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OK, so the long of what i am trying to do is take images from folder(A) on one server and using web services transfer all of those images to database table(B) on another server.  I want it to do this automatically whenever there is a new image put into folder (A).  So far I have it transferring the file name but not the actually image itself.  This is the code i am using for that....



$dir = opendir("images");

//List files in images directory
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {




function addData()
//populate Orders sample table with data
//insert new record into Orders sample table
   global $tableName, $wsdl, $file;

$file = substr($file, 0, -4);

   //Caspio Bridge WS API WSDL file
   $wsdl = "https://b4.caspio.com/ws/api.asmx?wsdl";
   //Caspio Bridge table with sample data
   $tableName = "Images";

   //Caspio Bridge account name
   $name = "XXXXX";
   //Web service profile
   $profile = "XXXXXXX";
   //Web service profile password
   $password = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

      //init the SOAP Client
      $client = new SoapClient($wsdl);
      //WS API call
      $client->InsertData($name, $profile, $password, $tableName, false, "Date_added, Image_name","getdate(), '$file'");
   catch (SoapFault $fault)
      //SOAP fault handling
      $str = "<h1><b>Fault:</b> faultcode: {$fault->faultcode}, <b>faultstring:</b> {$fault->faultstring}</h1>";



as you can see i am just looping through to get all the names.  This same system is not working for the images though.  It only displays one.  And wont transfer to Table (B).  I am at a loss.  So if anyone has any code snippits or advice or anything on parts of this or even the whole thing please please let me know!  Thank you!


MOD EDIT: code tags added.

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