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i have been trying to accomplish this for 1 month now ive read all kinds of things and to no avail today i got it to work with 4 and then added 2 more and it wouldnt work anymore ... which makes no sense at all im using "form to email" and these instructions

Selecting recipients by checkbox


This demonstrates another way to send the email from the script to different recipients depending on visitor selection. This is based on a "real life" example from a customer who wanted the email to go only to certain recipients depending on which checkboxes were checked on the form. This was on a wedding website. The visitor could enter their contact information in the form, then check checkboxes to indicate which suppliers they would like to hear from. The script would then send the email with the visitor's contact information only to those suppliers who were in the selected categories.


For each wedding category there were several suppliers. The requirement was to make sure that every supplier in the chosen category got sent the email, regardless of how many suppliers were in each category and regardless of how many categories were selected. The code below, shows you how to achieve this. It is shorter than the code in the "real life" instance, but it shows you all you need to know.


For this example, the suppliers are caterers, photographers, bakers and florists.


Put this code on your form page, to make the checkboxes:


<input type="checkbox" name="suppliers[]" value="caterers"> Caterers


<input type="checkbox" name="suppliers[]" value="photographers"> Photographers


<input type="checkbox" name="suppliers[]" value="bakers"> Bakers


<input type="checkbox" name="suppliers[]" value="florists"> Florists


Open up your script (FormToEmail.php or formtoemailpro.php) and locate this line (same as the example above):




Above it, paste in this code:


if(isset($_REQUEST['suppliers']) && count($_REQUEST['suppliers']))



$recipient_email_addresses = array



"caterers" => array('[email protected]','[email protected]'),

"photographers" => array('[email protected]'),

"bakers" => array('[email protected]','[email protected]','[email protected]'),

"florists" => array('[email protected]','[email protected]','[email protected]','[email protected]')




foreach($_REQUEST['suppliers'] as $value){foreach($recipient_email_addresses[$value] as $value2){mail($value2,$subject,$message,$headers);}}




Save your form page and edited script and upload them to your webspace.


and this is what ive got

my form


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>CBN.inc Email Directory</title>

<h1>CBN.inc Email Directory</h1>




<form action="FormToEmail.php" method="post">


<table border="0" style="background:#ececec" cellspacing="5">


<tr align="left"><td>Name</td><td style="width: 375px"><input type="text" size="30" name="name"></td></tr>


<tr align="left"><td>Company</td><td style="width: 375px"><input type="text" size="30" name="Company"></td></tr>


<tr align="left"><td>Email</td><td style="width: 375px"><input type="text" size="30" name="email"></td></tr>


<tr align="left"><td valign="top">Bid Info</td><td style="width: 375px"><textarea name="Bid Info" rows="6" cols="30"></textarea><br />


<input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="chris"> Chris

<br />

<input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="khryss"> Khryss


        <input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="webmaster"> Webmaster


        <input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="khryss2"> Khryss2


        <input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="fern"> Fern


        <input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="fern2"> Fern2



<tr align="left"><td> </td><td style="width: 375px"><input type="submit" value="Send"><font face="arial" size="1">  <a href="http://FormToEmail.com">PHP Form</a> by FormToEmail.com<br />









and my php



error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);




Thank you for choosing FormToEmail by FormToEmail.com


Version 2.5 April 16th 2009


COPYRIGHT FormToEmail.com 2003 - 2009


You are not permitted to sell this script, but you can use it, copy it or distribute it, providing that you do not delete this copyright notice, and you do not remove any reference or links to FormToEmail.com


For support, please visit: http://formtoemail.com/support/


You can get the Pro version of this script here: http://formtoemail.com/formtoemail_pro_version.php



FormToEmail-Pro (Pro version) Features:


Check for required fields

Attach file uploads

Upload files to the server

Securimage CAPTCHA support

reCAPTCHA support

textCAPTCHA support

identiPIC photo CAPTCHA

HTML output option

Use email templates

Show date and time submitted

Create Message ID

CSV output to attachment or file

Autoresponder (with file attachment)

Show sender's IP address

Block IP addresses

Block web addresses or rude words

Block gibberish (MldMtrPAgZq etc)

Block gobbledegook characters (Å ð ç etc)

Pre-populate the form

Show errors on the form page

Check for a set cookie

Set encoding (utf-8 etc)

Ignore fields

Sort fields

Auto redirect to "Thank You" page

HTML template for "Thank You" page

No branding

Free upgrades for life




Confused by PHP and PERL scripts?  Don't have PHP on your server?  Can't send email from your server?


Try our remotely hosted form service:








FormToEmail is a contact-form processing script written in PHP. It allows you to place a form on your website which your visitors can fill out and send to you.  The contents of the form are sent to the email address (or addresses) which you specify below.  The form allows your visitors to enter their name, email address and comments.  The script will not allow a blank form to be sent.


Your visitors (and nasty spambots!) cannot see your email address.  The script cannot be hijacked by spammers.


When the form is sent, your visitor will get a confirmation of this on the screen, and will be given a link to continue to your homepage, or other page if you specify it.


Should you need the facility, you can add additional fields to your form, which this script will also process without making any additional changes to the script.  You can also use it to process other forms.  The script will handle the "POST" or "GET" methods.  It will also handle multiple select inputs and multiple check box inputs.  If using these, you must name the field as an array using square brackets, like so: <select name="fruit[]" multiple>.  The same goes for check boxes if you are using more than one with the same name, like so: <input type="checkbox" name="fruit[]" value="apple">Apple<input type="checkbox" name="fruit[]" value="orange">Orange<input type="checkbox" name="fruit[]" value="banana">Banana


** PLEASE NOTE **  If you are using the script to process your own forms (or older FormToEmail forms) you must ensure that the email field is named correctly in your form, like this for example: <input type="text" name="email">.  Note the lower case "email".  If you don't do this, the visitor's email address will not be available to the script and the script won't be able to check the validity of the email, amongst other things.  If you are using the form code below, you don't need to check for this.


This is a PHP script.  In order for it to run, you must have PHP (version 4.1.0 or later) on your webhosting account, and have the PHP mail() function enabled and working.  If you are not sure about this, please ask your webhost about it.




Step 1: Put the form on your webpage

Step 2: Enter your email address and (optional) continue link below

Step 3: Upload the files to your webspace


Step 1:


To put the form on your webpage, copy the code below as it is, and paste it into your webpage:


<form action="FormToEmail.php" method="post">

<table border="0" style="background:#ececec" cellspacing="5">

<tr align="left"><td>Name</td><td><input type="text" size="30" name="name"></td></tr>

<tr align="left"><td>Email address</td><td><input type="text" size="30" name="email"></td></tr>

<tr align="left"><td valign="top">Comments</td><td><textarea name="comments" rows="6" cols="30"></textarea></td></tr>

<tr align="left"><td> </td><td><input type="submit" value="Send"><font face="arial" size="1">  <a href="http://FormToEmail.com">PHP Form</a> by FormToEmail.com</font></td></tr>




Step 2:


Enter your email address.


Enter the email address below to send the contents of the form to.  You can enter more than one email address separated by commas, like so: $my_email = "[email protected]"; or $my_email = "[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]";




$my_email = "";



Optional.  Enter a From: email address.  Only do this if you know you need to.  By default, the email you get from the script will show the visitor's email address as the From: address.  In most cases this is desirable.  On the majority of setups this won't be a problem but a minority of hosts insist that the From: address must be from a domain on the server.  For example, if you have the domain example.com hosted on your server, then the From: email address must be [email protected] (See your host for confirmation).  This means that your visitor's email address will not show as the From: address, and if you hit "Reply" to the email from the script, you will not be replying to your visitor.  You can get around this by hard-coding a From: address into the script using the configuration option below.  Enabling this option means that the visitor's email address goes into a Reply-To: header, which means you can hit "Reply" to respond to the visitor in the conventional way.  (You can also use this option if your form does not collect an email address from the visitor, such as a survey, for example, and a From: address is required by your email server.)  The default value is: $from_email = "";  Enter the desired email address between the quotes, like this example: $from_email = "[email protected]";  In these cases, it is not uncommon for the From: ($from_email) address to be the same as the To: ($my_email) address, which on the face of it appears somewhat goofy, but that's what some hosts require.




$from_email = "";




Optional.  Enter the continue link to offer the user after the form is sent.  If you do not change this, your visitor will be given a continue link to your homepage.


If you do change it, remove the "/" symbol below and replace with the name of the page to link to, eg: "mypage.htm" or "http://www.elsewhere.com/page.htm"




$continue = "/";




Step 3:


Save this file (FormToEmail.php) and upload it together with your webpage containing the form to your webspace.  IMPORTANT - The file name is case sensitive!  You must save it exactly as it is named above!




You do not need to make any changes below this line.




$errors = array();


// Remove $_COOKIE elements from $_REQUEST.


if(count($_COOKIE)){foreach(array_keys($_COOKIE) as $value){unset($_REQUEST[$value]);}}


// Validate email field.


if(isset($_REQUEST['email']) && !empty($_REQUEST['email']))



$_REQUEST['email'] = trim($_REQUEST['email']);


if(substr_count($_REQUEST['email'],"@") != 1 || stristr($_REQUEST['email']," ") || stristr($_REQUEST['email'],"\\") || stristr($_REQUEST['email'],":")){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{$exploded_email = explode("@",$_REQUEST['email']);if(empty($exploded_email[0]) || strlen($exploded_email[0]) > 64 || empty($exploded_email[1])){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{if(substr_count($exploded_email[1],".") == 0){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{$exploded_domain = explode(".",$exploded_email[1]);if(in_array("",$exploded_domain)){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{foreach($exploded_domain as $value){if(strlen($value) > 63 || !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+$/i',$value)){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid"; break;}}}}}}




// Check referrer is from same site.


if(!(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))){$errors[] = "You must enable referrer logging to use the form";}


// Check for a blank form.


function recursive_array_check_blank($element_value)



global $set;


if(!is_array($element_value)){if(!empty($element_value)){$set = 1;}}




foreach($element_value as $value){if($set){break;} recursive_array_check_blank($value);}








if(!$set){$errors[] = "You cannot send a blank form";}




// Display any errors and exit if errors exist.


if(count($errors)){foreach($errors as $value){print "$value<br>";} exit;}


if(!defined("PHP_EOL")){define("PHP_EOL", strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == "WIN") ? "\r\n" : "\n");}


// Build message.


function build_message($request_input){if(!isset($message_output)){$message_output ="";}if(!is_array($request_input)){$message_output = $request_input;}else{foreach($request_input as $key => $value){if(!empty($value)){if(!is_numeric($key)){$message_output .= str_replace("_"," ",ucfirst($key)).": ".build_message($value).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;}else{$message_output .= build_message($value).", ";}}}}return rtrim($message_output,", ");}


$message = build_message($_REQUEST);


$message = $message . PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."-- ".PHP_EOL."Thank you for using FormToEmail from http://FormToEmail.com";


$message = stripslashes($message);


$subject = "FormToEmail Comments";


$subject = stripslashes($subject);





$headers = "From: " . $from_email;

$headers .= PHP_EOL;

$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_REQUEST['email'];






$from_name = "";


if(isset($_REQUEST['name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['name'])){$from_name = stripslashes($_REQUEST['name']);}


$headers = "From: {$from_name} <{$_REQUEST['email']}>";



if(isset($_REQUEST['suppliers']) && count($_REQUEST['suppliers']))



$recipient_email_addresses = array



"chris" => array('[email protected]'),

"khryss" => array('[email protected]'),

"webmaster" => array('[email protected]'),

"khryss2" => array('[email protected]'),

"fern" => array('[email protected]'),

"fern2" => array('[email protected]')




foreach($_REQUEST['suppliers'] as $value){foreach($recipient_email_addresses[$value] as $value2){mail($value2,$subject,$message,$headers);}}







<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">





<title>Form To Email PHP script from FormToEmail.com</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">



<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">




<b>Thank you <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['name'])){print stripslashes($_REQUEST['name']);} ?></b>

<br>Your information has been sent

<p><a href="<?php print $continue; ?>">Click here to continue</a></p>

<p><b>FormToEmail</b> by <a href="http://FormToEmail.com">FormToEmail.com</a></p>







i know all that stuff doesn't need to be there in the php .. but i don't know what it needs and what it doesn't .. so any help would be just amazing

like i said it worked once with only 4 emails ... then i added 2 more following the same format and it wont work . i need to be able to add recipients and remove them regularly

1) you posted in the wrong forum

2) you didn't enclose your code in the forum's

 . . . 

BBCode tags, thereby making it quite difficult to read.

3) Your code isn't indented at all, making it even more difficult to read.

4) did you go to the URL provided in the script for support? http://formtoemail.com/support/


---> Moving post to Third Party Scripts

i'm sorry where are the "forum's

 . . . 

BBCode tags" or do i just put

 before and 



indented? the only way i could find to make a difference from what i was saying and code was a horizontal rule ... again sorry


and yes i went to the script for support on form to email ... also tried searching here for similar things that people had problems with.



nobody had the same problems as i did . with 4 emails i could send to all four or 2 or whatever . when i added 2 more emails following the same format

it wouldn't work at all

maybe instead of telling me what i did wrong (which your forum wont let me go back and change or edit that i can find) someone could help please

sorry i'm such a noob ... but i don't know how you expect someone to learn without making mistakes . thanks


my form

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>CBN.inc Email Directory</title>
<h1>CBN.inc Email Directory</h1>

<form action="FormToEmail.php" method="post">

<table border="0" style="background:#ececec" cellspacing="5">

<tr align="left"><td>Name</td><td style="width: 375px"><input type="text" size="30" name="name"></td></tr>

<tr align="left"><td>Company</td><td style="width: 375px"><input type="text" size="30" name="Company"></td></tr>

<tr align="left"><td>Email</td><td style="width: 375px"><input type="text" size="30" name="email"></td></tr>

<tr align="left"><td valign="top">Bid Info</td><td style="width: 375px"><textarea name="Bid Info" rows="6" cols="30"></textarea><br />

<input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="chris"> Chris
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="khryss"> Khryss 
        <input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="webmaster"> Webmaster 
        <input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="khryss2"> Khryss2
        <input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="fern"> Fern
        <input type="checkbox" name="subs[]" value="fern2"> Fern2

<tr align="left"><td> </td><td style="width: 375px"><input type="submit" value="Send"><font face="arial" size="1">  <a href="http://FormToEmail.com">PHP Form</a> by FormToEmail.com<br />


still cant find indent



my php


error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);


Thank you for choosing FormToEmail by FormToEmail.com

Version 2.5 April 16th 2009

COPYRIGHT FormToEmail.com 2003 - 2009

You are not permitted to sell this script, but you can use it, copy it or distribute it, providing that you do not delete this copyright notice, and you do not remove any reference or links to FormToEmail.com

For support, please visit: http://formtoemail.com/support/

You can get the Pro version of this script here: http://formtoemail.com/formtoemail_pro_version.php

FormToEmail-Pro (Pro version) Features:

Check for required fields
Attach file uploads
Upload files to the server
Securimage CAPTCHA support
reCAPTCHA support
textCAPTCHA support
identiPIC photo CAPTCHA
HTML output option
Use email templates
Show date and time submitted
Create Message ID
CSV output to attachment or file
Autoresponder (with file attachment)
Show sender's IP address
Block IP addresses
Block web addresses or rude words
Block gibberish (MldMtrPAgZq etc)
Block gobbledegook characters (Å ð ç etc)
Pre-populate the form
Show errors on the form page
Check for a set cookie
Set encoding (utf-8 etc)
Ignore fields
Sort fields
Auto redirect to "Thank You" page
HTML template for "Thank You" page
No branding
Free upgrades for life


Confused by PHP and PERL scripts?  Don't have PHP on your server?  Can't send email from your server?

Try our remotely hosted form service:




FormToEmail is a contact-form processing script written in PHP. It allows you to place a form on your website which your visitors can fill out and send to you.  The contents of the form are sent to the email address (or addresses) which you specify below.  The form allows your visitors to enter their name, email address and comments.  The script will not allow a blank form to be sent.

Your visitors (and nasty spambots!) cannot see your email address.  The script cannot be hijacked by spammers.

When the form is sent, your visitor will get a confirmation of this on the screen, and will be given a link to continue to your homepage, or other page if you specify it.

Should you need the facility, you can add additional fields to your form, which this script will also process without making any additional changes to the script.  You can also use it to process other forms.  The script will handle the "POST" or "GET" methods.  It will also handle multiple select inputs and multiple check box inputs.  If using these, you must name the field as an array using square brackets, like so: <select name="fruit[]" multiple>.  The same goes for check boxes if you are using more than one with the same name, like so: <input type="checkbox" name="fruit[]" value="apple">Apple<input type="checkbox" name="fruit[]" value="orange">Orange<input type="checkbox" name="fruit[]" value="banana">Banana

** PLEASE NOTE **  If you are using the script to process your own forms (or older FormToEmail forms) you must ensure that the email field is named correctly in your form, like this for example: <input type="text" name="email">.  Note the lower case "email".  If you don't do this, the visitor's email address will not be available to the script and the script won't be able to check the validity of the email, amongst other things.  If you are using the form code below, you don't need to check for this.

This is a PHP script.  In order for it to run, you must have PHP (version 4.1.0 or later) on your webhosting account, and have the PHP mail() function enabled and working.  If you are not sure about this, please ask your webhost about it.


Step 1: Put the form on your webpage
Step 2: Enter your email address and (optional) continue link below
Step 3: Upload the files to your webspace

Step 1:

To put the form on your webpage, copy the code below as it is, and paste it into your webpage:

<form action="FormToEmail.php" method="post">
<table border="0" style="background:#ececec" cellspacing="5">
<tr align="left"><td>Name</td><td><input type="text" size="30" name="name"></td></tr>
<tr align="left"><td>Email address</td><td><input type="text" size="30" name="email"></td></tr>
<tr align="left"><td valign="top">Comments</td><td><textarea name="comments" rows="6" cols="30"></textarea></td></tr>
<tr align="left"><td> </td><td><input type="submit" value="Send"><font face="arial" size="1">  <a href="http://FormToEmail.com">PHP Form</a> by FormToEmail.com</font></td></tr>

Step 2:

Enter your email address.

Enter the email address below to send the contents of the form to.  You can enter more than one email address separated by commas, like so: $my_email = "[email protected]"; or $my_email = "[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]";


$my_email = "";

Optional.  Enter a From: email address.  Only do this if you know you need to.  By default, the email you get from the script will show the visitor's email address as the From: address.  In most cases this is desirable.  On the majority of setups this won't be a problem but a minority of hosts insist that the From: address must be from a domain on the server.  For example, if you have the domain example.com hosted on your server, then the From: email address must be [email protected] (See your host for confirmation).  This means that your visitor's email address will not show as the From: address, and if you hit "Reply" to the email from the script, you will not be replying to your visitor.  You can get around this by hard-coding a From: address into the script using the configuration option below.  Enabling this option means that the visitor's email address goes into a Reply-To: header, which means you can hit "Reply" to respond to the visitor in the conventional way.  (You can also use this option if your form does not collect an email address from the visitor, such as a survey, for example, and a From: address is required by your email server.)  The default value is: $from_email = "";  Enter the desired email address between the quotes, like this example: $from_email = "[email protected]";  In these cases, it is not uncommon for the From: ($from_email) address to be the same as the To: ($my_email) address, which on the face of it appears somewhat goofy, but that's what some hosts require.


$from_email = "";


Optional.  Enter the continue link to offer the user after the form is sent.  If you do not change this, your visitor will be given a continue link to your homepage.

If you do change it, remove the "/" symbol below and replace with the name of the page to link to, eg: "mypage.htm" or "http://www.elsewhere.com/page.htm"


$continue = "/";


Step 3:

Save this file (FormToEmail.php) and upload it together with your webpage containing the form to your webspace.  IMPORTANT - The file name is case sensitive!  You must save it exactly as it is named above!


You do not need to make any changes below this line.


$errors = array();

// Remove $_COOKIE elements from $_REQUEST.

if(count($_COOKIE)){foreach(array_keys($_COOKIE) as $value){unset($_REQUEST[$value]);}}

// Validate email field.

if(isset($_REQUEST['email']) && !empty($_REQUEST['email']))

$_REQUEST['email'] = trim($_REQUEST['email']);

if(substr_count($_REQUEST['email'],"@") != 1 || stristr($_REQUEST['email']," ") || stristr($_REQUEST['email'],"\\") || stristr($_REQUEST['email'],":")){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{$exploded_email = explode("@",$_REQUEST['email']);if(empty($exploded_email[0]) || strlen($exploded_email[0]) > 64 || empty($exploded_email[1])){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{if(substr_count($exploded_email[1],".") == 0){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{$exploded_domain = explode(".",$exploded_email[1]);if(in_array("",$exploded_domain)){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{foreach($exploded_domain as $value){if(strlen($value) > 63 || !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+$/i',$value)){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid"; break;}}}}}}


// Check referrer is from same site.

if(!(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))){$errors[] = "You must enable referrer logging to use the form";}

// Check for a blank form.

function recursive_array_check_blank($element_value)

global $set;

if(!is_array($element_value)){if(!empty($element_value)){$set = 1;}}

foreach($element_value as $value){if($set){break;} recursive_array_check_blank($value);}




if(!$set){$errors[] = "You cannot send a blank form";}


// Display any errors and exit if errors exist.

if(count($errors)){foreach($errors as $value){print "$value<br>";} exit;}

if(!defined("PHP_EOL")){define("PHP_EOL", strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == "WIN") ? "\r\n" : "\n");}

// Build message.

function build_message($request_input){if(!isset($message_output)){$message_output ="";}if(!is_array($request_input)){$message_output = $request_input;}else{foreach($request_input as $key => $value){if(!empty($value)){if(!is_numeric($key)){$message_output .= str_replace("_"," ",ucfirst($key)).": ".build_message($value).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;}else{$message_output .= build_message($value).", ";}}}}return rtrim($message_output,", ");}

$message = build_message($_REQUEST);

$message = $message . PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."-- ".PHP_EOL."Thank you for using FormToEmail from http://FormToEmail.com";

$message = stripslashes($message);

$subject = "FormToEmail Comments";

$subject = stripslashes($subject);


$headers = "From: " . $from_email;
$headers .= PHP_EOL;
$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_REQUEST['email'];


$from_name = "";

if(isset($_REQUEST['name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['name'])){$from_name = stripslashes($_REQUEST['name']);}

$headers = "From: {$from_name} <{$_REQUEST['email']}>";

if(isset($_REQUEST['suppliers']) && count($_REQUEST['suppliers'])) 

$recipient_email_addresses = array 

"chris" => array('[email protected]'), 
"khryss" => array('[email protected]'), 
"webmaster" => array('[email protected]'), 
"khryss2" => array('[email protected]'),
"fern" => array('[email protected]'),
"fern2" => array('[email protected]')


foreach($_REQUEST['suppliers'] as $value){foreach($recipient_email_addresses[$value] as $value2){mail($value2,$subject,$message,$headers);}}



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<title>Form To Email PHP script from FormToEmail.com</title>
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<b>Thank you <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['name'])){print stripslashes($_REQUEST['name']);} ?></b>
<br>Your information has been sent
<p><a href="<?php print $continue; ?>">Click here to continue</a></p>
<p><b>FormToEmail</b> by <a href="http://FormToEmail.com">FormToEmail.com</a></p>



also as i said before i don't think all that needs to be in the php all i want is the bear minimum to accomplish what i need


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