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On This day in History… Array issues

Hello all, can someone spot the mistake in here… cos I can’t!

I am aiming to get an on this day on history function on my site… (eventually to do a google type image change in the header…) but for now theres a bug here and my brain cant see where I am going wrong

Many thanks



// Array Structure:  "Date","Quote","Year"

$allqts = array
"1410", "tim created script...", "2006",
"1510", "tim posts script on site...", "2006",
"1610", "tim has minimal success...", "2006",

// Gets the Total number of Items in the array then Divides by 3 because there is a date then a Quote followed by a year
$totalqts = (count($allqts)/3);

// Subtracted 1 from the total because '0' is not accounted for otherwise
$nmbr =($totalqts-1);
$nmbr = $nmbr*3;

// I think this is where it's going wrong...
$quote = $allqts[$nmbr];
        $nmbr = $nmbr+1;
$year = $allqts[$nmbr];
$nmbr = $nmbr+2;

$today = date(dm);

// check var is correct - remove later
echo $today;

if ($today == $allqts) {
echo '$quote', '<br /> On this day in $year' ;
echo ' - oooops no!';
"1410", "tim created script...", "2006",
"1510", "tim posts script on site...", "2006",
"1610", "tim has minimal success...", "2006", [color=red]<--[/color]

thought it might be the last comma, the code would have been searching another value... but no....!

Not sure if this helps you, but I'd have approached it slightly differently (example below works):


// Array Structure:  "Date|Quote|Year"

$allqts = array
"1410|tim created script...|2006",
"1510|tim posts script on site...|2006",
"1610|tim has minimal success...|2006",
"1410|Andy edited it|2006"

$today = date(dm);
for ($i=0;$i<count($allqts);$i++) {
    $bits = explode("|",$allqts[$i]);
    if ($bits[0] == $today) {
        echo $bits[1]. "<br/>On this day is ". $bits[2]. "<br/>";
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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