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Hi, I'm trying to store the last 5 pages a user visited on my website and i can't seem to get it working. I've found a couple of pages that kind of tell me what i thought i need, but they dont seem to be correct.


Anyways heres what i've tried;

// if theres no cookie set yet, then set it with the current page.
// first we create an array
        $HistoryArray = array($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
// next we set the cookie with serialized() array
setcookie("history", serialize($HistoryArray), time()+(60*60*24*31), "/");

// if we already have a cookie set we want to get the data from it, add that to an array and reset the cookie
// first we unserialize() the cookies data
       $HistoryArray = unserialize($_COOKIE['history']);
// next we add to the array
$HistoryArray[] = array($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

       if(count($HistoryArray) > 5)
	// if theres more than 5 rows in the array then we want to remove the first row
	// finally we set the new cookie with the updated page
setcookie("history", serialize($HistoryArray), time()+(60*60*24*31), "/");

I have this in an include thats present in every page in my site


And then a test page i've made to try and see if this actually worked looks like this;

$NumCookies = count(unserialize($_COOKIE['history']));

echo "Num Cookies: ".$NumCookies."<br />";

for($i = 1; $i < $NumCookies + 1; $i++)
echo "Cookie number ".$i." : ".unserialize($_COOKIE['history'][$i])."<br />";


To me this logically seems to make sense right?

I only ever get one row listed no matter how many pages i go to on my website.



I also tried something similar to this with a manually created array just so i could test if my test page was even working. This almost worked, using the same code as above it counts the number of elements in the array correctly and loops through it but the value of the cookie is always blank.


What am i doing wrong, anyone know?



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EDIT: I have just changed one small bit:





which was just a sily mistake on my part. It does now show 5 rows (once i've visited 5 pages).

I am still however having problems actually getting that data, its still coming up blank

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// next we add to the array
$HistoryArray[] = array($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

Probably should be:

// next we add to the array
$HistoryArray[] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

And to display, probably:

$HistoryArray = unserialize($_COOKIE['history']);
$NumCookies = count($HistoryArray);

echo "Num Cookies: ".$NumCookies."<br />";

foreach($HistoryArray as $value) {
   echo $val . '<br />';

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// next we add to the array
$HistoryArray[] = array($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

Probably should be:

// next we add to the array
$HistoryArray[] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

Ah yeah i noticed this mistake myself shortly after posting.

And to display, probably:

$HistoryArray = unserialize($_COOKIE['history']);
$NumCookies = count($HistoryArray);

echo "Num Cookies: ".$NumCookies."<br />";

foreach($HistoryArray as $value) {
   echo $val . '<br />';


This part worked a treat, thanks.

As you can probably tell im not all that great with arrays, i forgot this was how to go about printing them.



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