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+1 to row in database


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Hello everyone,


I think what I am hoping to do should be fairly simple, although I a struggling getting the code correct.


I have a row in a database table called stats and another one called id - as well as a load of other rows which are irrelevant to what I am trying to achieve here.


What I am hoping to do is that when a specific id is selected from the database the stats number is what ever it was orginally +1.


Any suggestions?


The part of the code I am refering to is below:


$sql = "SELECT email, title FROM emails WHERE id='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {     
$to = $row['email'];
$job = $row['title'];
$row['stats'] == + 1; //this is the part that I know is completely wrong! everything else works fine. Just need this to say plus one onto the orginal number....



MOD EDIT: corrected BBCode tags . . .

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Oh right I see.


yes I currently have a form that is sent to a specific email address. The email address is selected from the database - depending on what the id is. This all works fine.


What I would like to now add is everytime an email is sent to one of the email address from the database the stats is +1 so that I can track how many emails have been sent to each address.


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It seems to be working! The database is adding one however I get this error now when I submit the form:


Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/content/60/7908160/html/apply-for-job5.php on line 280



The code is as follows:



$sql2 = "UPDATE emails SET stats = (stats + 1) WHERE id='$id'"; 
$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) {     
$stats = $row['stats'];


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