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Inconsistent javascript output


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I'm having problems with my scripts. Javascipt output is inconsistent. What i mean is that if i'm accessing the system on my machine, the system outputs the correct figures. But when it is accessed using another machine, incorrect figures are displayed. We are all using google chrome so i guess the browser is not the issue. Javascript is enabled. The operating system might be the issue but im not sure. The system is launched at brinkster.com


here are the codes:

<form name="AddOrder" action="add_order.php" method="POST">
<tbody class="data">
for ($i=1; $i<11; $i++) {
$m = fmod($i, 2); 
if ($m == 0) {
	?><tr class="even"><?PHP
} else {
	?><tr class="odd"><?PHP
	<td align="center"><?PHP echo $i ?></td><td align="left"><select id="product_id<?PHP echo $i ?>" name="product_id<?PHP echo $i ?>" onchange="OrderRequest('sell_price<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'get_price.php?product_id=', 'promo<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'get_promo.php?product_id=', 'qty_mul<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'get_qty_mul.php?product_id=', 'price_mul<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'get_price_mul.php?product_id=', 'product_id<?PHP echo $i ?>')"><option value="0">Product Name</option>
			$sql = "SELECT product_id, product_name FROM products WHERE ptype = 1 ORDER BY product_name";
			$pres = mysql_query($sql);
			while ($prow = mysql_fetch_array($pres)) {
				print "<option value=$prow[0]>$prow[1]</option>";
	<td align="center"><input type="text" size="10" id="promo<?PHP echo $i ?>" name="promo<?PHP echo $i ?>" readonly="true"></td>
	<td align="center"><input type="text" size="7" id="price_mul<?PHP echo $i ?>" name="price_mul<?PHP echo $i ?>" style="text-align:right;"></td>
	<td align="center"><input type="text" size="7" id="qty_mul<?PHP echo $i ?>" name="qty_mul<?PHP echo $i ?>" style="text-align:right;"></td>
	<td align="center"><input type="text" size="7" id="sell_price<?PHP echo $i ?>" name="sell_price<?PHP echo $i ?>" readonly="true" style="text-align:right;"></td>
	<td align="center"><input type="text" size="7" id="quantity<?PHP echo $i ?>" name="quantity<?PHP echo $i ?>" onblur="PromoRequest('sell_price<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'get_promo_price.php', 'net_price<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'get_net_price.php', 'tquantity<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'product_id<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'quantity<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'sell_price<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'price_mul<?PHP echo $i ?>', 'qty_mul<?PHP echo $i ?>')" style="text-align:right;"></td>
	<td align="center"><input type="text" size="7" id="tquantity<?PHP echo $i ?>" name="tquantity<?PHP echo $i ?>" readonly="true" style="text-align:right;" onblur="getOrderTPrice()"></td>
	<td align="center"><input type="text" size="7" id="net_price<?PHP echo $i ?>" name="net_price<?PHP echo $i ?>" readonly="true" style="text-align:right;" onblur="getOrderTPrice()"></td>
<tr class="odd">
	<td colspan="7" align="right"><b>Line Totals</b></td>
	<td align="center"><input type="text" size="7" id="tqty" name="tqty" readonly="true" style="text-align:right;"></td>
	<td align="center"><input type="text" size="7" id="tnet_price" name="tnet_price" readonly="true" style="text-align:right;"></td>
<tr class="odd"><td align="center" colspan="9">
		<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="1">
		<input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?PHP echo $token ?>">
		<input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="<?PHP echo $order_id ?>">
		<input type="reset">   
		<input onClick="valAddOrder()" type="button" value="Submit"></td></tr>



function PromoRequest(target_div1, file1, target_div2, file2, target_div3, product_id, quantity, sell_price, price_mul, qty_mul) {
var MyHttpRequest = false;
var MyHttpRequest2 = false;
var MyHttpLoading = 'Loading...'; 
var ErrorMSG = 'Sorry - No XMLHTTP support in your browser, buy a newspaper instead';

var customer_id = document.AddOrder.customer_id.value;
var product_id = document.getElementById(product_id).value;
var quantity = document.getElementById(quantity).value;
var sell_price = document.getElementById(sell_price).value;
var price_mul = document.getElementById(price_mul).value;
var qty_mul = document.getElementById(qty_mul).value;

if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { // client use Firefox, Opera etc - Non Microsoft product
	try {
		MyHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		MyHttpRequest2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
		MyHttpRequest3 = new XMLHttpRequest();
	} catch(e) {
		MyHttpRequest = false;
		MyHttpRequest2 = false;
		MyHttpRequest3 = false;
else if(window.ActiveXObject) { // client use Internet Explorer
	try {
		MyHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
		MyHttpRequest2 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
		MyHttpRequest3 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
	catch(e) {
		try {
			MyHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
			MyHttpRequest2 = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
			MyHttpRequest3 = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
		catch(e) {
			MyHttpRequest = false;
			MyHttpRequest2 = false;
			MyHttpRequest3 = false;
} else {
	MyHttpRequest = false;
	MyHttpRequest2 = false;
	MyHttpRequest3 = false;

if(MyHttpRequest) { // browser supports httprequest
	var query_string = '?product_id=' + product_id + '&quantity=' + quantity + '&sell_price=' + sell_price + '&customer_id=' + customer_id;
	MyHttpRequest.open("get", url_encode(file1 + query_string), true); // <-- run the httprequest using GET
	MyHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
		if(MyHttpRequest.readyState == 4) { // done and responded
			document.getElementById(target_div1).value = MyHttpRequest.responseText; // display result
		} else { document.getElementById(target_div1).value = MyHttpLoading; // still working 	
} else {
	document.getElementById(target_div1).value = ErrorMSG; // the browser was unable to create a httprequest

if(MyHttpRequest2) { // browser supports httprequest
	var query_string = '?product_id=' + product_id + '&quantity=' + quantity + '&sell_price=' + sell_price + '&price_mul=' + price_mul + '&customer_id=' + customer_id;
	MyHttpRequest2.open("get", url_encode(file2 + query_string), true); // <-- run the httprequest using GET
	MyHttpRequest2.onreadystatechange = function () {
		if(MyHttpRequest2.readyState == 4) { // done and responded
			document.getElementById(target_div2).value = MyHttpRequest2.responseText; // display result
		} else { document.getElementById(target_div2).value = MyHttpLoading; // still working 	
} else {
	document.getElementById(target_div2).value = ErrorMSG; // the browser was unable to create a httprequest

if(MyHttpRequest3) { // browser supports httprequest
	var tqty = quantity * qty_mul;
	document.getElementById(target_div3).value = tqty; 
} else {
	document.getElementById(target_div3).value = ErrorMSG; // the browser was unable to create a httprequest


function OrderRequest(target_div, file, target_div2, file2, target_div3, file3, target_div4, file4, check_div) {
// get the branch selected
var customer_id = document.AddOrder.customer_id.value;

if (customer_id == 0) {
	alert("Please select the dealer first!");
	document.AddOrder.customer_id.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFF00";
} else {
	var MyHttpRequest = false;
	var MyHttpRequest2 = false;
	var MyHttpRequest3 = false;
	var MyHttpRequest4 = false;
	var MyHttpLoading = 'Loading...'; 
	var ErrorMSG = 'Sorry - No XMLHTTP support in your browser, buy a newspaper instead';

	if(check_div) {
		var check_value = document.getElementById(check_div).value;
	} else {
		var check_value = '';

	if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { // client use Firefox, Opera etc - Non Microsoft product
		try {
			MyHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
			MyHttpRequest2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
			MyHttpRequest3 = new XMLHttpRequest();
			MyHttpRequest4 = new XMLHttpRequest();
		} catch(e) {
			MyHttpRequest = false;
			MyHttpRequest2 = false;
			MyHttpRequest3 = false;
			MyHttpRequest4 = false;
	else if(window.ActiveXObject) { // client use Internet Explorer
		try {
			MyHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
			MyHttpRequest2 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
			MyHttpRequest3 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
			MyHttpRequest4 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
		catch(e) {
			try {
				MyHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
				MyHttpRequest2 = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
				MyHttpRequest3 = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
				MyHttpRequest4 = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
			catch(e) {
				MyHttpRequest = false;
				MyHttpRequest2 = false;
				MyHttpRequest3 = false;
				MyHttpRequest4 = false;
	} else {
		MyHttpRequest = false;
		MyHttpRequest2 = false;
		MyHttpRequest3 = false;
		MyHttpRequest4 = false;

	if(MyHttpRequest) { // browser supports httprequest
		var random = Math.random() * Date.parse(new Date()); // make a random string to prevent caching

		var file_array = file.split('.'); // prepare to check if we have a query string or a html/htm file
		if(file_array[1] == 'php') { // no query string, just calling a php file
			var query_string = '?rand=' + random;
		} else if(file_array[1] == 'htm' || file_array[1] == 'html') { // calling a htm or html file
			var query_string = '';
		} else { // we have presumable a php file with a query string attached
			var query_string = check_value + '&customer_id=' + customer_id + '&rand=' + random;

		MyHttpRequest.open("get", url_encode(file + query_string), true); // <-- run the httprequest using GET

		// handle the httprequest
		MyHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
			if(MyHttpRequest.readyState == 4) { // done and responded
				document.getElementById(target_div).value = MyHttpRequest.responseText; // display result
			} else {
				document.getElementById(target_div).value = MyHttpLoading; // still working
	} else {
		document.getElementById(target_div).value = ErrorMSG; // the browser was unable to create a httprequest

	if(MyHttpRequest2) // browser supports httprequest
		var random = Math.random() * Date.parse(new Date()); // make a random string to prevent caching

		var file_array = file2.split('.'); // prepare to check if we have a query string or a html/htm file
		if(file_array[1] == 'php') // no query string, just calling a php file
			var query_string = '?rand=' + random;
		else if(file_array[1] == 'htm' || file_array[1] == 'html') // calling a htm or html file
			var query_string = '';
		else // we have presumable a php file with a query string attached
			var query_string = check_value + '&rand=' + random;

		MyHttpRequest2.open("get", url_encode(file2 + query_string), true); // <-- run the httprequest using GET

		// handle the httprequest
		MyHttpRequest2.onreadystatechange = function ()
			if(MyHttpRequest2.readyState == 4) // done and responded
				document.getElementById(target_div2).value = MyHttpRequest2.responseText; // display result
				document.getElementById(target_div2).value = MyHttpLoading; // still working
		document.getElementById(target_div2).value = ErrorMSG; // the browser was unable to create a httprequest

	if(MyHttpRequest3) // browser supports httprequest
		var random = Math.random() * Date.parse(new Date()); // make a random string to prevent caching

		var file_array = file3.split('.'); // prepare to check if we have a query string or a html/htm file
		if(file_array[1] == 'php') // no query string, just calling a php file
			var query_string = '?rand=' + random;
		else if(file_array[1] == 'htm' || file_array[1] == 'html') // calling a htm or html file
			var query_string = '';
		else // we have presumable a php file with a query string attached
			var query_string = check_value + '&rand=' + random;

		MyHttpRequest3.open("get", url_encode(file3 + query_string), true); // <-- run the httprequest using GET

		// handle the httprequest
		MyHttpRequest3.onreadystatechange = function ()
			if(MyHttpRequest3.readyState == 4) // done and responded
				document.getElementById(target_div3).value = MyHttpRequest3.responseText; // display result
				document.getElementById(target_div3).value = MyHttpLoading; // still working
		document.getElementById(target_div3).value = ErrorMSG; // the browser was unable to create a httprequest

	if(MyHttpRequest4) // browser supports httprequest
		var random = Math.random() * Date.parse(new Date()); // make a random string to prevent caching

		var file_array = file4.split('.'); // prepare to check if we have a query string or a html/htm file
		if(file_array[1] == 'php') // no query string, just calling a php file
			var query_string = '?rand=' + random;
		else if(file_array[1] == 'htm' || file_array[1] == 'html') // calling a htm or html file
			var query_string = '';
		else // we have presumable a php file with a query string attached
			var query_string = check_value + '&rand=' + random;

		MyHttpRequest4.open("get", url_encode(file4 + query_string), true); // <-- run the httprequest using GET

		// handle the httprequest
		MyHttpRequest4.onreadystatechange = function ()
			if(MyHttpRequest4.readyState == 4) // done and responded
				document.getElementById(target_div4).value = MyHttpRequest4.responseText; // display result
				document.getElementById(target_div4).value = MyHttpLoading; // still working
		document.getElementById(target_div4).value = ErrorMSG; // the browser was unable to create a httprequest

function getOrderTPrice() {
var tquantity1 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity1.value;
var tquantity2 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity2.value;
var tquantity3 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity3.value;
var tquantity4 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity4.value;
var tquantity5 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity5.value;
var tquantity6 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity6.value;
var tquantity7 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity7.value;
var tquantity8 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity8.value;
var tquantity9 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity9.value;
var tquantity10 = +document.AddOrder.tquantity10.value;

var net_price1 = +document.AddOrder.net_price1.value;
var net_price2 = +document.AddOrder.net_price2.value;
var net_price3 = +document.AddOrder.net_price3.value;
var net_price4 = +document.AddOrder.net_price4.value;
var net_price5 = +document.AddOrder.net_price5.value;
var net_price6 = +document.AddOrder.net_price6.value;
var net_price7 = +document.AddOrder.net_price7.value;
var net_price8 = +document.AddOrder.net_price8.value;
var net_price9 = +document.AddOrder.net_price9.value;
var net_price10 = +document.AddOrder.net_price10.value;

var tqty = (tquantity1 * 1) + (tquantity2 * 1) + (tquantity3 * 1) + (tquantity4 * 1) + (tquantity5 * 1) + (tquantity6 * 1) + (tquantity7 * 1) + (tquantity8 * 1) + (tquantity9 * 1) + (tquantity10 * 1);
var tnet_price = (net_price1 * 1) + (net_price2 * 1) + (net_price3 * 1) + (net_price4 * 1) + (net_price5 * 1) + (net_price6 * 1) + (net_price7 * 1) + (net_price8 * 1) + (net_price9 * 1) + (net_price10 * 1);

document.AddOrder.tqty.value = tqty;
document.AddOrder.tnet_price.value = tnet_price;



The problem is that the net price and line total are sometimes correct but sometimes incorrect. I really dont know where is the problem. Please give me insights. A million thanks.


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Can you be a little more specific with the issue? Perhaps directions to recreate the issue at that website too? You've thrown a vague problem at us with a chunk of code and expected a solution. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't want to waste time trying to find out what the issue actually is, before I can even offer any help trying to find the cause of it.

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