to mysql_fetch_assoc . . .

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thanks :) that seems to have worked but... :



function get_users()
    $query = "SELECT id,usr,dob FROM ".tbl_users; 
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    $row[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) or die(mysql_error());
    return $row;   


$matches = get_users();
     foreach ($matches as $user)
       echo $user['id']."<br/>";
       echo $user['usr']."<br/>";
       echo $usr['dob'];



with the result of:






as you can see the date is not coming out correctly? could this be something to do with dob being a date datatype?

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OK, now what does this output with the one line I added to the foreach()?


$matches = get_users();
     foreach ($matches as $user)
       echo '<pre>'; print_r($matches); echo '</pre>';
       echo $user['id']."<br/>";
       echo $user['usr']."<br/>";
       echo $usr['dob'];

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it's showing correct? this again is probaly really simple, I really shouldnt be doing things like this when Im half asleep lol


The output is:




    [0] => Array


            [id] => 7

            [usr] => Oxygen2010

            [dob] => 1985-05-07








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