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hey all,

i have this website www.corpplus.net, i created a wall page where the visitors can write something on site (see http://www.corpplus.net/corpplus-wall), i am putting a Captcha image in the form, but i receive also a spam and some messages which are not a real user like this message :

"side effects of oral typhoid vaccine emsam uk humulin n pen device .... " from "[email protected]", and it's clearly that's not a real user, so how they can do this? Doesn't Captha deny this cases??

please help

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yes. pretty much anything can be cracked nothing is 100% secure. But you can make it harder for them.


right now i am pretty sure just a simple OCR would suffice to break your captcha http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_character_recognition


You might want to have a look in the captcha google provides, it's much harder to crack as far as text because their own ocr can't crack it. (they use words from old books if i am correct)



hope this helps.


Your captcha is really bad.  However even when you have a captcha there are schemes and even people who are paid to manually post spam, if the target is considered important enough.  With that said, you really need a better captcha.  Recaptcha is one solution you should consider.

there are something not clear! in this page : http://code.google.com/apis/recaptcha/docs/verify.html, they said i have to send the private key POST to the URL "http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/verify", so i have to make an input hidden and set his value to the private key given when i created the recaptcha, but when i create it, they give me :


Private Key: ******************************************

Use this when communicating between your server and our server. Be sure to keep it a secret.


so how i will fix this? please any one can help me in full steps?

i run a site we used recaptcha re got 10+ posts a day of teh same bs .. we now use a captcha flash puzzle with 100 dif puzzles each with 5 sizes and dif number of pices making it more hard for them any way ... as for adding recaptia in

"<form name="frm_wall" method="post" action="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/verify" id="frm_wall">"

on your wall page add a hidden input bar but more of a better way to to use imbeded functions thatw ay they cannot get the post info see this http://code.google.com/apis/recaptcha/docs/php.html how to make a php function that sends the info a lil more secure

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