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include "config.php";


      $result = mysql_query('select * from employee where status="accepted"');
   tableLoop($count,$result,$option,$statusList);    line 19

function tableLoop ($count,$result,$option,$statusList){

   echo "<table id='table'>";
   echo "Empty Query";
      <tr bgcolor='#FFFF66' id='rowHead'>
      <th>Employee Number</th>
      <th>Last Name</th>
      <th>Middle Name</th>
      <th>First Name</th>
            echo "<th>Company</th>";
   $qualified = false;
   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
    if($qualified == true) {
      if ($row['status']=='bad'){
      elseif ($row['status']=='pending'){
     echo "<tr id='$bgcolor'>";
     echo "<td> <a href='viewrecord.php?docNumber=$row[0]&option=$option'>" . $row['empno'] . "</a></td>";
     $userResult=mysql_query("SELECT last name, middle name, first name, position, age  
                       from employee where company=('$company')") or die(mysql_error());
     echo "<td> <a href='viewrecord.php?docNumber=$row[0]&option=$option'>" . $userRow['last name'] . "</a></td>";
     echo "<td> <a href='viewrecord.php?docNumber=$row[0]&option=$option'>" . $userRow['middle name'] . "</a></td>";
     echo "<td> <a href='viewrecord.php?docNumber=$row[0]&option=$option'>" . $userRow['first name'] . "</a></td>";
     echo "<td> <a href='viewrecord.php?docNumber=$row[0]&option=$option'>" . $userRow['position'] ."</a></td>";
     echo "<td><a href='viewrecord.php?docNumber=$row[0]&option=$option'>" . $userRow['age'] . "</a></td>";
     $docTypeResult=mysql_query("SELECT company from employee where company=".$row['company']."");
     echo "<td> <a href='viewrecord.php?docNumber=$row[0]&option=$option'>" . $docTypeRow['company'] . "</a></td>";
     echo "</tr>";
     echo "</table>";

hello im kind of a newbie on php...anybody out there knows how to debug this??


MOD EDIT: code tags added.

hello im kind of a newbie on php...anybody out there knows how to debug this??

Debug that? Man, that code is a mess, and it's not even complete. Function tableLoop seems to have no closing }.

then you do things like:


$qualified = false;
if($qualified == true) {
      if ($row['status']=='bad'){


that is never going to run, because you manually set $qualified to false 1 line before you check it.


Also: always declare functions before you call them.


and this:


}else if($_SESSION['user'] == 2){


what happens if $_SESSION['user'] is empty or does not exist ?


and this:

At the beginning you count the number of results, then you send all the variables into tableLoop... and in table loop you decide to check $count.

... but... even if $count is 0, you still try to do this: while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


very messy.


Try doing a little flowchart of what you want your code to do, so you can organize it in your head first.


im assuming that neither of theses conditions are met, therefore you $options variable is never set

When posting code, enclose it within the forum's

 . . . 

BBCode tags.


There is no session_start] in that code. Is it in config.php? If yes, have you tried echoing $_SESSION['user'] to see what it's value is? If no, you can't use session variables without calling session_start().

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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