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Php script using shell script and cronhjob


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HI All,


My Requirement Senario is like below:


I would like to run one shell script in cronjob daily which will gather the file size of one location and sent it over url to php page.


Now php page will accept all this values over url and stored in mysql database. I am looking for php page which need to be set with shell script.


Any help on this??

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Dont really know what you want but sounds as if the php program or script running once a day could pick up a list of urls from a file somewhere and read those files sizes and then write another file with the results.


The other php program could read the results file and save the details in the database then delete the results file to indicate it had been done.


Something like that??

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its somthing like knowing the sets of file size and putting in mysql database every week along with this script should run on 100's of script and gather all the data into one db and using one php application.


So what i thought was, I will gather the file size of each machine using cronjob everyweek and rsync to my php application hosted machine and then php will read these files and fill into db.


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