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I am trying to make a form where the button will display the action (submit, clear, send, send password) in the language the user selects.
I am trying to get this to work with english and japanese to start.
the english version works but the japanese not
Does anybody know what exactly happens when a string is submitted with a <form method="POST">

the first function is to determine if a user has set a language or has submitted a change for the language.
the second funtion is to display the dropdown menu.
the funtcion $case=button_caption(3); gets the caption out of a mysql database and is the caption displayed on the button.

I am getting desperate and thinking about giving up on multilanguage forms. (IF ONLY IE supported buttons decently)

I would be very thankfull if anyone can show me a way (any way) how to make a button with different language captions.
Maybe it can be done using images with the caption ?

Thank you for looking

//- language_set() //set the language session var if not defined or changes the session var
//- language_dropdown() //displays the dropdown menu for the languages

function language_set()
echo "geen request submit<br />";
$_SESSION['userlanguage']='001'; //default English
echo "submit: " . $submit."<br />";
// $case="'".$case."'";
echo "case: ".$case."<br />";
if ($submit==$case){echo "submit == case<br />";}
echo "submit in case= ".$_REQUEST['submit']."<br />";
echo "language= " . $_SESSION['userlanguage']."<br />";

function language_dropdown()
//select all the available languages
$Table01 = "language";
$Query01 = "SELECT * FROM $Table01
WHERE LanguageHide = 1
ORDER BY LanguageLan_Language;";

$Table02 = "language_button";
$language = "Lan_ButLan".$_SESSION['userlanguage'];
$Query02 = "SELECT Lan_ButValue, $language FROM $Table02
WHERE Lan_ButId=3";

// echo $Query02;
//open read connection
//execute query
$Result01 = mysql_query($Query01) or die(mysql_error());
$Result02 = select_1_row_check($Query02);
//close read connection
if (gettype($Result02)== 'string'){
echo 'there was a problem please contact the administrator with the following message: ';
echo $Result02;
$Row02 = mysql_fetch_array($Result02);
<form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?page=index"; ?>" >
<tr><td>Select your language</td></tr>
<select name="Language">
//get results in row and display row
while($Row01 = mysql_fetch_array($Result01)){

?> <option value="<?php echo $Row01['LanguageLan_Nr']; ?>"><?php echo $Row01['LanguageLan_Language']; ?></option>
<?php $button=button_caption(3); ?>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $button; ?>">
<br /><a href="<?php echo $button; ?>"><?php echo $button; ?></a>

<?php echo "<br />test".$button=button_caption(3); ?>


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I have this as header
//IE6 session fix
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Cache-control: private");


but it does not make any difference
befor I had this in my HTML
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

Thank you for the suggesting but I have to keep everything in UTF-8 as the website has to be able to switch between languages.
changing the character set to EUC-JP is really not a good thing to do I think.

I guess there is not a real way around my problem.
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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