tokool420 Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Hello, I have a form inside the html, which calls the javascript when submited. I would like to remove the form from the html and call the javascript by passing the parameters when the page is loaded. Here is part of javascript function in the .js file $('form').submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var newstate = $(this).serialize(), type = $(this).find('#type').val(), search = $('#search').val(), ........ Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks MOD EDIT: code tags added. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tokool420 Posted June 8, 2011 Author Share Posted June 8, 2011 /* Here is the entire javascript. */ var store = (function () { var useStorage = !!window.localStorage; return { get: function (key) { var value, ca, c, i; if (useStorage) { value = window.localStorage.getItem(key); } else { ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (i=0; i < ca.length; i++) { c = ca; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') { c = c.substring(1, c.length); } if (c && c.indexOf(key) == 0) { value = c.substring(key.length,c.length); break; } } } if (value == null) { value == ""; } return value; }, set: function (key, value) { if (useStorage) { try { window.localStorage.setItem(key, value); } catch (e) { // could be a QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR (for some reason Webkit is giving me this, just needs a restart and it goes away...) } } else { document.cookie = key + "=" + value + "; path=/"; } } }; })(); $('body').keyup(function (event) { if (event.which == 27) { clearTimeout(timer); $('body').removeClass('auth').removeClass('loading'); twitterlib.cancel(); } }); // very hacky code - sorry! var $tweets = $('#tweets ul'), screen_name = url = state = '', page = 1, pageMax = null, total_tweets = 0, timer = null, total_searched = 0, statusTop = null, type_string = { timeline : 'tweets', favs: 'favourites', withfriends: 'friends’ tweets', list: 'member tweets', dm: 'received direct messages', dm_sent: 'sent direct messages' }; twitterlib.cache(true); twitterlib.custom('withfriends', '/proxy.php?page=%page%'); twitterlib.custom('dm', '/proxy.php?page=%page%&type=direct_messages'); twitterlib.custom('dm_sent', '/proxy.php?page=%page%&type=direct_messagesSent'); twitterlib.custom('mentions', '/proxy.php?page=%page%&type=statusesMentions'); $('#more a').live('click', function () { pageMax = 5; $('form').submit(); return false; }); $(function () { var msie6 = $.browser == 'msie' && $.browser.version < 7; if (!msie6) { $(window).scroll(function (event) { var y; // what the y position of the scroll is if (statusTop != null) { y = $(this).scrollTop(); // whether that's below the form if (y >= statusTop) { // if so, ad the fixed class $('#tweets aside').addClass('fixed'); } else { // otherwise remove it $('#tweets aside').removeClass('fixed'); } } }); } }); var $status = $('#tweets aside p'); function setStatus(matched, searched, oldest) { var date = new Date(Date.parse(oldest)), hour = date.getHours(), niceSearched = (searched+'').replace(/([0-9]+)([0-9]{3})/, "$1,$2"); $status.eq(0).text(matched + (matched == 1 ? ' tweet' : ' tweets')); // cheap thousand separator $status.eq(1).text(niceSearched + ' searched'); if (oldest != undefined) { $status.eq(2).text(; if (hour > 6 && hour < 12) { $('#time').text('morning'); } else if (hour < 18) { $('#time').text('afternoon'); } else if (hour < 22) { $('#time').text('evening'); } else { $('#time').text('night'); } } $('#more p.searched').text(niceSearched + ' tweets searched.'); } function updateLoading(type, currentTotal) { var inc = 200; if (type == 'favs') inc = 20; $('#loading .num').text(total_searched + '-' + (total_searched+inc)); } var $screen_name_label = $('#screen_name_label'), $auth = $('#auth_screen_name'), $screen_name = $('#screen_name'); $('#type').bind('change keyup', function () { var authRequired = !(this.value == 'timeline' || this.value == 'favs'); $screen_name_label.text(authRequired ? 'You' : 'Who?'); if (authRequired && !$auth.length) { // show lightbox $('body').addClass('auth'); } else if (authRequired && $':hidden')) { $screen_name.attr('disabled', true).data('old', $screen_name.val()).val(' '); // space forces the placeholder to hide $; } else if (!authRequired && $':visible')) { // not checked $auth.hide(); $screen_name.removeAttr('disabled').val( $'old') ); } $('#more a').text('Search next ' + (this.value == 'favs' ? 100 : '1,000') + ' tweets'); }).trigger('change'); $('form').submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var newstate = $(this).serialize(), type = $(this).find('#type').val(), search = $('#search').val(), filter = twitterlib.filter.format(search); screen_name = $.trim(type == 'timeline' || type == 'favs' ? $('#screen_name').val() : $auth.text()); $('body').removeClass('intro').addClass('results loading'); if (state != newstate) { state = newstate; store.set('screen_name', screen_name); if (screen_name.match(/\//)) { type = 'list'; } total_tweets = 0; total_searched = 0; updateLoading(type); $tweets.empty(); $('#permalink').attr('href', '/' + screen_name + '/' + type + '/' + encodeURIComponent(search)); $tweets.append('<li class="searchterm">Searching <em><strong>' + escapeTags(screen_name) + '</strong>’s ' + type_string[type] + '</em> for <strong>' + escapeTags(search) + '</strong></li>'); $('body').addClass('results'); // cancel any outstanding request, and kick off a new one twitterlib.cancel()[type](screen_name, { filter: search, rts: true }, function (data, options) { total_searched += options.originalTweets.length; setStatus(total_tweets + data.length, total_searched, options.originalTweets.length ? options.originalTweets[options.originalTweets.length - 1].created_at : null); // if there's no matched results, but there are raw Tweets, do another call - and keep going until we hit something if (data.length == 0 && total_tweets == 0 && options.originalTweets.length > 0) { // check if we're doing a page max updateLoading(type); clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () {; }, 1000); return; } else if (total_tweets > 0 && data.length == 0 && options.originalTweets.length > 0 && pageMax > 0) { pageMax--; updateLoading(type); clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () {; }, 1000); return; } if (total_tweets) { $tweets.find('li:last').addClass('more'); // hard split line } var i = 0, j = 0, t, r, scrollPos = null, searches = filter.and.concat(filter.or).join('|'); for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { t = twitterlib.render(data, i); $tweets.append(t); if (total_tweets == 0 && i == 0) { $tweets.find('li:first').addClass('first'); } // really tricky code here, we're finding *this* and all nested text nodes // then replacing them with our new <strong>text</strong> elements $tweets.find('.entry-content:last, .entry-content:last *').contents().filter(function () { return this.nodeName == '#text'; }).each(function () { // ignore blank lines // make matches bold var change = ''; if (/[^\s]/.test(this.nodeValue)) { // encoding of entities happens here, so we need to reverse back out change = this.nodeValue.replace(/[<>&]/g, function (m) { var r = '&'; if (m == '<') { r = '<'; } else if (m == '>') { r = '>'; } return r; }).replace(new RegExp('(' + searches + ')', "gi"), "<strong>$1</strong>"); // need to convert this textNode to tags and text $(this).replaceWith(change); } }); } scrollPos = $tweets.find('li:last').offset().top; if (scrollPos != null) { setTimeout(function () { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollPos }, 500, function () { }); }, 100); } total_tweets += data.length; pageMax = null; $('body').removeClass('loading'); if (statusTop == null) { statusTop = $('#tweets aside').offset().top - parseFloat($('#tweets aside').css('margin-top').replace(/auto/, 0)); } }); } else { updateLoading(type); clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { twitterlib.cancel().next(); }, 250); } }); function escapeTags(s) { return (s||'').replace(/[<>]/g, function (m) { return {'<':'<'}[m]||'>'; }); } function two(s) { return (s+'').length == 1 ? '0' + s : s; } function updateRequestStatus() { $.getJSON('', function (data) { var date = new Date(Date.parse(data.reset_time)); if (! $('#status p.rate').length) $('#status').append('<p class="rate" />'); $('#status p.rate').html('Requests left: ' + data.remaining_hits + '<br />Next reset: ' + two(date.getHours()) + ':' + two(date.getMinutes())); }); } function getQuery(s) { var query = {}; s.replace(/\b([^&=]*)=([^&=]*)\b/g, function (m, a, d) { if (typeof query[a] != 'undefined') { query[a] += ',' + d; } else { query[a] = d; } }); return query; } $('input[type=reset]').click(function () { $tweets.empty(); }); if ( !$('#screen_name').val() ) { $('#screen_name').val(store.get('screen_name')); } // check to see if we need to prepopulate if ( { var query = getQuery(; if (query.screen_name) { $('#screen_name').val(decodeURIComponent(query.screen_name)); } if ( { $('#search').val(decodeURIComponent(; } if (query.favs) { $('#favs').attr('checked', 'checked'); } } var $ref = $('<div>M</div>').css({ 'visibility' : 'hidden', 'font-size': '10px', 'line-height': '10px', 'margin': 0, padding: 0, overflow: 'hidden' }).appendTo('body'), oh = 10; var timer = setInterval(function () { var h = $ref.height(); if (h != oh && !$('#bang').length) { // show exploded page $('<div id="bang" />').appendTo('body'); } else if (h == oh && $('#bang').length) { $('#bang').remove(); } }, 500); $('#auth .cancel').click(function () { $('input[type=radio]:first').click(); $('body').removeClass('auth'); }); $('#logout').click(function () { document.cookie = 'token=; path=/'; }); if ($('#screen_name').val() && $('#search').val()) { try { $('form').submit(); } catch (e) { // why is this throwing in FF? } } MOD EDIT: code tags added. 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Pikachu2000 Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 When posting code, enclose it within the forum's . . . BBCode tags. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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