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failed faxes


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"How can I extract the fax # out of this e-mail message?  I will either be using a 3rd party program that handles returned messages or build a little mail reading script that will handle this. I want to extract the fax number located between "To fax #  :" and "From fax #  :".


Here is a copy of the e-mail I will receive when the fax failed:



Status for VSI-FAX fax job: 1025


Submitted by: vsifax                E-mail      : myname@testsite.com

Submit time : 06/24 11:15          Queue      : fax1

Result      : expired              Status      : Max tries reached


To name    : <none>                From name  : VSIFAX Administrator

To company  : <none>                From company: <none>             

To fax #    : 555-555-3551          From fax #  : <none>             

To voice #  : <none>                From voice #: <none>             


Subject    : <none>

Num dialed  : 15048323291


usrtag1    : 001210


Cover      :  1 pg  default

File  1    :  2 pgs  /u/ssc/ssi7/docdel/001210.vsi

Total pgs  :  3 pgs


Attempt  Send-Time    Result              CSI

-------  -----------  ------------------  ----------------

1        06/24 11:16  Timed out          <none>

2        06/24 11:22  No carrier          <none>

3        06/24 11:29  Timed out          <none>

4        06/24 11:36  Timed out          <none>

5        06/24 11:42  Timed out          <none>


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you could use the function preg_match_all for this. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match-all.php


as an example.

<?php error_reporting(E_ALL);
ini_set("display_errors", 1);

$string = "Status for VSI-FAX fax job: 1025

Submitted by: vsifax                E-mail      : myname@testsite.com
Submit time : 06/24 11:15           Queue       : fax1
Result      : expired               Status      : Max tries reached

To name     : <none>                From name   : VSIFAX Administrator
To company  : <none>                From company: <none>
To fax #    : 555-555-3551          From fax #  : 555-123-9876
To voice #  : <none>                From voice #: <none>

Subject     : <none>
Num dialed  : 15048323291

usrtag1     : 001210

Cover       :   1 pg   default
File  1     :   2 pgs  /u/ssc/ssi7/docdel/001210.vsi
Total pgs   :   3 pgs

Attempt  Send-Time    Result              CSI
-------  -----------  ------------------  ----------------
1        06/24 11:16  Timed out           <none>
2        06/24 11:22  No carrier          <none>
3        06/24 11:29  Timed out           <none>
4        06/24 11:36  Timed out           <none>
5        06/24 11:42  Timed out           <none>";

$subject = $string;
$pattern = '~fax\s+#\s+:\s+([0-9-]+)~';
preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches);


note sure if the above is the most optimized regex for this case since i had to guess the format. Hope it helps a bit

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Here's my take...


$pattern = '~fax\s+#\s+:\s+\K(??!from).)+~i';
preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches);
$fax = trim($matches[0]);


So first off, since he's just grabbing one number, preg_match should be used instead of preg_match_all.  2nd, to accommodate random fax number formats, I use a negative lookahead and just match everything up to the next "from" and then trim the extra whitespace.



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Here's my take...


$pattern = '~fax\s+#\s+:\s+\K(??!from).)+~i';
preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches);
$fax = trim($matches[0]);


Actually, I can just just put the trailing whitespace in the negative lookahead and skip the trim...



$pattern = '~fax\s+#\s+:\s+\K(??!\s*from).)+~i';
preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches);
$fax = $matches[0];


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Thank you crayonviolent.  This is exactly what I had in mind. Thank you cssfreakie.




Here's my take...


$pattern = '~fax\s+#\s+:\s+\K(??!from).)+~i';
preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches);
$fax = trim($matches[0]);


So first off, since he's just grabbing one number, preg_match should be used instead of preg_match_all.  2nd, to accommodate random fax number formats, I use a negative lookahead and just match everything up to the next "from" and then trim the extra whitespace.



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