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Selected not sticking to variable?

Douglas Rhiner

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I need another set of eyes and/or some real help.

Been staring at this way toooooo long.



I have a scenario where I'm adding a "Location" and it's attributes to a database.

From a form I capture among other things; Country, State, County, City, Region.

The following PHP script is used to generate a master "object" ID for each "object"( Location, Country, State, County, City, Region) created.

Assume all variables are passed to the script.



$querya = "INSERT INTO vtindex (vtindex_type, vtindex_sesid) VALUES ('$type', '$sesid')";

$resulta = mysql_query($querya);

if ($resulta) {

$queryb = "SELECT * FROM `vtindex` WHERE `vtindex_sesid` = '$sesid' ORDER BY vtindex_time, vtindex_index DESC LIMIT 1";

$resultb = mysql_query($queryb);

while($rowb = mysql_fetch_array($resultb, MYSQL_ASSOC))


$newObjid = "{$rowb['vtindex_index']}";


if ($resultb) {echo $newObjid;}

if (!$resultb) {echo "Object Create - get objid error."; exit;}





The table `vtindex` has the structure:


vtindex_type - text

vtindex_time - timestamp, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

vtindex_sesid - text


The MySQL version is 5.5.9


Brief synopsis:

I create/INSERT a new row into `vtindex` via $querya.

If success ( if ($resulta) ), I then immediately "get" the `vtindex_index` of the row just created with $queryb, as $newObjid.


All seems good.


However, if I require() this script more than once on a page, the value of $newObjid never changes.

The insertion works as predicted every time, generating a new unique `vtindex_index`.

But if I require() the script 6 times on a page ( to generate the 6 "objects" mentioned above ) the echo of $newObjid results in the same number all 6 times.


For example: if the first value that is assigned to $newObjid is the number 00000000012, it will be echoed all six times.


So from my perspective, what seems to be happening is that the value of $newObjid is not being updated/replaced with the new info SELECTED via $queryb the next time the script is "required()".


Am I expecting unrealistic performance?

Do I have the code wrong?

Am I completely out in left field?


Any help with this would be very much appreciated!


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It sounds like you are simply trying to get the auto_increment value of the record you just inserted, if this is the case the mysql_insert_id will do this for you with a lot less effort (and more accuracy) than attempting it yourself.


$querya = "INSERT INTO vtindex (vtindex_type, vtindex_sesid) VALUES ('$type', '$sesid')";
$resulta = mysql_query($querya);
$newObjid = mysql_last_insert_id();


I could have misinterpreted, it's early.





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