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Login Script


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okay, i have a login page. When the user presses submit jQuery is used to send the post data to the login_process.php script, which fires the loginUser() method.


if(isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['remember']))
    $user->loginUser($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['remember']);


this class method does all of the validation then outputs either 'success' or the error back to the jquery script. The problem is that i have this line in the class:


$this->userData[] = $row;


userData is public $userData = array();


its supposed to add the query result array to this array so i can call the info from other scripts like




but userData never gets populated with the query result. I am calling the new userClass via the initialize.php page which is called from every page. Could this be why?


Here is the full user class:


class userClass extends mainCore
    private $db;
     * Hash Method
     * can be one string or multiple sepearated with comma
     * @return array
    public $hash = 'sha1, md5, sha1, sha1';
    public $start_hash;
    public $end_hash;
    public $cookieName;
    public $cookiePath = '/';
    public $cookieValue;
    public $cookieTime = 9999999;
     * holds all the data for a logged in user
     * @return array
    public $userData = array();
    public $asf;

    public function loginUser($username, $password, $remember = 'no')
        // return an error if there are blank fields
        if(empty($username) || empty($password))
            $this->error('Please fill in all fields');
        // connect to the database
        $this->db = new db_pdo(
        // convert the hash into an array
        $hash = explode(',', $this->hash);
        // the beginning of the hash srting
        $this->start_hash = implode('(',$hash);
        // the length of the hash
        // used to print right amount of closing brackets
        $hash_length = count($hash);
        // add an extra bracket which isn't added by implode
        $this->start_hash .= '(';
        // add the correct amount of closing brackets
        for($i=0; $i<$hash_length; $i++)
            $this->end_hash = str_repeat(')', $hash_length);
        // hash the password
        $password = $this->start_hash."'".$password."'".$this->end_hash;
        // query to match the user submitted info
        $lookup_query = 
            "SELECT u_username, u_salt, u_password
            FROM ".TBL_PREFIX."users
            WHERE u_username = '$username'
            AND u_password = $password
            LIMIT 1";
        // execute the lookup query
        $execute = $this->db->query($lookup_query)
            or die($this->db->printError($lookup_query));
        // grab the query results
        $row = $execute->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        // assign userData array
            $this->userData[] = $row;
            // if remember me was checked add a cookie
            if($remember == 'yes')
                $this->cookieName  = 'uniqueId';
                $this->cookieValue = md5($this->userData['u_username']);
                $cookie = setcookie($this->cookieName, $this->cookieValue, time()+$this->cookieTime, $this->cookiePath);

            $_SESSION['logged_in'] = 'yes';
            echo 'success';
            return $this->userData;
             $this->error('Invalid details');


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It sounds to me like you need to store that data in $_SESSION.  You may be able to store the class instance in $_SESSION, but make sure the class is defined when session data is read in (ie session_start() must occur after classes are defined, unless you are autoloading class definitions).


Just to confirm, you are storing the data from a script called from jQuery, then you want to access the data in a php script called from elsewhere?

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