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I'm trying to set the select to whatever was posted. In this case I'm using dates.


I think I may have my loops wrong. On every post I get the select set to the first date in my date array ($options)


I've tried putting the loops in different places but can't get it right. 


Any help is appreciated.

//Getting the Dates
    $date_query="Select Game_Date from june122011 GROUP BY Game_Date DESC";
//setting the select as post
// check if Post Select is set and set x to post
if (isset($_POST['Select']) AND strlen($_POST['Select']>0)) {
//loop through dates	
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($date_results)) {
//if date = the post set it as selected
if ($x==$thedays) {
    $options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$thedays\" $x>".$thedays.'</option>';
// end getting dates ?>


Then the html part:

<select name="Select" id="Select" class="select">
      <?php echo $options ?>

Comment out this for the moment:

if ($x==$thedays) {


And put this in it's place:

$x = ( !empty($_POST['Select']) && $_POST['Select'] == $thedays ) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';


Should work, unless I've misread something . . .

That certainly did fix it. Thank you very much for that.


I don't want to impose but I'm learning PHP as I go, mostly I just keep trying stuff till it works. :)


Can you explain what your code is doing there at the end?


I understand the first part just checking if not empty and the values match, but the end part with the ? and : I'm not familiar with sort of functionality.



That's called ternary syntax, it's basically an abbreviated if/else conditional. It does the same as:

if( !empty($_POST['Select']) && $_POST['Select'] == $thedays ) {
     $x = 'selected="selected"';
} else {
     $x = '';


See example #2 and #3 HERE for more info.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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