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Updating specific values in a column

Mike Miller

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Hi guys,


I have a content management system that allows me to add/edit/delete entries in our site's database. I'm trying to update a column in a table that has different values. One of the values is "Unknown." and I'm trying to replace all instances with "Not available." Here's the code:

SET req = "Not available."
WHERE req = "Unknown.";


Simple, right? It does work - the changes show up when I view the entries in the DB; however, when I go visit one of the entries to see if the changes were made, I still see "Unknown." in the req field. In other words, the site does not display the change.


Any idea why this is happening? I do not want to manually go through each entry with the unknown value, as there are over 1000 such entries.


Thanks much!

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You say they change in the database so the query works.


Most likely is just your browser cache, page cache, or query cache.


Restart the server and clear your browser cache too.

Thanks for the response. Yeah, I restarted the web servers, cleared my cache, and tried different browsers. I still see "Unknown." in the req field.


Any other suggestions? Is there a way to force the update?

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I don't know what system you use, possible your own just saving pages into a folder related to urls.


Depending on what your cached server pages expire times are set to, they should really overwrite in a short time anyway.


If just want them gone now, Delete the cached pages.

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