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I need to be able to send data via an API (to another server), every time a conversion/sale is made. Here is an example:


"Your Server to Server Key is 3adfa886-415f-4e80-8b53-bddedf59c0ec


To use the Server to Server Conversion API, make one HTTP GET request for every conversion. Adknowledge prefers to receive conversion data as conversions are processed. This allows Adknowledge's conversion processing and discounting systems to make decisions and store results in real time as soon as data is received.


The URL for the API is:





Now on my tracking program's conversion page, I added the following PHP code:




$adknowledge = $_GET['http://bidsystem.adknowledge.com/conversion_sts.php?key=3adfa886-415f-4e80-8b53-bddedf59c0ec&click_id=clickid&ip=ip'];





Will this successfully send the data through and count as a conversion? I am so lost it's not even funny.


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All that does is set a value. What you need to do is send a request to the URL (same as if a user typed it into their browser). Others may have a better solution, but one easy way to do this is with file_get_contents(). That function will call a page (as defined by the url you provide) and return the results. I would think that their service would return something that would be of value such as a success or failure code. So, if there is a failure you could re-queue the request for later or recheck your data for errors.


$key = '3adfa886-415f-4e80-8b53-bddedf59c0ec';
$clickID = 'some value';
$ip = ''; //Only an example

$result = file_get_contents("http://bidsystem.adknowledge.com/conversion_sts.php?key={$key}&click_id={$clickID}&ip={$ip}");

So my code should be this?:




$key = '3adfa886-415f-4e80-8b53-bddedf59c0ec';

$clickID = 'some value';

$ip = ''; //Only an example


$result = http_get("http://bidsystem.adknowledge.com/conversion_sts.php?key={$key}&click_id={$clickID}&ip={$ip}");



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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